Glossies painted by Beating Retreat (1 Viewer)

Very nice figures!
I like all of them, but you all probably knew that I would say that ^&grin
The Imperial German period has a lot of great uniforms to present, almost as nice as the "British Empire" :wink2:
Excellent figures as always, John, that is just a superb and unique finish that you achieve! I'm glad to see you branching over into my area of interest, too. If you'd like to mix British and Imperial Germans, how about a scene from the beginning of "The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp"? ;)

Excellent figures as always, John, that is just a superb and unique finish that you achieve! I'm glad to see you branching over into my area of interest, too. If you'd like to mix British and Imperial Germans, how about a scene from the beginning of "The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp"? ;)


Hi Brad

Thats worth a thought actually perhaps where the British Dragoons meet the German Uhlans in the hospital after the dual:rolleyes2::rolleyes2:

Cheers John
Heres some more commissions completed Today

Cpl John with some of his Foot Guards c 1705 (Rose Miniatures castings)

Lord Roberts (BMSS casting) kindly supplied by Mr Alan Caton







Regards John
Wow, John, more fantastic pieces!

I think I'm learning some things from your work, too, and starting to experiment with some washing, to add shading or outlining, etc, where we'd otherwise not expect it, in a gloss finish. You've set a bar for us to shoot for ;)

Such lovely stuff, as always, connoisseur gloss...
Thanks for the great photos!

Brilliant- I like that "Connosieur Gloss"- Very fitting category for Toy Soldiers! I am experimenting with this with some of my projects.
The finish is classy and very refined- with help from great figures- love it!

I agree with all above - and Grant - your point about experimenting with John's approach struck a chord with me too. Almost subconsciously, I have been trying for that very glossy finish, and paying a bit more attention to the lovely detail that John gets into his work too. John has certainly raised the bar for the Glossy look to a new level. We mortals must just strive to keep up!^&grin
Another fine batch of figures.
All very nice, but the Lord Roberts figure is my favorite.
The closeup view of his face came out very good and I love the detail that comes with the "Superior Gloss" style.
Another fine batch of figures.
All very nice, but the Lord Roberts figure is my favorite.
The closeup view of his face came out very good and I love the detail that comes with the "Superior Gloss" style.

I am in full agreement with you Konrad. These are excellent gloss figures by Beating Retreat.

However, I am not sure of what is "Superior Gloss". Is this the extra-glossiness of the final paint finish or a reference to the technique used to achieve a very high standard of glossiness ?

Hi Raymond,
here is the way I describe John's "Superior Gloss" style.
The traditional glossy Toy Soldier is a figure painted in plain colors, i.e. Humbrol gloss paints, the most popular brand I know of.
John paints the figures in a more detailed way, a little shading, a little highlighting, maybe some washes, as can be seen in the pictures on this thread, especially in the close-up where you can see Lord Robert's face.
When the work is done, the figure receives a coat of a high gloss varnish, which will assure the permanent glossy finish of the miniature.
John offers various finishes, when one wants to commission a figure. The choices are between a traditional finished glossy Toy Soldier, a "Superior Gloss" Toy Soldier or a matte finished Toy Soldier.
Can't go wrong with either one I would say, as can be seen on various threads here, but as you know, my definite favorite is the "Superior Gloss".
Got my first figures in November 2008 and am hooked ever since ^&grin :wink2:
Here's a pic of the very first set I received.


  • Ewart-9-F.jpg
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Hi Raymond,
here is the way I describe John's "Superior Gloss" style.
The traditional glossy Toy Soldier is a figure painted in plain colors, i.e. Humbrol gloss paints, the most popular brand I know of.
John paints the figures in a more detailed way, a little shading, a little highlighting, maybe some washes, as can be seen in the pictures on this thread, especially in the close-up where you can see Lord Robert's face.
When the work is done, the figure receives a coat of a high gloss varnish, which will assure the permanent glossy finish of the miniature.
John offers various finishes, when one wants to commission a figure. The choices are between a traditional finished glossy Toy Soldier, a "Superior Gloss" Toy Soldier or a matte finished Toy Soldier.
Can't go wrong with either one I would say, as can be seen on various threads here, but as you know, my definite favorite is the "Superior Gloss".
Got my first figures in November 2008 and am hooked ever since ^&grin :wink2:
Here's a pic of the very first set I received.

Hi Konrad,

Thanks very much for your informative reply on "Superior Gloss". If I had the choice, I would also opt for Superior over Traditional.

The glossy finish stands out boldly in the figures you have shared in your "British Empire" thread. I agree that John's special touch is very evident in the faces (especially the eyes) of the figures he has worked on. Lord Roberts is a good example, but there are many others.

The "Capturing of the Eagle" by Sergeant Charles Ewart of the Royal Scots Greys at Waterloo is an iconic set. I have the version by Little Legion albeit in Traditional Gloss.

Best Wishes, Raymond.:)
Hi Guys

Here is some stuff Ive recently painted. The first is A French artillery unit from the FIW, made up from Rose castings for a Uk collector 4 crew and a 8lb gun with accessories.

The second lot is WW1 British fusilier signal section complete with bikes the corporal leads the unit with the private bringing up the rear sneaking a crafty ***. Again made up from Rose castings, not painted for anyone in particular just thought I would like to paint them,at present residing in my WW1 airfield display.
Hope you like.

Regards John






"Superior gloss style"--I like it, Konrad, and I think we should encourage the term's use. We should be able to get it adopted throughout the hobby, with this platform that we have.

It's what I aspire to with my own gloss figures, too.

The usual beautiful results with your work, John. I especially like the detail on the bicycle chains and the work on the cannon. -- Al
Just received photos from John of a WWI German Pilot and a WWI German Aircraft Mechanic he painted for me, and, as always, they are spectacular. ^&cool^&cool I am forwarding the photos he sent me to Brad with a polite request he post them on this thread.:smile2:
Beautiful figures, Louis. John is an outstanding artist. -- Al

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