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  • Been there,,my previous residence the melbourne area close to the space center,,wonderful beaches which I do miss.
    they have a website,,kind of an automotive hard rock,,everything shows up from the Queens jags and mustangs to hot rods,,
    hang on to those tangible assets,,no slow down in 1/1 scale auto prices,,best joe h PS are you familiar with ace cafe in london?
    Hi Craig, i am very impressed by your fantastic collection. Superb.
    Concerning my britains limited displays, I purchased them completely from a privat colector. He let made them especially for his collection by an glazier, I believe.
    best regards from Germany Marcus
    That is quite the collection Craig, thanks for updating your albums. Do you have all your pieces on display ?
    Hi Craig.
    The figures I pick up from a guy on ebay.They are Britians knock offs.I have 5 bands from him 3 that I have painted 2 waiting on the table.I still have to paint a RM Military band and the Military Band of the Royal Scots Dragoon Guard.2 bands that i`m looking for are the Gordons and Blackwatch Military bands no luck yet.Great pictures in your albums.

    my email address ...

    i can send catlogue pics of my collection ,and will make a plan to take a photo of my display ?


    good morning

    what soldiers do you collect?

    my interest is mainly ww1 william britains ... but in gloss

    i have a fairly comprehensive collection

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