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  • Great to see your vintage Britains Deetail restoration project. It's enjoyable to look at your amazing collection. I love that Kubelwagen!

    The new additions to your gallery are very nice indeed. Great work
    Hello Joe
    Yesterday, I ordered some plastic, multipose 28mm WW2 figures, USA and germans.
    The company is Wargames Factory.
    They should arrive Monday.
    I saw those and think that one of them is certainly Russian and from the same maker as yours but I hadnt had a chance to ask him any questions. Been busy here with kids sports seasons. I will let you know if I find out anything on them.

    Thanks for the compliments on my work. I will go ahead and set up some albums with my other works as you advised. I have some other 1/32 conversions and a few older dios I could share.

    Your work looks great! You need to teach me how to do figures because I cannot paint them to save my life. Yours really do look remarkable though.

    I don't know if i would be brave enough to say try repainting a K&C piece...I did see in the modeling section today Panzerarm reworking a 21st Century Pz3 , Which i do have a Pz3 Ausf E sittting around...I might attempt a repaint on that being it is not exquiste looking...I am repainting two FOV tank commanders from my Tiger & King Tiger tanks , because they are poorly painted...
    Alot of those models in my new album were done be me long ago...My next project is a Tamiya DAK Tiger...Thanks for looking Mitch...

    some nice build and paint jobs in your new albums. Particularly like the totenkopf armoured car. The NMA tigers were great for the price and like the commander. Do you think you will transfer your skills to 1/30th stuff?
    You have some nice items in your collection. Always liked the NMA tigers. Only have the grey version missed the rest
    Very cool! Glad it found a good home. I sold one of the DAK versions too and I might sell the Winter version. The 2 that I am keeping is the ultra rare Gray (30 made) and the first Dak Version.

    All the best,
    Thanks, Joe, I'm glad you enjoyed them. Keep checking back--I'm working through a backlog of figures and adding more. I'm adding albums for the other participants in the Seven Years War, too.
    I made it to Berlin, before the fall of the Wall, and got into the DDR, but didn't get to see Potsdam. It must have been something to see!
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