ZULU WAR British Gun and Limber Team at ModelZone (1 Viewer)


Master Sergeant
Oct 20, 2005
Hi Everyone,

Bachmann in the UK will have a special trunk show/preview of the production of sample #20099 - Zulu War - British Royal Artillery Gun Team No.1 - "Desperate Escape" at select ModelZone stores in August (1 month before actual release).

Stores and times are:

Birmingham – Mon 13th Aug (afternoon til 6pm)
Liverpool – Wed 15th Aug (afternoon til 5pm)
Holborn - Sat 18th Aug (morning til 1pm)


This is a great opportunity to see this amazing piece up close. Worldwide we have pre-sold over 70% of the limited edition run.

Look forward to seeing you at one of these shops. And if you miss us there then it can be seen again at Magpie in the UK on September 8; in Toronto, Canada at the OMSS show on September 8 and of course at the big Chicago Toy Soldier show September 21-23.

Richard and Malcolm
and hopefully in Australia as this item flying direct rather than by sea via USA :wink2:

Excellent point Brett - Both Military Workshop and Peter Nathan will be receiving their sets direct from our Asian vendor, so should see them pretty speedily...but please don't rub it in with the other guys around the world, and for those of you in US and UK feeling left out - keep in mind Australia is usually 2-3 weeks behind so we owe them this one! And one last caveat of course, this is a VERY complex set and as we all know things can happen -so far it is all looking great - running on time and in really great shape, but as always, I want it right before I want it on time.

Excellent point Brett - Both Military Workshop and Peter Nathan will be receiving their sets direct from our Asian vendor, so should see them pretty speedily...but please don't rub it in with the other guys around the world, and for those of you in US and UK feeling left out - keep in mind Australia is usually 2-3 weeks behind so we owe them this one! And one last caveat of course, this is a VERY complex set and as we all know things can happen -so far it is all looking great - running on time and in really great shape, but as always, I want it right before I want it on time.


We wont be rubbing it in and I doubt Peter or I will be looking to sell any of ours overseas anyway.
Can't wait to receive mind and I can wait another month if needs be so it is right.

Thanks Richard !!

that is really cool looking...are the mounts attached to the base or are they removeable...the poses are great!!!

that is really cool looking...are the mounts attached to the base or are they removeable...the poses are great!!!

Mike - with all the fine harnessing we have had to attach the mounts to the base - simply no way to get the detail wihtout having it all assembled - in the past Britains did some sets that required harness assembly and it never worked well - too fiddly, too prone to break, and too clunky.

Thank you for the kind comments.

Mike - with all the fine harnessing we have had to attach the mounts to the base - simply no way to get the detail wihtout having it all assembled - in the past Britains did some sets that required harness assembly and it never worked well - too fiddly, too prone to break, and too clunky.

Thank you for the kind comments.


that makes sense...I'm sure that stabilizes everything and adds strength...it is very pretty...I love the poses...especially the guy jumping on...
that makes sense...I'm sure that stabilizes everything and adds strength...it is very pretty...I love the poses...especially the guy jumping on...

Yes and the Zulu trying to unhorse the one rider. A fantastic set.

Impressive set to say the least Richard. Congratulations :smile2:

Yes and the Zulu trying to unhorse the one rider. A fantastic set.


not to mention the Zulu jumping on the guys back...those are some pretty cool poses...very imaginative...I want my Zulu collection back....:(
Like the Nile boat is the centre piece of that series, so will this magnificent horse team will be for Zulu. Suddenly it's seems close, I can hear the galloping hooves, great effort Britain's. cheers, Robin.
#20099 - Zulu War - British Royal Artillery Gun Team No.1 - "Desperate Escape"

View attachment 100223

Like the Nile boat is the centre piece of that series, so will this magnificent horse team will be for Zulu. Suddenly it's seems close, I can hear the galloping hooves, great effort Britain's. cheers, Robin.

Hmmm......I hear what you say Robin! Magnificent indeed and very tempting {eek3} {sm2}

Hmmm......I hear what you say Robin! Magnificent indeed and very tempting {eek3} {sm2}


It sure is Jeff, and this is billed as Zulu War - British Royal Artillery Gun Team No.1 :wink2:


It sure is Jeff, and this is billed as Zulu War - British Royal Artillery Gun Team No.1 :wink2:



Quite! {sm2}....I assume Martyn that you have yours on order already? :rolleyes2: :wink2: ^&grin

Working on it as I type Jeff ^&grin:salute::



It appears that I may have beaten you to it this time Martyn! :wink2: I have this disease called WBritain Colonialitis! Help! {eek3} ^&grin

It appears that I may have beaten you to it this time Martyn! :wink2: I have this disease called WBritain Colonialitis! Help! {eek3} ^&grin


Good for you my son {bravo}} ^&cool



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