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  • Happy birthday! My best wishes for the future, happiness with your collecting and everything else.

    Yes Pat> The one's on the chat forum. Nice set-up. I sent you a private message . John
    Hi John,

    Thanks for your kind words. Are you refering to the photos I posted on the Toy Soldier Chat? I have not recently posted photos on Treefrog.

    Warmest personal regards,

    Hello John. Just a short note to wish you a very very happy birthday tomorrow. May all your wishes come true especailly if they involve toy soldiers. . . . . . . . Mike
    Thank you John the Little Captain and I had a laid back day and it was nice hearing from my loved ones..Joe
    Hello John. Was curious to see if you finished the new diorama you were going to make with floral foam, celluclay, etc. If you have I would like to see some pics of it. I am getting ready to make another dio - smaller though, only 35"x12". It will be another Crusades dio with Dept 56 structures that will look like old ruins as a backdrop. Hope all is well with you and yours. Have a great Holiday season and a successful New Year.

    That's okay John, I already thought you were on my friendship list LOL.

    Generally what I do is create an album here on TF and upload my pictures to it. Then when I need to post a picture on a thread, i just use the coding under my pic and voila !! jobs done !!!
    Hi Leadmen,
    Thank you for your kind note.
    Do add your artillery sets to the group album, it is always very nice to exchange info amongst us.
    Artillery Crazy
    Thanks Mike: I have worked with Celluclay years ago on dioramas. I will add white glue and Joy soap. John
    Good luck on your diorama you are about to make. One thing I forgot to mention in my "How I Make Desert Scenics" - I also add some white glue to the Celluclay mixture before I spread it. This will improve adhesion for items you apply to the surface after the Celluclay has been spread, ie grass, sand, etc.

    Thanks for the complement Leadmen. If you are going to the Chicago show perhaps we can meet up and introduce ourselves to each other properly. Mike
    AC -I have to learn about the albums for loading pictures and also the photo gallery. I am slow this year learning new techniques. Leadmen
    Hi Leadman,
    You are more than welcome to join the artillery fans group.Load your collection's photos onto the album and let us enjoy talking about them. The joy that they bring to us is what counts not the volume...Look forward to seeing you around soon.
    Hi Leadman,
    Vey nice vickers detachment. In case you are interested in posting your artillery sets photos in an album dedicated to that, feel free to join the Artillery fan album and group.It has been set up for us to know each other, show our sets and exchange info realed to artillery. Feel free to drop by.
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