Despicable pond life (8 Viewers)

Ironicly I don't think Gaddafi would have allowed that to happen.
Nuke them!!
What a disgrace. The Allies help get the Libyans out from under the boot of Mussolini's fascists, then the United Nations forces (I'm certain both the United States and Great Britain were the biggest contrbutors to the effort) held them get out from under the boot of Khadaffi, and now they are descrating Allied graves. The extremists responsible for these acts are beneath contempt.
Well, words cannot describe what I am thinking. Its a disgrace but, what on earth were those stupid troops of the US army thinking in burning the Koran??? See what happens when they are allowed to do such things. People have died because of their actions and, no justification for what these people have done but, I believe this is the first time this has happened to war graves in this area. The local populace are normally respectful of the troops buried their regardless of modern politics

Shame on everyone involved that caused such a terrible thing to happen
Well, words cannot describe what I am thinking. Its a disgrace but, what on earth were those stupid troops of the US army thinking in burning the Koran??? See what happens when they are allowed to do such things. People have died because of their actions and, no justification for what these people have done but, I believe this is the first time this has happened to war graves in this area. The local populace are normally respectful of the troops buried their regardless of modern politics

Shame on everyone involved that caused such a terrible thing to happen

That story was misled Mitch. The Koran was taken away by some pow of the so called war on Terror. They were writing messages in the Koron to one another and were taken away and thrown out. I dont
think the Allies are going to burn the Koron. The story was misled as it always .BLOWN UP INTO THE
USUAL BS THE MEDIA PUT OUT. By the way the Koron was disrepected by the ones Writing secrect
messages in them the prison guards who were Afghan NATO troops were the ones that got rid of the
Koron not US troops .
Guys, I don't want this thread to turn political or it will get deleted, I just want to state how angry and sad I was to read of this act. The men of the 8th Army gave their lives out there, one positive is in what Mitch said, I understand they do normally take great care of the graves and really treat them with respect they deserve. Flogging is too good for whoever did this in my view.

Thank's for posting Rob just gets too personal. Sorry for the emotion it is a good thread & sorry to
the Britfarmer just keeping you busy. :salute::
As I was reading some posts on this thread the tv news was on and a report on this subject came on. The locals in Benghazi are apparently appalled at the actions of what they call a handfull of 'extremists' and that this is a very unIslamic thing to have done, and the new Libyan government will take action. Lets hope this is true, somethings make ones blood boil.
As I was reading some posts on this thread the tv news was on and a report on this subject came on. The locals in Benghazi are apparently appalled at the actions of what they call a handfull of 'extremists' and that this is a very unIslamic thing to have done, and the new Libyan government will take action. Lets hope this is true, somethings make ones blood boil.

Hope thats right mate but im sick of hearing that every time something happens.
Why doesn't the US say oooops sorry for burning the KORAN (thats if they did find it hard to believe there would of been a reason) it was a few "extremists" and then all is suppose to be ok.
Cannot believe it......................:mad::mad::mad::mad:
Hope thats right mate but im sick of hearing that every time something happens.
Why doesn't the US say oooops sorry for burning the KORAN (thats if they did find it hard to believe there would of been a reason) it was a few "extremists" and then all is suppose to be ok.
Cannot believe it......................:mad::mad::mad::mad:
I hear ya mate, I can't say what I really like too as this a PG time slot:wink2: but calling them despicable pond life is an insult to pond life.
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I hear ya mate, I can't say what I really like too as this a PG time slot:wink2: but calling them despicable pond life is an insult to pond life.

There was a threat made many years ago by Gaddaffi (mid eighties I suspect) regarding the war graves in Libya but nothing came of it. It is appalling, but it does go to show how at one level it is not just about 'us' in the West heaping the Middle East into one group and not recognising regional differences. Some people in this instance are angry with the US and see anything Western as US driven and so attack a Commonwealth War Cemetery. It is clear that any gratitude felt for help given during the 'Arab Spring' might well be short lived. Oh for the good old days when the bad guys wore black!
Not as cold...

No smoke without fire. I am not sure if they actually did burn them nor, can you be sure they did not. Thats not the point. The locals did and look what happened. Recent stories of which we have discussed about urinating on dead bodies etc etc just stoke up an already voilatile situation. Look at all the unrest in these areas and, its very rare for such acts to happen. In fact look at France who has had many issues with vandalism and desecration of war graves by french people. We just fail to understand or appreciate that this area of the world is completely different to our way of living. Until we do and stop allowing acts by stupid troops the local populations will hate us all the more.

We are supposed to be their bringing democracy and decency to a region which has been oppressed by totalitarianism. Some of the acts we do are stupid in the extreme. we should be beyond reproach if we are to achieve what ever our goals are in the region
It might be worth noting that you have folks acting like cavemen but carrying automatic weapons and using digital technology and the internet. Another issue for folks to consider was that there were no constables about.
I don't to be honest care too much about the ins and outs of all this, its the deliberate desecration of our servicemens graves that concerns me, those young men went over there and gave there lives so the people who live there could do so in freedom, who speaks for the dead in all this. The least we can hope is the authorities put the graves right as soon as possible.

I don't to be honest care too much about the ins and outs of all this, its the deliberate desecration of our servicemens graves that concerns me, those young men went over there and gave there lives so the people who live there could do so in freedom, who speaks for the dead in all this. The least we can hope is the authorities put the graves right as soon as possible.


That was my point. I completely agree with Rob. When men of any nation have given their life for the benefit of the civilians in a nation occupied by the forces of a dictator, the people of that nation should honor their memory forever. What's next, some french extremist pissed off about some present day American or British policy or action desecrating the WWI and WWII cemetaries in France?
That was my point. I completely agree with Rob. When men of any nation have given their life for the benefit of the civilians in a nation occupied by the forces of a dictator, the people of that nation should honor their memory forever. What's next, some french extremist pissed off about some present day American or British policy or action desecrating the WWI and WWII cemetaries in France?

Well said mate. People who sink to the lowest to do this sort of thing are totally pig ignorant of the freedom they are enjoying because of the efforts of those men in those graves.


I posted this it has happened in France on several occasions that I know that have been reported where allied graves have been vandalised. Rob points out that he is not interested in the ins and outs but, they are fundamental to why this has happened and, regardless of the emotion that runs from these acts they have struck back in a way they knew would upset western populations.

The fact this did not happen on many occasions in the recent times and beyond is testimony to the fact that they are usually respected sites. the situation arose from the koran incident did we really not expect some kind of retaliation? Because of that incident they exacted a revenge.

I am not one of these people who cares about religion in any shape or form but, drilled into our forces and, officials there is that it is to these people whether we see them as an enemy or whatever. I did not see Gadaffi's men go and do this when we were bombing them and, it probably would not have happened but for the incident which sparked riots and, deaths as well as this incident. Its all well all the politicians and military giving the outraged rhetoric but, it should never have been allowed to have happened and, the troops should be out on their ears. Its a PR nightmare.

I know we won't see eye to eye on this but, thats how I see it

That was my point. I completely agree with Rob. When men of any nation have given their life for the benefit of the civilians in a nation occupied by the forces of a dictator, the people of that nation should honor their memory forever. What's next, some french extremist pissed off about some present day American or British policy or action desecrating the WWI and WWII cemetaries in France?
As I said at the start I did not want this to get political because it will get deleted, I just wanted to register my disgust is all. The ins and outs are not why I posted,although of course they are linked, just out of sheer humanity and in respect of the men of the 8th Army this is an outrage.Whatever the reason, sometimes nothing can excuse people behaving like Baboons.


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