Yuming's Photo Album (1 Viewer)

"Gunboat Diplomacy"

Two members of the US Navy Shore Patrol watch one of the American gunboats of the South China Patrol navigate the waterways in search of Chinese bandits and pirates.


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"At Your Service!"

Li Han's rickshaw driver arrives to pick him up from the US Navy garrison.


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"On His Way"

Fresh from his meeting with Captain Harbison, Li Han is on his way to the tea house that serves as the center of his business ventures (both legal and illegal) in late 1920s Hong Kong.


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"Den of Iniquity"

Among Mr. Han's enterprises were a number of opium dens located throughout the city. Here deals were made while others dreamed. It is rumored that these "dens of iniquity" served as meeting places for those who wished to see the Westerners and their gunboats driven from China.

Photo by King & Country


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"Yankee Go Home!!!"

An explosion and fire have ravaged the home of an American businessman in Hong Kong's Western compound. Members of the naval garrison whose duties include the protection of American citizens in China have been sent to investigate. Fortunately no one was home at the time but everyone's nerves are understandably on edge.


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"A Bird in Hand..."

Outside the charred ruins of the American businessman's residence, Chou Shen (周・沈) known as "the birdman" because of his profession as a seller of birds and birds' eggs chats with a member of the Shore Patrol. The word on the street is that Shen is Li Han's major source of information on what the Americans are doing and thinking in 1920s Hong Kong.


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"Crowd Control"

A U.S. Navy patrol at the site of the recent fire-bombing in Hong Kong's Western compound are taunted by Chinese agitators spurred on by Li Han's henchmen.


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Who said this would be a very limiting range?! I love the buildings and the storyline!
Can we get Peter Sellers' nose melting in the castle with Dreyfus?
"Celestial Seasonings"

In the back room of Li Han's 'Celestial Tea House', Chou Shen, the Birdman, reports on what he has overheard at the US Navy garrison.


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"Signs of the Times"

Chief Petty Officer Robert Graham and a member of the Shore Patrol examine a 'Yankee Go Home !' sign posted outside the American compound by The Red Fist, a Chinese anti-Western organization.


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"Madame Butterfly"

An American sailor newly arrived in 1920s China stops to admire a local beauty featured on a cigarette poster.


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"China Jeep"

Captain Harbison is picked up by a rickshaw driver following a meeting with an important member of the Chinese community at his home outside the city.


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Outstanding stuff! You've done wonders with this K&C range and I love the backdrops!
Thanks Mike & Scott

I'm just an image junkie who wakes up with a scenic idea and then scrounges around the web for the right photo. After finding a picture with a Chinese wall plastered with posters I discovered a web site with 1920s Chinese advertising posters like the cigarette girl and printed her out and pasted her on the wall.

Part of my job as an art librarian was helping art students find appropriate images for their projects. So really I've never retired:D

Thanks Mike & Scott

I'm just an image junkie who wakes up with a scenic idea and then scrounges around the web for the right photo. After finding a picture with a Chinese wall plastered with posters I discovered a web site with 1920s Chinese advertising posters like the cigarette girl and printed her out and pasted her on the wall.

Part of my job as an art librarian was helping art students find appropriate images for their projects. So really I've never retired:D


So, You are the real Librarian, not Noah Wiley?
Randy, you should so post this in the Diodramas section, I always love a good mystery!

Holman COME DOWN!!!

Captain Harbison's meeting with a prominent member of the Chinese community led to information that two of the men responsible for the recent explosion and fire in the American section of the Western compound were hiding in a local temple. A naval patrol was quickly dispatched to find out.


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