Your wife - collecting friend or foe? (1 Viewer)

My wife puts up with my collection rather well, except for when I insert a few of my men into one of her Dickens Village scenes. If she didn't know what she was getting into when we were dating, she certainly knew what was up when our honeymoon included a stop at a toy soldier shop.

My wife likes to come along to the Chicago show. She used to collect the Imperial "Town and Around" series when those were available. She is looking forward to the new Petticoats series.

Besides my wife, I have a 6 year old son who loves his Deetail figures, and I have a 10 year old daughter who likes collecting figures of George Washington (her hero). Her twin sister, however, is the only one in the house who doesn't seem to understand my interest in my little men. I guess one out of four isn't bad.
Women, as defined by an engineer:


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Or, the difference between a man shopping and a woman shopping (notice the red line never enters the GAP):


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Or, simple man vs. complicated woman:


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Or, Woman as a Hazardous Substance


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Or, a chart of a man's chance at winning an argument about buying more toy soldiers:


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Michael- you are a HAM!!! That is funny stuff- seen a few of those before

My wife is a valuable asset to my collecting endeavors- it's actually kind of expanded into a whole family experience with us- we go to shops together and buy figures together. Each month, I display all the print outs of my want list and they each pick one and they we decide on one or two to get. My eldest son and wife love WW2, and I am more of an ancients guy myself. My daughter loves horses so we compromised and collect the Knight of Agincourt set with her- just can't break down and buy any Naps figures:D
Or, the difference between a man shopping and a woman shopping (notice the red line never enters the GAP):
I think it decent of you to be so kind & generous to our better halves and reduce the time spent in the mall to just over 3 hours. We know in actuality that it never really is that short a time period.
Yo Trooper SCEIC 2, nice ones. Here is one for you guys over there who have wife versus soldiers troubles.

John, A very religious guy was walking along the beech in California in silent prayer. When all of a sudden a dark cloud appeared over his head. A voice boomed out John this is God, cause thou have been such a faithful servant to me, and prayed to me everyday, I will grant you one wish.
John replied, God could you build me a bridge from America to Hawaii, so I can drive over anytime I want to.
God replied, John I can do this no problem, but dont you think its a wicked waste of the Worlds valuable resources, all the concrete, steel, cable, & manpower for such a task..
Can't you think of anything easier that would show me in a better light, so more people would worship me.
John thought for a minute, ok God could you help me understand my wife better and explain to me why I can never please her. Why she always gets upset, why she is always crying, why she gets annoyed when I wont decorate the house every few weeks, why we never make love as often as we used to.
God went quiet for 5 minutes and replied, John do you want
two or four lanes on the bridge.
That's a good one, Bernard !!!
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First, Bernard, that’s funny.

Would like to offer a solution here to those with wives who complain-or worse about your Britains purchases.

Below is a photo of my better half doing what around our house we call “couch time”.

It’s quite a novel idea, really, and it should work in your household as well:

If or when your wife, girlfriend or whatever doesn’t show the proper enthusiasm for your latest Britains acquisition or, heaven forbid, actually complains about it, just tell her to spend a night or two on the couch.

But guys, a little advice here. If this is going to work, you’re going to need to practice some self-discipline: i.e., when you hear scratching on the bedroom door during the wee hours of the morn, you’re going to have to buck up and be firm. Anyway, a little abstinence now and then never hurt anyone(just ask Gandhi!).


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First off, if your better half sees that you posted that photo, I think you'll be doing some heavy, heavy couch time.

Secondly, if I had the nerve to tell my wife to spend a day or two on the couch, I would be spending a lot of time on the couch and the couch would probably be in the driveway:eek:
First off, if your better half sees that you posted that photo, I think you'll be doing some heavy, heavy couch time.

Secondly, if I had the nerve to tell my wife to spend a day or two on the couch, I would be spending a lot of time on the couch and the couch would probably be in the driveway:eek:

Yeah, I'm with you Brad- that's pretty tough Roan :eek:

Either way, I don't care how much fun the toy soldiers are, spooning with the missus is WAAAYY better than playing around with lead- if you fellas disagree with me, you got issues :D:D
That is funny Roan. I also like Bernard's joke. What a sense of humor on this forum. I won't show my wife this because I will be the one on the couch. Leadmen
Yo Troopers, Nice one Geoff, but what ROAN, didnt tell guys is, he has got so many fabulous Old Britains sets, its the only place left for his poor wife to sleep lol.

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