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  • Thanks for your kind words regarding my father. He loved his time in Germany so much he retired there and stayed for another 12 years before he moved back stateside for health reasons. As to flats, I've always thought that might be the way to go in order to collect more soldiers in the same amount of space but finding a reliable distributor here in the hinterlands of nowhere has not been easy. I had a chance to pick up some Zinnfiguren flats, French Dragoons, several years ago but decided to wait now, the store I saw them at is out of business:(. Looking forward to your pictures, have a great weekend:).

    Cheers, Ken
    I'll be returning to Europe but unfortunately unsure as to when. My father has been diagnosed with cancer and is undergoing treatment so much of my time is spoken for at the moment. I was planning on going to Aachen this September, with a diversion to Belgium and Waterloo but that will have to wait. I highly recommend Chatsworth, also Lyme Park just 20-30 minutes down the road West of Chatsworth is very nice. It was used as "Pemberly" in the BBC production of Pride & Prejudice. What is interesting about the Lyme Park property is that the original land grant from the Crown evolved from a particular knights actions at the battle of Crecy where he saved the Kings son (a very young Edward later known as the Black Prince) and recovered the English Standard from a French Knight. My next trip back to Europe will probably be to Germany mostly in the Heidelberg area where my daughter wishes to see the places I spent most of my childhood.

    While I mostly collect Napoleonics, I also have quite a few of Contes Romans and a few of their Spartans. I would agree with Spitfrnd that First Legion is really putting out some great Naps. Once I finish up my K&C Imperial Guard and Coldstream Guard purchases I am definitly looking into what First Legion has out. I would like to see some Prussians to use in a dio I am working on. It's not any "real" battle but rather an imaginary one. I'll try to post some additional pictures of my other collections of which my WWII AK are my favorite. You mentioned that you have flats, have collected or seen any from Zinnfiguren?

    Cheers, Ken
    Hi Marcus,
    No problem on the screen name, I mix those up here myself sometimes.
    Professionally I am primarily a commercial lawyer specializing in energy generation projects. For the most part, I do complex contracts and negotiations but I sometimes also do administrative litigation or appeals related to my specialty. So by British or Continental standards I think that means I am primarily a solicitor and occassionally a barrister. What specifically do you do?
    I am a relatively new collector of Napoleonics but I have some K&C, Britains and First Legion and I have studied carefully all the available pictures for these lines and others. As far as I have seen to date, First Legion really leads the pack. To me that includes the new CS figures that they are being so cute about trying to scare folks into buying as full sets. The level of detail of the FL figures is amazing, especially for the price, and rivals the russian figures. I think you have to see these to believe them.
    Best regards, Bill (Spitfrnd)
    Hello Marcus, saw your project list, very busy:). I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one jumping around from war to war:eek:. Those Bengal lancers sound like a great set, I've not seen Alymar sets so I can't speak to their quality. Let me know how they work out. That CS Winter Tiger looks like a great piece but I'm passing it up in favor of additional footsloggers for my bulge collection. Just picked up the 2 German winter ski patrol sets this past weekend. Hope all is well with you and belated Happy Birthday to you!

    Ken (SABER)
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