no doprdele!!!!!It has no competition!!!!!!!!{sm3}{eek3}{sm2}
Oh, I don't know about that . . . :wink2:
Playing with the toys as I could not be at Valley Forge
Three variations of Mosquitos made by K&C over the years
no doprdele-no ****SORRY
Ignore Louis - he may have more planes, but he does not have that many Spitfires or Mosquitos:tongue:^&grin^&grin
The Typhoon with the glass canopy look very nice
I can field 4 K&C Spitfires (Mark I, Mark II, Mark V, Mark IX), 2 Typhoons, a Mosquito, a Beaufighter, 3 Hurricanes, an RAF P40 Kittyhawk, 2 Fairey Swordfishes, a Westin Whirlwind, a Douglas A20 Boston in RAF markings and a Fairey Firefly. I think I can hold my own RAF wise, Larry.:tongue:
Dear Lawrence and Louis,....on which side to join? Louis or Lawrence????^&confuse
But beware!!!!! {sm0}Both all my two planes are ready^&grin^&grin^&grin
Think I may have to side with Louis on this battle of the heavyweights :wink2:
Well, since you are going down that road.... 7 Spitfires, 6 Hurricanes, 5 P-40s, 4 Typhoons, 3 Mosquitos, 2 Fairey Swordfish and 1 Partridge in a Pear Tree ^&grin^&grin^&grin Plus, I want to see visual proof and no sending photos to Brad or anyone else, and I want to see the certificates issued by K&C in their original long form. Sincerely. "The Donald"
Larry, you clearly have me beat in ground forces (about 5 to 1{eek3})but I've got you in the air more than 2 to 1. You want photographic proof . . . Brad, lets give him some photographic proof.:wink2: Check your e-mail later, mon ami.
Hey, I said no help from Brad or any other Treefroggers!! You need to post the photos here on the Forum - I know you can do it ^&grin^&grin You need to stop relying on the kindness of gentlemen :tongue:^&grin Monty