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  • Marcus...thank you for the holiday greetings...I hope you have a nice Christmas and Happy New Year too...regards...Michael

    Thank you so much for the birthday wishes.

    I was thrilled to receive Hocker Set 35 from the Nile Series MSC(later RAMC) Camel Bearer Company for my birthday present.

    Marcus...I wish you would post pictures of your Sudan collection...I would love to see them...I also have supplemented my JJD Mahdists with the Wm. Britain Dervish...they seem compatible enough to me...you might look at the Manes Marzano and Heritage figures by Martin Tabony also...they are very nice...John is finally starting to release some Beja Warriors...so I'm excited about that...please post some pictures when you have time...
    Hello Marcus...thank you for the nice compliment on my photo albums...I'm delighted that you enjoyed them...many thanks...regards...Michael
    Hallo Marcus,

    Ich bin auch schon mal auf Deiner Seite gewesen, jedoch fand ich dor keinen Web-Shop bzw eine Auflistung der (noch) verfügbaren Produkte.
    Primär interessiere ich mich für die K&C LAH und AE Serien. Und hier versuche ich ersteinmal die Retired Produkte zu bekommen. Führst Du alle K&C Serien - also auch LAH? Hast du evtl noch Retired items auf Lager?

    Ist wohl immer so, wenn man am Anfang einer Sammlung steht, daß man zuerst die aufgekündigten Produkte jagen muß.

    Romans and Greeks have always been my favorite with WWII slightly behind. I collected mostly WWII because the market for WWII items has always and will always be there. I'm not out of the WWII scene, I'm just taking a break from it. For instance I still have alot of my Dday items and my Germans from the Battle of the Bulge. I would love to keep up with the WWII items but I'm trying to save up for my kids college education now. 1st my wife now my kids this family thing is sure getting expensive, but well worth it :D

    I'm sure one day we will meet. I promised my son we would go to Germany and I never make a promise to him that I can't keep.

    Take care,
    Hi Marcus,

    Hope you had a good Xmas and a great New Year! My collection has changed alot from the last time we spoke. I decided as much as I love WWII that it is just impossible to keep up with all the new pieces that come out on a yearly basis. So needless to say I have stopped collecting WWII and at this time only collect Romans and Greeks from St. Petersburg. I also have purchased some replica armor and some artifacts from the Greek and Roman eras that I display together.

    Hope all is well,
    Dear Joe, many thanks. Yes I got some beautiful new toys...:D:D:D, BRITAINS long searched set of some mounted Indian Lancer (Dehli Durbar) and the FL Panzer IV-fantastic tank !!!
    Hope, you will not forget to come over to Germany one time...
    Will you attend the Chicago show this year again ?
    I will be on the famous London December show again !
    All the best
    Wow Marcus...good question. I got the casting in the UK many years ago. I am not even sure I ever knew the manufacturer. Thanks for the compliment, I think this is some of my better painting, I look at many of my figures and think, "geez, I really need to repaint that!" If I figure out the manufacturer of these, I'll let you know.


    Hallo Markus ,
    Its good to hear from you I hope all is well and I'm glad you like the albums . The WC2010 was a very pleasant surprise and Thomas received the golden Boot :) It was very exciting . The Napoleonic pictures for the most part are from images i found while doing research on the internet , but a lot of them can be found in the fine series by Histoire & Collections . I have just received my Highlanders and they are Fantastic you will be very pleased , have you seen the new Crusaders yet ? they look to be very nice . I will be visiting Plassenburg in September as part of a nice long vacation of sightseeing and Bier drinking :D All the best my friend Gebhard

    In my opinion Britains are much better, although there is a marked price differential they are of two dffrent standards. Personally, I'm collecting Britains, although I did like the Heritage figures.



    Prices were about £15 fot a single foot figure and £39 for a mounted figure. Sorry didn't ask for the gun.

    Hallo Marcus
    I have never been in Bad Dürkheim.I travelled to Bad Nauheim on Elastolin and
    Lineol,,composition,, 7 years ago.I like watching your photos.
    Dear Marcus,
    You will have PHOTOS of Figuren-Börse Bad Dürkheim,,2010,,
    p.s.beautiful collection
    Hi Marcus.

    All is well here. How about yourself? I'm finally starting to get back into the swing of things by picking up a piece here and there. I have really been concentrating on Thomas Gunn pieces since I really like most of the products he has put out. I hope he eventually gets to some armor.

    I was thinking of picking up the HB German Fox hole set. Do you have this set and if so would you recommend getting it?

    Take care,
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