Hi Brad,
Yes, great background music to the views...
These toy soldier mag forums are pretty quiet, aren't they?
I really enjoyed your pics as from what I see, there is a coherent theme to the collection, using various makes of figures to achieve that end. This is a very creative and focused approach, really old school....
. Your descriptions of each piece also lends some gravitas to the collection.
I really enjoyed the Puchala pieces, especially Prince Henry. Great face! Although my favourite figure has to be the Murray piece of Old Fritz with the two dogs. The animals are beautifully cast.
I noticed Ziethen figure is New Hope Design. It is excellent and the eagle wing is splendid. I do prefer the wrong tiger skin with the orange colour.
You mentioned an unknown figure representing fusilier regt 46 Bulow? The face sculpting looks like a Lasset piece, previously issued by Greenwood and Ball, coming from a Chesterfield shop? many many years ago.
Best rgds, Vic