Currahee Chris
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  • Caved, like a cheap deckchair! That was nearly as easy as getting Rob to part with his hard earned cash. :D It's a fantastic piece mate, and you won't be dissappointed. Just a Medium Howitzer and some EOD guys to go...:p
    Hey Chris,

    Pm me your address info and I will send some to you. How many are you looking for?

    Yo, You da man!! Thought that was you. Thanks for the shipping info. Will leave good feedback as long as item was packed carefully in a blue Tiffany box!!! Regards to the family - have a great weekend.
    scc927, that said, I only get to see the feedback score (mind you, should be able to figure it out from that :eek:).
    If in doubt, I'll contact you to make sure mate.
    It really is nice isn't it, I can see how you'd like them to do an Abrams, who knows maybe one day mate!. Cheers Rob
    That said, I've only got 1 Abrams, but two Strykers (picked up one half price on the Bay).
    Hey mate!
    No, didn't get around to picking up the partisan set, then when I thought about getting it, Zap! gone.
    Still got a few of the sets to get. Hobby Bunker and Clive at Grey Goose still have some, although I have most of the 'must haves'. Glad to hear that your Iraq War table is growing. You've still got to pick the M1A2 up haven't you? I reckon this will be more popular than the Stryker, so I wouldn't hang around on it too much. And as for the eliusive sniper set, I've been looking out for that one for several years, but, nada.
    Hope all's well,
    Thanks for the info on the Russian figures. I really like the chariot, but did not think it was a rare piece as it was marked 3814.2 under the base, which I thought would indicate that this was a third version? Am I correct? Just started, so have a lot to learn. Funny story about the Roman figure - you were destined to get the Tiger back into your collection!! Speaking of collection, did Santa accidently drop anything off? Have a Happy New Year!! All the best, Lawrence
    A pleasure to meet the entire clan! What a great bunch of kids!! Had a great time with them and since Navy won - again - I felt it necessary to ease your pain by providing some chow to the family:) Now about Jill, it has to be a feint. Afterall, she got her Tiffany gift, got her purse (which she forgot twice) and got the Peking Duck! Now, if she doesn't give you any toy soldiers, I would tell her you are starting a new hobby - collecting DVD's!! I guarantee you will either get a bunch of new soldiers or you will be spending more time with the pooch!! Well, at least I can offer some Peking Duck as a consolation prize or teach your son how to make it - hard part will be catching those ducks, but I guess that the youngest son along with the pooch should be able to catch one and your daughter with the field hockey stick can provide the coup de grace!! On that happy family note, have a Merry Christmas with the kids and enjoy them - they grow fast. All the best, Lawrence
    Great to meet you and the family! Have a Great Christmas - hope the Boss got what she wanted at Tiffanys!! All the best, Lawrence
    Let me know when you plan to come in. I usually open up on Sunday. Would be great to see you and the family. Of course, you will be my guest - we take care of our friends in the military - even those who jump out of perfectly good airplanes!! See you on Sunday.
    Did you tell her it was for educational purposes - research material for your son's health education class :) Would she believe, "I just want our son to understand how babies are made and want him to understand I do not want to be a grandfather just yet." Or how about, "I have a new client and need to understand how the business works," Maybe not.... Sleeping on a counch for an extended period of time is not good for us at our age....
    Jeez, when it rains, it pours. Saw a photo in the NY Times - you can just make out a guy with a crewcut jumping out of the Hustler building - thought it was odd he had a parachute with him... Take care. All the best, Lawrence
    I was saddened to hear about the fire, but fortunately, no one was injured. I hope your collection survived. Regardless, toys can be replaced, but loved ones are irreplaceable. It has been a long year for you, but you have your family and friends to support you. Hang in there. All the best, Lawrence
    If you'd not got your sensible head on and stayed out of the house, I could almost have guarenteed the reduction in hair! :eek:
    Good call!
    Yeah, thanks for the reminder :rolleyes: :D
    I'd like to say there's a full head there and that it's just the camera flash that makes it lok otherwise. But......

    Perhaps I should have worn the helmet rather than Rob.
    The good news is that whilst it's slowly dissappearing off the top, it's going like wildfire in all sorts of interesting places like out my ears, nose etc, and my eyebrows have taken on a whole new lease of life.

    It seems that 40 is the critical age where it all starts happening, but you've got plenty of time before that.....oh, hang on, less than 2 years to go? :D:p;)
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