The London Olympics (15 Viewers)


The Aussies are not fairing too well so far. It is still very early in the games though. Seems to me that everyone is doing bad in the water. That is unless you're a 16 year old girl from China.[/B]

Keep it silly

You mean assisted machine from China........:rolleyes2::wink2:
Yeah dude, the US coaches have already provided enough commentary on that. Thats a line you just can't really skirt. You either call somebody out or you don't. Reminds me of the line in Dumb & Dumber " so you're saying there's a chance".

Looking forward to have the swimming portion completed and seeing other events get the attention.

Keep it silly
You must be having too many of those beam and cokes all in one can. I would guess the Austrailian swimmers will get in trouble for something else before they even get in the water.

Interesting that social media is getting people kicked out of the games before they even begin. Isn't technology great. I guess its a bit better than having countries boycott the games due to where the All Blacks are playing.

Keep it silly

Australia doesn't need medals they have Michelle Jenneke. Yikes.
Australia doesn't need medals they have Michelle Jenneke. Yikes.
To my ever lasting shame I had not heard of Michelle Jenneke but after googling her I don't think I will forget her any time soon.......:wink2:
(ps I withdraw my comment about the Chinese girl I was out of order and wrong, sorry)
Finally we get our first Gold in the women's rowing pairs, first ever Gold in that event.{bravo}}

Good to see that those Badminton players who appeared not to be putting much effort in have been sent home, people paid fifty quid a pop to watch that!

The badminton looked interesting!

Australia getting a few medals less than expected.

However the good news is a Brisbane girls school as of today was placing 18 th in the London medal tally based on 4 of their former students.


Well done girls^&cool

To my ever lasting shame I had not heard of Michelle Jenneke but after googling her I don't think I will forget her any time soon.......:wink2:
(ps I withdraw my comment about the Chinese girl I was out of order and wrong, sorry)

Curiosity got the better of me and I had to google Michelle to see what the fuss was about as I'm not usually into Track & Field, I'm more a Beach Volleyball type of guy. Wow, she sure has an interesting warm-up routine, I hope it catches on as would make Track and Field far more interesting.
To bad Jenneke did not make the Olympic team ^&confuse
We just got ANOTHER Gold in the men's four rowing after holding Australia off once again, great sportsmanship at the end there too, kudos to you chaps and well done to Australia for Silver.{bravo}}

We just got ANOTHER Gold in the men's four rowing after holding Australia off once again, great sportsmanship at the end there too, kudos to you chaps and well done to Australia for Silver.{bravo}}


Watched that one too. Go the Brits (Oops){sm4}:confused:
We just got ANOTHER Gold in the men's four rowing after holding Australia off once again, great sportsmanship at the end there too, kudos to you chaps and well done to Australia for Silver.{bravo}}

Not our best games so far, but have to say the Brits have done a top job of these games, well done UK....{bravo}} I do like watching the girls play hockey...^&cool
PS almost as good as Sydney, almost....:wink2::rolleyes2:{sm4}
Clearly you were not paying attention. The Australians won the bike race going on by the side of the rowing race.
OMG ANOTHER GOLD!!!!!{bravo}}{bravo}}{bravo}}

Women's lightweight skull pairs are our latest champs, Steve Redgrave has done a superb job for all our rowers this time.

Clearly you were not paying attention. The Australians won the bike race going on by the side of the rowing race.

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