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  • Hi Marcus, Good to hear from you. That does appear to be a beautiful set and I will have to get to it eventually. Right now I am concentrating on the action figures for French and British sides and waiting for the cavalry this summer. Based on the Russian Hussars, I expect them to be stunning as well. I have ordered and hope to soon receive a bunch of the new Guard Chasseurs, are you getting those?
    Cheers, Bill
    hey hadrian,
    how you're doing mate? west ham could have done better though - if WH beat Liverpool, ManU would have already been champions! how's your business going on? i hope not too affected by the economic downturn. your family? i hope all is well. wow, your albums are neat, and your collection grows so fast! well done mate! so what's the targets this month?
    Marcus Kingcast is no longer providing Sets or Figures. A source that you may want to check out is MKL Models who did carry their line and featured the Elepant Battery in their catalogue. mklmodels@btinternet.com asking them if by chance they may have what your looking for hope this helps.
    Hi Marcus

    I like to comment on peoples collections where ever possible. Unfortunately we do not have any toy soldier shows in Canada that I am aware of. I have never been to the London show but I do hope to go back to England for a visit and maybe include that in my trip. My favourite is Britains. I also like Little Legion, Ducal, Imperial, Trohpy. I like most of the glossy figures actually :) They are very charming and bring a smile to my face.

    Hi Marcus,

    I like the last album you have created. The JG miniatures are very very nice and go great with your figures.

    Hi Marcus, its always great to see the wonderful things collectors do with their collections. All your albums are very impressive, especially your LAH/FOB diorama. I have not ventured into LAH yet but I am always tempted when I see setups such as yours. I have to say that I never did like the NAZI agenda but I was always impressed when watching old clips of ceremonies and parades. The precision and coordination of these events was like no other and the appearance of the whole event was stunning.
    In your other WWII album I saw you used some Figarti figures. Do they match up well with K&C? I was thinking of purchasing some.
    Hello Marcus,
    Thanks for the kind words about the album. I know I only have 3 photos but that will soon change. Those photos are actually only a small portion of a much larger diorama of the 1st days of the "Battle of the Bulge". The stug pictured is actually from the K&C set "Wolf in Sheeps Clothing". I had it custom painted by Alex who has done alot of great repaints for forum members.

    Hope all is well,
    Hi Marcus,

    Haven't nailed down any definite plans as yet. If I can't make it this Summer/Fall then I'm looking to 2010 Summer/Fall. I'll make sure to keep you posted, maybe we could meet up. Well, back to working on my Napoleonic displays!


    I have a good friend who travels to Germany every year on business. He is always telling me what a great place Germany is and that he would relocate to Germany w/o hesitation if it weren't for family ties to the States. Through him I have met a lot of great people that live in Germany. Some can speak very fluent English while others have their difficulties but I can always make out what they are saying. Now if I were to go to Germany I probably would not be able to get buy w/o help.

    Hopefully I will be going to Germany pretty soon. My friend is expecting to return to Germany in the summer for a month and I have been bugging the wife to let me go and meet up with him for 2 weeks while he is there. As it stands it is still up in the air. If I do get to go I plan on meeting my relatives and doing a lot of sight seeing. At some point I think it would be outstanding to meet up with you. I'll let you know if the wife gives me the okay.

    Hope all is well,
    Thanks for the show info. The one up by Frankfurt sounds promising as that's in the general area I want to take my daughter. I spent 5 years just south in Heidelberg and another 3 years in Mannheim and I want to show here that part of Germany. I also spent a few years in Kaiserslautern (sorry for the spelling ...it's been a few years:eek:) and Munich so I've got quite a bit to show her! Have you seen the new K&C Real West Indians? Do you think they would work for FIW?


