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  • Mike,

    The new set from LL, "Saving the Guns", do you know what picture that is from.
    Didn't the gun teams have six horses?
    Hi Vick,
    As to the helmets the explanation I have found in research books is that helmets at that time were white and were called foreign service helmets. On period photos that the rank and file and the officers did vary a bit from the standard parade ground uniform.The tanned helmets were begining to come in use due to them being tanned with tea and at a measure due to the dust.....another detail to pay attention to is that the tanned helmets in general had the shako plate - regimental insignia removed.
    Zulus were armed with "rifles" while the Brits had Martini Henry Rifles can be explained by the fact that the Zulus would use any captured or purchased rifle they could lay their hands on.Most of the rifles used by them were either old European flintlocks converted to percussion, Enfield percussion rifles, Snider breech loading carbines or even old Brown Bess acquired prior to the war or Martini ones taken from the unfortunate that died in Isandlwana.
    Best Regards,
    Hey 1879,

    Just got done watching Zulu Dawn, I was wondering if you could explain to me why in the movie the officers helmets are white, but the enlisted are tan, and why they are using Martini carbines, while in zulu they are using rifles.

    Hey Mike,
    Thank you for your friend request i look forward to geting to know you & disscussing about the zulu war in more detail, :)
    Cheers Craig.
    I found the post about West Point funny as I just attended a event last night were my state rep. came along with liason officers from the academys came to talk to high school students from the surrounding area.

    Hi 1879,
    I saw a very nice pic of yours related to the Naval detachment and a Gatlin gun during the Zulu war.Feel free to join us at the artillery forum and add your photos and a bit of histroy.The forum we have ctreated to exchange info on artillery pieces, manufacturers and general info. Feel free to drpo by and if you wish join and load your photos.
    Mike orginal color black of the uniforms of the Natal Mounted Police is correct but due to the poor quality of the dye that was used would evently turn to brown after a period of washing. I email both Ken and Richard on it got an answer from Ken but will let him answer your posting. Chat at you later. By the way have you notice how the wter bottles are being worn by the 24th Foot?
    Just a quick hello and looking forward to seeing what you've got next in line to show us. Hope all's going well in your Land of The Zulus
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