Currahee Chris
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  • Wow! This is the 1st time I saw your albums. Very well done, the Dday pictures that you posted are superb! I also enjoyed the album of the pictures you took while in New Orleans.
    Love the albums and dios. I'm new to the hobby and have mainly been concentrating on ACW, but have started on WWII, I've got some good ideas from your DDay dio.
    Wotcha mate. Good to see you back in action and firing on all cylinders. Cheers for the comments in the albums, I was laughing my head off!
    re the B17 photo,,it was a group photog. picture later used as a published one in the 2nd bm. group history,,my dad figured the odds were he may have been in there at this time. The 2nd group marking,,Y in a circle above the sguadron V ,was censored at the time. He did love that airplane,it survived but was turned into razor blades or pots at Kingman,,I never had the heart to tell him
    Hi Chris,

    Sorry I've taken so long to reply, it's been a hectic couple of months so there's not been much spare time to be online. My latest project is a gift from the wife, a 400 plus square foot room to display my collection in. I'm hoping it will be finished by the end of September or early October.

    As for the tracked 88, I picked one of those bad boys up as soon as it was released. I haven't had time to acquire any of the newest WWII releases but that will change by the coming weekend.

    How are things with you? Have you taken the Napoleonic plunge yet? Hope all is well with you and the family.


    agreed about st pete,,the standard for paint and detail,,I use the photos as paint guides
    I'm not complaining, Chris. It pays for a nice lifestyle for my family, along with a serious toy soldier habit . . . besides, sleep is overrated!
    Hi chris, thanks for the excellent gesture. i really appericiate it. i'll try to contact him later. with sincere regards, nasir kasmani.
    Well done Sarn Major,,still a bit odd to see my history becoming history..the photo I added of the 60 gunner in his hole,,we are in touch today,he visited last year,,quite the dinner conversation. He was one of the originals,went over on the troopship,I was one of the first replacements,,took care of this FNG
    Hi Chris,

    It is truly nice to see you back. I can appreciate that challenge. I have been in similar challenges; no one likes bad news and there is hardly anything but that lately for your profession to deliver.

    I don't think you will need to change to NAPs to enjoy 1st Legion in the not too distant future. I believe they have a number of interesting new lines in the works and I wouldn't be surprised if that included an ancients one.

    I did get a first grouping of the EoI Romans and was a bit disappointed. I agree about the detail and I don't care for the 52mm scale. I actually satisfied my Roman passion with a bunch for very discounted Conte Romans and Barbarians that Conte has been liquadating on Ebay. They are actually pretty good. The poses are interesting and varied and the painting and detailing is pretty good. I have been mostly getting the Romans from the Sparticus line since they have more interesting poses. The cavalry is nice as well.

    Cheers, Bill
    Thank you Chris! And if your ever down in the New England area the first round will be on me.
    And don,t miss treefrogs beat the recession sale all next week 50-80% off all iteams!!!! LOL!!!
    Well, it has been awhile. Welcome back to the Dog pound. Hope all is well. John
    Cheers for the kind wishes mate, I'll definitely be passing them on to the lady herself once I get over to see her in a week and a half's time (she's sunning herself in Greece as we speak, the lucky little devil)!

    Yep, no joke at all, we're talking real-size, 1:1 buses here! He's been a transport enthusiast since his teens, although he didn't actually buy his first one until he was in his twenties and qualified. At the moment, he has about 8 or 9, almost all Irish of 1950's/60's vintage, with the exception of one joint-owned Routemaster (those iconic red London buses). That's the most recent addition to the fold (that he's told us about, anyway!), having been bought and taken over here on the ferry from Wales once that type of bus was fully phased out of regular service in London in 2005.

    He and a couple of other enthusiasts store their vehicles in a big rented barn right beside Dublin Airport, in the north of the county. It's definitely unusual as weekend pass-times go, but I suppose it does go some way towards explaining my own non-mainstream interests!

    I have a long-standing offer of a double-decker bus of my choice to transport guests whenever I get married, so it has its definite upsides!
    i'm trying to restrict myself to certain sets, so i'm currently concentrating on the V1 and V2 first. i hate never ending projects, so i'll try to complete these 2 dioramas before attempting the next one.
    Absolutely thrilled to hear that good news, Chis. I'm a long way from having kids myself yet, but thinking about it, I can imagine just a fraction of the stress and strain you must have been going through - not sure if I could hold it togther myself through all that, but you obviously have, so hats off to you, my friend. Really hope the good news continues and that Andrew's firing on all cylinders from this point in.

    Ah, thank you very much for the kind words about the good lady, she'll be suitably chuffed to read that when she's back from holidays. Ali's her name - no, we're not actually married yet, but hopefully a bit down the track, very much looking forward to it. Absolutely head over heels about her, she's a great girl, plus infinitely patient about my rather unusual hobbies, so definitely a keeper!

    Yeah the history is great fun, it's something that's fascinated me for as long a I can remember, so the opportunity to study it full time seemed ideal. Can't believe that I might actually wind up being able to make a proper living some day by writing and working on things like this which I love - but very excited about the prospect. Nothing wrong with accountancy though - that's my fathers chosen profession, and if nothing else, it's enabled him to comfortably pursue a very unusual hobby of his own - collecting vintage Irish and British buses (yep, I know, I didn't get it from nowhere...!).

    Dublin's a great place allright, glad you got the chance to visit other parts of the country as well though. Just in the door tonight from a daytrip to County Galway with my mother in fact - she's originally from just outside Galway city, so we went back for the day to catch up. Always liked that part of the world! Needless to say, should you ever find yourself back in the Emerald Isle again, let me know, and I'd be delighted to show you some more of the sights!!
    i'm getting the whole lot of Figarti V1, V2 series, but had not think where to display them! Talk about asking for trouble.. K&C wise, i'm getting the normandy germans. my knowledge of non WW2 is very modest indeed, but the napoleans' conference is a beauty!
    hi ya Chris, glad to hear Andrew doing well at this point. Thanks for the compliments, i think i have some knowledge on WW2, but am quite useless out of WW2 scope! are you getting any figures soon?
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