Boer War Manufacturers (2 Viewers)


Jan 28, 2006
Bob Walker just gave me some old product sheets from Dorset Soldiers. They had a 16 set Boer War series, as follows:

301 Boer War Staff - General Buller and 2 Staff Officers, Mounted

302 Imperial Yeomanary - a) Officer, Bugler, & Trooper on Trotting Horses
b) 3 Troopers on Trotting Horses

303 Ammunition Mules - 2 Mules with Ammunition Boxes and Handlers

304 Field Artillery - Gun and Limber drawn by 6 Bullocks with 3 Native
and 7 Gunners

305 Cornish Light Infantry - Officer and 7 men in action

306 Engineers Pontoon Wagon - Wagon, Boat, and Boards drawn by 4
Horses, 2 with drivers

307 Engineers Limbered Wagon - Limbered pair of wagons drawn by 3
Horses, 1 with driver

308 City Imperial Volunteers - Officer, Maxim Gun and Gunner with 5 men in

309 Maltese Cart - Cart, Mule, African Handler, Barrel, Sack

310 Gordon Highlanders - Officer, Piper, and 6 men forming square

311 British Mountain Artillery - Mounted Officer, 6 Gunners, 4 Mules carrying
gun split into 3 loads and ammunition boxes

312 Boers Mounted - a) General Louis Botha, Colour Bearer and Boer
b) 3 Mounted Boers

313 Boers On Foot - Colour Bearer and 7 Boers in action poses

314 Boer Gatling Gun - Gun and 4 Staats Artillery men
In addition to Dorset Soldiers, Andrew Rose's Wessex line also included a Boer War series. I only have a partial list.

Boer 1 - 8 Gordon Highlanders in action

Boer 2 - Unknown

Boer 3 - 8 City Imperial Volunteers in action

Boer 4 - 8 Boers in action

Boer 5 - 3 Mounted Scots Greys

Boer 6 - Boer Staats Artillery

There may be more sets than the the six sets mentioned above. Apparently, neither manufacturer offered an armoured train.
BTW, the product sheets have color pictures of many of these sets, but I don't know how to scan them so I could post them here.
Mike, The Wessex Boer 2 set you have as unknown, I believe is a set of ZARPS. I seem to remember that Wessex was the only company to ever make a set of this unit. Maybe someone will be able to confirm this for sure.

Some info about the ZARPS that I found on the net.

The Zuid Afrikaansche Republike Politie - ZARPS. This police force was the mounted and foot police of the Transvaal. From 1881 to 1896, they formed part of the Artillery and were then formed into a separate policing establisment. The force consisted of 20 officers, 100 NCO's and 1400 constables. Less than half the force was mounted but, during times of war, the whole force operated as a mounted unit. The ZARPS gained a formidable reputation as fighting soldiers during the Anglo-Boer War.

Here is some info regarding Dorset and Wessex




Thanks Martyn. It's as I suspected. The old grey cells are still working!

The pics are great help to us Boer War collectors. I guess now I have to add the Dorset/Wessex figures to my ever growing want list. :)

Thanks Martyn. It's as I suspected. The old grey cells are still working!

The pics are great help to us Boer War collectors. I guess now I have to add the Dorset/Wessex figures to my ever growing want list. :)


Glad to be of help Chuck. Check out the Trophy section, I have posted a few pictures of my Boer War sets there.


Martyn, I already have and they are really nice. You have a great collection.

I mainly concentrate on the Boer War only and leave the other colonial wars for others. I also an not too concerned about the manufacturer and will even buy matte figures although I prefer glossy.

I was searching the forum when I came accross ucla1967's original post. I really like that Wessex Zarp set. I wonder if Dorset still has the figures available to recreate that set. I may send them an email and inquire.

Here is some more info on WESSEX Toy Soldiers, 3 flyers I have had since the early 1990’s





Thanks for these Martyn,

Wessex are no longer in business correct? Does Dorset hold these moulds? I would mind getting a hold of Zulu sets 7, 8 & 9.
Thanks for these Martyn,

Wessex are no longer in business correct? Does Dorset hold these moulds? I would mind getting a hold of Zulu sets 7, 8 & 9.

Not sure? Wessex was collaboration between Giles Brown of Dorset Soldiers and Andrew Rose of Bastion Models. It might be worth an email to Dorset to confirm.

Thanks for these Martyn,

Wessex are no longer in business correct? Does Dorset hold these moulds? I would mind getting a hold of Zulu sets 7, 8 & 9.

