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  • Hi All,

    Just uploaded a few more pictures onto Album 3. Also I started a couple of threads under Sculpting to show some figures in progress.

    Rgds Victor
    Hi Victor

    Just visited your albums WOW you have been busy since my last visit. I have been fairly busy mainly training our new German Shepherd pup, at present working on lots of projects some my own but quite a few from other collectors, also working on a big project for Konrad but got to keep it a secret until he posts it on the forum. Speak to you soon .
    Kindest Regards John
    Hi, Vic, thanks for following my gallery and your kind comments! I have some more on the bench that I should finish in a couple of days and I'll post pics in the forum and add to the gallery.
    Hi All,

    I've added more pictures from my collection to albums Model Figures 1, Model Figures 3 and Various toy soldiers and bands. Enjoy.

    Rgds Victor
    Hi Brad,

    Yes, great background music to the views...:) These toy soldier mag forums are pretty quiet, aren't they?

    I really enjoyed your pics as from what I see, there is a coherent theme to the collection, using various makes of figures to achieve that end. This is a very creative and focused approach, really old school....:). Your descriptions of each piece also lends some gravitas to the collection.

    I really enjoyed the Puchala pieces, especially Prince Henry. Great face! Although my favourite figure has to be the Murray piece of Old Fritz with the two dogs. The animals are beautifully cast.

    I noticed Ziethen figure is New Hope Design. It is excellent and the eagle wing is splendid. I do prefer the wrong tiger skin with the orange colour.

    You mentioned an unknown figure representing fusilier regt 46 Bulow? The face sculpting looks like a Lasset piece, previously issued by Greenwood and Ball, coming from a Chesterfield shop? many many years ago.:(

    Best rgds, Vic
    Hi, Vic, thanks very much, I didn't know anyone else ever visited that forum, you can hear crickets chirping over there when you log in :D

    Actually, I have some threads in the painter's section here. I've collected the links:

    The Army of Frederick the Great:

    Some Staddens and miscellaneous figures:

    The Kaiser's Army:

    Some Imrie-Risley Hessians:

    I think there are some duplicates between some of the posts, mostly upgrades to the photos.

    I've never really looked at the Gallery feature, but from your suggestion, I think I'll look and see about loading the pics there, too.

    Best regards, and prosit!
    hmm, victor, sorry for not responding to the email correspondence, its just that i have no valuable input at the moment. at last, somebody who knows about keris and stuffs.. i do wonder, can it be another fresh project?
    Hi Victor you've been busy since I last visited your albums. Also congrats on your article in TSC very impressive
    Regards John
    Hi All,

    Just added some scratchbuilt WWI figures to my Album 3. Enjoy. Rgds Victor
    hi vic, still stuck here in bahrain till next may at the very least. glad to read your emails on the band of collectors. hop to meet u guys when i return. the avatar? yeah...not many of our forum friends are knowledgeable, and some misinterpret that mask thing for n aggressive stance. so i change it. rgds
    Hi Victor,

    I thought that I'd do a search on treefrog for any memebers in S'pore, and saw you there.... have you seen my latest figures on my site, I've updated and also put in a post in the Painting Section of the forum.


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