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  • Hi Marcus,
    I have not received it yet. Did you send it certified mail? Can you track it? If it arrived in the US on the 27th I'm surprised it has not been delivered yet. Do you know who is delivering it US postal service, fedex, or UPS? Things can get tied up in customs but I wouldn't think it would take this long. I'll let you know as soon as I get it.
    Hope all is well,
    Hallo Markus, Sounds like you are a very busy man . Me and Matt have a Great relationship I send him thousands of my dollars and he send me the best Nappis on the Market I'm addicted to them. I have never meet him but by all my correspondence with him he seems to be a Great guy. About DC United they are a US MLS Soccer Team and play in DC as Baltimore has no team and they are only about 35 minutes away I have adopted them as my Home team. They have a Great group of fans about 21,000 nothing like Germany or England 70,000 + but here in Amerika this is how it is Schlechtes Bier and not many Fussball fans. I try see at least one Game in Deutschland every year. bis bald Gebhard
    Hallo Markus,
    Ja ist bin Ami , gebürtig in Baltimore . Meine Eltern sind deutsche und hätte ich als Kind bisschen Deutch gelernt. My Team is DC United we have had a hard Year like West ham :mad: but I must wait till Next Year . I also follow Bundesliga and English Premier . Who do you follow at home ? Are you a Soldier dealler in Deutschland ? All the best Gebhard
    Hello Marcus,
    Thanks for the information , I think I visit Plassenburg next Sept maybe big Show in 11 . A fan of the mighty Hammers:) What did you think of Green St Hooligans ? Paulaner ,,trinken Sie lieber Weiss order Helles ? Ich bin auch Fußball Fanatiker :eek: Bis bald Gebhard
    hi hadrian, thanks for the link my friend. looks lie you had fun there. remember, take photos when west ham loses to manchester united.! : )
    Hello Hadrian,
    Great Albums, I love the Franco -German display . Could you please tell me if you have seen Plassenburg ? On recent trip Sept 09 to Ruhla my Onkel Gerd told me about it and I think I would like to visit there next year . He said they have hundreds of thousands of Flats on display . Kulmbacher ist auch nicht schlecht ! oder? thanks Gebhard
    Great new album! That Figarti E-Boat is nice looking, I'm still too occupied trying to finish up my V-2 set-up to delve into another Figarti project at this time. Hope all is well with you.

    I have been to the London show twice in Dec 2001 and June 2005. I am trying like mad to get to another show.
    I am not so interested in the big boys at these shows K and C etc as that is what the internet is for. I am interested in the small guys like Trophy Asset, Little Legion. These manufacturers you never hear about on the internet so it is only at the show that you realize what you are missing.
    I also don't like big money teams like Man U or Chelsea but I have a soft spot for Liverpool. Also Glasgow Celtic but that is for religious reasons.
    I hope you enjoy the London show
    Thanks for the pictures of the show....I love the Figarti Schnellboot! I am glad
    you had a good time there.
    hi adrian, glad to know you're well buddy. wow, you're going to the game and the show huh? you lucky trix! anyway, pls post photos. i wish you a safe and brilliant time at the show. but i wish you a safe though unhappy match for west ham : )
    Hi Marcus, sorry about the late response. I've been rather busy and haven't had much time to check the forum other then a quick peek here and there. As far as Chicago goes it was a great experience. I originally intended to stay for the entire event but due to some personal reasons I had to leave on Sat. so I was only there for the room trading portion.

    Overall the event was terrific! In relation to this hobby I have never been to another show that was set on such a large scale as this one. In fact I did not even get to see every room. If I had to guess I probably saw maybe about 25% of what was offered due to my time constraint.

    I attended the K&C dinner and the Figarti lunch and had a blast at both. Its always interesting to see what surprises are in store for the collector down the road. Also it was a good chance to meet fellow collectors and forum members.

    Do you have any plans in the future to attend one of the Chicago shows?
    Vielen Dank for the kind words. The early winter tanks are rougher than the new tanks, but they have their own unique quality. Do you have any of these sets?
    All the best, Lawrence
    o sorry my mistake i misunderstood you, i can understand not wanting a stall there as there is so much to see & do you would miss half of it looking after a stall aswell :eek:

    Cheers Craig.
    Hi Marcus would love to see it in person looks great!!! so if you wouldn't mind taking it to the december show that would be great, do you always have a stall at london? cant remember if i came across yours last year!

    Cheers Craig.
    Hey Marcus,
    Looks like a great show hope you had a good time? Can i ask were you got the large rock diorama from that you displayed your bavarians on? It is a real nice piece wouldn't mind picking one up for my 8th army display.

    Cheers Craig.
    Hi Marcus,

    Great Photos! Makes me miss Deutschland all the more. I have to say I really enjoyed seeing the civilain flats as my wife and I have a large number of the Christmas Flats that we purchased at the Christmas Store in Rotenburg ab der Taube, Thanks for sharing

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