Currahee Chris
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  • Banana Hammock!?!? Don't shatter my illusions man!
    Glad 'Danger zone' got a dusting off in your head :tongue: "Highway to the dangerzone, da dum de dum da...... - is it back in there again? :)
    Anyway, I don't need to look any younger than the 21 tender years that I am. My grandad told me about the film..... Sad thing is, I've got Rayban Aviators and a Kawasaki Ninja in the garage. I'm so retro cool, I should be called Iceman ^&cool Know where I can pick up a used Tomcat cheap?

    I think some of those moderns might have been either new Armies in Plastic figures painted up, or Hachettes French Foriegn Legion modern figures. I keep scratching around picking up odd bits and pieces of modern era stuff, but it's hard work finding them.

    Anyway, You can be my Wing Man any day. Dust it off and watch it. You know you want to. :wink2:
    Nicely. Glad you had a momentary panic attack re the Bradley, makes the effort worthwhile
    As for Rob as the am shift, I don't care how many beers I've had, there's no way I can make the nightshift out of an am Rob (although in my younger days, it may have been close )

    The night shift apparently had a thing for US Airborne dudes, but I forgot and said I didn't know any. Sorry mate

    Look forward to a complete 4 out of 4.
    I'd love to do the same, but I've got 5 of the FOV Abrams, and would really be struggling to justify a secong Figarti one. I really ned to set something up with those, the Bradleys (FOV ) and Humvees. Would make for a great armoured convoy shot.

    I think the Humvees and Bradley in the Lt's photo are metal shed. They looked pretty neat, but on one of the close ups of the Panther, I think I saw a sticker price of $700!!!
    Might have to give those a miss.......
    OK, so you didn't fall for my FOV tricks :p
    How many Figarti Abrams are you up to now?
    Mullets lead the way, All the way! Hooah!
    Good choice on the Barzso buildings. Still need to get the two storey Tripoli building, also quite fancy the hacienda (spelling probably way off!).
    Look forwarding to seeing the dio take shape.
    Embrace The Mullet, don't fight it! Resistance is useless, and the stress will just make your hair fall out.
    Hey, how are you doing on the Iraq building front? Have you thought about doing any yourself? Particularly walls and the 'box' buildings. You could knock these up out of pink foam without too much drama. I keep meaning to do more for myself, but then get distracted elsewhere.
    Hey Chris the pm appears to have been eaten by the machine or its just waiting to be delivered. Drop me an email at with the number.

    Thanks Chris, I appreciate the comment. We all contribute in our own way. I have to say you've started a lot of good discussion threads recently. Lots of good reading.

    I thought most tankers were fairly small in stature anyway?:wink2:
    Just put some of the EOD sets next to the older sets. They look very slightly smaller, but not so much that they look out of place next to each other.
    Could be just a big moma of an Iraqi woman :p
    Yeah, a Bradley would be nice. Or a M35 truck, or WMIK Landrover, or Challenger II , or, or, or....^&grin.
    We've got the London Show at the end of March, so whatever is unveiled at the Westcoaster, may also make an appearance there. I'm sure there'll be something to tempt me.
    Nice one. I suspect they are long gone, but I'll keep my eye out on the Bay. Great book called 'Thunder Run' by David Zucchino. It follows the 3ID's drive in to Bahgdad during OIF, 2003. Shows 113's in action, so, just need to get hold of a handful to bolster the Bradleys, Humvees and Abrams.
    Soz mate, been off the forum for a couple of days. I'm not aware of anyone else doing a Bradley in 1/32 or 1/30, certainly, Figarti haven't done one. The only thing I can think of is if your mate saw the second FOV version (1991 and 2003) and thought it had been done by another company? The one I'd really like to get hold of is the FOV M113 in Iraq War markings, that I think was a Target exclusive. Never seen one on the Bay, but would love to get hold of one. Never made it to this side of The Pond.
    Chris thank you! Actually my Dad jumped into Panama with the 4/325 as XO, he wasn't in Grenada, got his Ranger tab during his senior year of ROTC (unfortuately never got to serve in the Regiment), but was CO of his ROTC "Ranger 1" (think mini Ranger training units within ROTC) unit in college where my older bro is now a cadet and member of Ranger 1. Interesting fact of fate is that during the Panama jump due to the heavy AAA they misdropped everyone and my dad landed next to the Ranger DZ! lol
    Chris thanks for the info, I started training 6 months ago for the Rangers! lol And will continue to do so till graduation (Also my father is putting me through a mini-Ranger school this summer to get me prepared which includes map reading). My Dad's good friend from ROTC, the 82nd and who is now an O-6 also gave me some good info on dealing with recruiters on how to get what you want, and to keep in the top physical shape so I don't wash out of ROPE. Thanks again for the info!
    Thank you very much Chris for the comments you posted on my ACW photo album. Glad you enjoyed them. I think I enjoy the photography aspects of the hobby probably more so than the collecting of the figures.
    Yeah my dad was an officer, my brother's an MS3 in ROTC, I however plan on enlisting for 4 years after graduation with the goal of becoming an Army Ranger.
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