Currahee Chris
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  • They are cool books. Much better than Harry potter. In the new series Riordan introduces the Roman demigods who have always been kept away from the Greek ones but now need to unite with them. So they get to read about Rome. Cool stuff. My daughters love the books.
    Thanks! What years if you don't mind me asking? My dad after Desert Storm was slated for transfer to the DMZ for 9 months before he resigned his commission. Cheers! Jake

    LOL! I laughed really hard on your comment about mine on the Australian SAS thread! haha That is true he is older than me! But as the son of a former paratrooper and Ranger of the 82nd Airborne Division who made the big jump into Panama in '89 and was in the desert for Shield and Storm I felt I had to give that mate a big ole' "HOOAH!" haha!

    Cheers! And thanks for your service!
    Was in a giving mood and was about to give you the Chariot, but you should have said FLY NAVY!! See you in March - Jill should have another Tiffany fix by then :)
    Mate, check out the 2 new plastics sets from Armies in Plastics. Based (with some minor tweaks) on the Figarti figures. It'll give you a chance to polish up your painting skills while figuring out what to do with Fido.
    Dude, a missing left mudflap is the best possible excuse to mod your Abrams. Drop the suspension by a few mil, remove the other mudflap, chrome the exhausts, rear turret spoiler, front splitters and stick a set of alloy 30" rims on it, and that bad boy is ready to roll!
    You will have to get another one as well mind.....:rolleyes:

    I'll bet it was the dog that did it. Must be living on borrowed time by now. :eek:
    I'm kidding - seriously!! You must have forgotten your post to Beaufighter about "ransacking my collection" if I were to go to the Westcoaster :) So, let me know what you are interested in - just don't expect me to trade the Roman Chariot for the Puma!! Have a great weekend.
    Well? You must be home by now? Verdict? Did you do the right thing? Are you one happy bunny? Enquiring minds need to know!
    Yeah, I wish! Will fill in some missing gaps on the 'modern' thread in a minute.
    Just read UPS's latest policy, that if parcels aren't opened within an hour and a half of delivery, they are automatically picked up and returned to sender. Bummer.
    Woozy? Stomach flu? Mate, that sounds far more serious. Could even be the dreaded Man Flu! Get yourself home immediately, but you can't exert yourself by doing anything too strenuous, like opening boxes......
    Be careful what you have in your hand when you go there!! Ones will not get you far in the Big Apple - at least according to my intel :)
    Package arrived safely. Thank you so much for the extra figure :) Though, I must admit that when I saw the large box, I was thinking there was a DVD in there!! Thanks again and the gift is much appreciated. All the best to you and the family, Lawrence
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