Not sure? Wessex was collaboration between Giles Brown of Dorset Soldiers and Andrew Rose of Bastion Models. It might be worth an email to Dorset to confirm.


Glad to help Scott. I think Jeffs suggestion is the best


I contacted Mr. Giles Brown at Dorset Soldiers and he informed me that Mr. Andrew Rose has the molds for the old Wessex line. I am presently attempting to contact Mr. Rose to ascertain what if any of the Wessex line is available. I will post info here when I get some news. :)
Here is some more info on WESSEX Toy Soldiers, 3 flyers I have had since the early 1990’s






Pics are great Martyn. :D

It looks like the Wessex line covered Colonial wars/figures.
Indian, Zulu, Boer and Sudan.
Thanks for the info guys, skeeterbuck I will await your reply as to what if anything is available.

Hey Skeeterbuck,
Good for you on sticking with one period (Boer)!
I lived in Elkridge for 10 years, you close to there?

Anyone heard from ucla1967? Mike was a treasure-trove of info on 80's-90's glossy!!
Hey Skeeterbuck,
Good for you on sticking with one period (Boer)!
I lived in Elkridge for 10 years, you close to there?

Anyone heard from ucla1967? Mike was a treasure-trove of info on 80's-90's glossy!!

I take it Mike that you are a Zulu guy. I have little odds and ends from other colonial era wars, but I try to focus on the Boer War. You know the saying "too many figures, too little money". LOL

That said, I have been really tempted to start collecting the Britains glossy Zulu figures. I think they are just grand.

I live within the city limits, but am familiar with the Elkridge area. It's about a half hour away from me.
I take it Mike that you are a Zulu guy. I have little odds and ends from other colonial era wars, but I try to focus on the Boer War. You know the saying "too many figures, too little money". LOL

That said, I have been really tempted to start collecting the Britains glossy Zulu figures. I think they are just grand.

I live within the city limits, but am familiar with the Elkridge area. It's about a half hour away from me.

"Not enough money, Not enough figures"!!!!!!!! Stay Focused, My friend...simpler that way;)
I was able to contact Andrew Rose. He informed me that besides the 3 flyers that Martyn had posted there is also the following sets available in the Wessex line.

Z 10 Umcijo regt. Z 11 17th Lancers Signal Section
Z 12 Natal Carbineers
Z 13 Col Evelyn Wood & S.L.I. Escort
S 9a Egyptian Artillery(blue) S 9b Egyptian Artillery(white)
S 10 R.M.L.I.
S 11 Egyptian Infantry
Boer 7 Dismounted Boers ( 3 'empty' horses, a
handler, a Boer 'Amazon' lady firing, and a Boer kneeling at the ready).
Boer 8 Imperial Yeomanry
IND 8 Ayub Khan and mounted Afghan Escort
IND 9 Afghan Infantry Ind
IND 10 10th Bengal Infantry

All of the sets are still available on a special order basis with the possible exception of some mounted figures because of lost and/or damaged to the insert for the horse mold.

His email address is - and he has a Paypal account for payment. Contact Andrew for a price quote.

NOTE: I have contacted Andrew twice via email to obtain this information. Both times though it has taken him from several days to a week to respond. He has other personal responsibilities to attend, so please be patient. He will reply.

I was able to contact Andrew Rose. He informed me that besides the 3 flyers that Martyn had posted there is also the following sets available in the Wessex line.

Z 10 Umcijo regt. Z 11 17th Lancers Signal Section
Z 12 Natal Carbineers
Z 13 Col Evelyn Wood & S.L.I. Escort
S 9a Egyptian Artillery(blue) S 9b Egyptian Artillery(white)
S 10 R.M.L.I.
S 11 Egyptian Infantry
Boer 7 Dismounted Boers ( 3 'empty' horses, a
handler, a Boer 'Amazon' lady firing, and a Boer kneeling at the ready).
Boer 8 Imperial Yeomanry
IND 8 Ayub Khan and mounted Afghan Escort
IND 9 Afghan Infantry Ind
IND 10 10th Bengal Infantry

All of the sets are still available on a special order basis with the possible exception of some mounted figures because of lost and/or damaged to the insert for the horse mold.

His email address is - and he has a Paypal account for payment. Contact Andrew for a price quote.

NOTE: I have contacted Andrew twice via email to obtain this information. Both times though it has taken him from several days to a week to respond. He has other personal responsibilities to attend, so please be patient. He will reply.


Many thanks for this info Chuck



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