    Hi marcus, I'm glad you got some enjoyment out of some of my stories :D Thats interesting that you have some relatives in Michigan since I have some relatives in Germany. My mothers side of the family originated in Wachtberg and I even believe that there is a castle in our family that holds her maiden name "Castle Gudenau". One day in the not so distant future I plan on traveling to Germany and meeting some of my relatives and learning more about the family roots.
    How about you? Are you from the United States and relocated to Germany or are you from Germany? Have you been to Saginaw before?
    Very nice diorama! The canoes coming down the river are exceptionally nice looking. Did you make it yourself? I've tried water in dios before but the texture on mine seems off.

    I haven't branched into FIWs....yet:D. This summer I'm going to have to return to the Crusader era as I've neglected it of late and I really want to pick up a few more K&C Saracens...the new mounted archer is a must for me.

    Glad to hear London was fun. Are there any TS shows in Germany? I am planning on taking my daughter over there and would enjoy taking her to a show...she's always asking to help me set up my soldiers and really enjoys them. She even made me a birthday cake built like a tank and put out some K&C Field of Battle sets she and my wife picked up around the base. Instead of Happy B-Day they found a CD of original WWII recordings of music from the Grossdeutschland Division band and played that instead:D:cool:.

    Hope things smooth out at work and all goes well with you.


    Hi Marcus, I've been rather busy for a while so just catching up. I hope you had a great time at the London show...I'm afraid if I ever manage to be in London during one of the shows they would have to straight jacket me:D.

    I've been bouncing back and forth between aquiring some older WWII pieces such as the Russian T-34 and Brit Stag-hound armored car and working on expanding my Nap collection. I've got to start on the K&C Cuirassiers before they start retiring them so the Red Lancers will have to wait a few months:(.

    Hope all is well with you and your business.


    Well I have some options there which I may be posting in the not too distant future. I have a pretty good weak squad now of combined K&C and CS Cuirrassiers and even one Dragoon. I also could pit the FS French line infantry against them. I will probably switch off between the two.
    Hi Marcus, So far I would say my favorites are the British Guards. I now have all of them (and multiples of several) but the Union Jack standard bearer. I would have like a couple of more poses to include an advance with bayonet leveled and kneeling firing figures but what they did do is superb as well. It is a good thing I am not a dealer, I would never have any inventory to sell;):D. Cheers, Bill
    Hi Marcus,
    I haven't heard from you in a bit and I wondered how things were going? Do you have any First Legion figures on order? I have wishlisted (for belated Xmas) several Guard figures and ordered the two new mounted officers. I am eagarly awaiting them.
    Cheers, Bill
    Too many barristers... Where have I heard this! It's the same in Portugal, lawyers are more than 20 000 for a 10 000 000 population, although I work mostly as a barrister there is not such an official division here, we also can do solicitor's work. Thanks for you offer, I'll take good note!

    Only now have I noticed: you are a barrister and so am I! Also checked out your K&C albums, great displays and figures. The Crimean ones are some of their best, aren't they? Are you selling K&C and other brands too? If so, which ones? I am particularly keen on Imperial Productions from NZ and Britains new gloss figures.

    Happy New Year,
    Hi Marcus,

    Things are starting to get back to normal with the family. My father has one more surgery scheduled for Nov 17th. The doctors think this will be the last one so we are all hoping for the best. Thanks for your thoughts:).

    As for toy soldiers, I've managed to keep myself busy:D. I spent October playing catch-up with some of the older K&C French Napoleonics as well as some K&C WW I Germans. This month it's been WW II mostly, some older British 8th army sets as well as the German Elephant SP. I'm probably going to get the new LAH band as well. Another tempting piece is that Figarti rail gun, what an awesome piece! If I can figure out how and where to display it I think I'm going to get it. How about you? How's the new business working out? I hope your K&C does well so there will be a big demand for...PRUSSIANS! I'm reserving a space in my Napoleonic room for some German naps to oppose my French troops:D.

    I hope you have a great time in at the London show. I hope to pop back over there next year or the following year.

    Cheers, Ken
    Glad it was helpful Marcus. I also regret missing London, maybe next year. I would note that from their posts, 1st Legion has indicated they may have a variety of cavalry, which I assume could include Dragoons and some light units, maybe ahead of the Cuirassiers. It promises to be a fruitful 2009.
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