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  • Mike-
    Just noticed some of your AWI pics on FL's site. Your efforts are certainly worthy of being posted for all to see. Well done!

    I understand your decision to concentrate on specific sets. I am in the process of doing the same idea. Space is a premium here in my home! Over the years I have purchased so much, so like you, I am going to keep a focus. ( as hard as it can be) Yes, when customers ask for products that you have I will contact you. Our store does not keep much of the K&C sets that you have. I hope you are well & please consider our store regarding your future purchases, we have many WB ACW! Regards, Nathan
    Hello Mike,
    I am truly honored by your request of friendship and gladly except . I have long admired your wonderful ACW collection and your beautiful photography and dioramas showcasing your vast selection of figures . I am really looking forward to following your journey into First Legions AWI line . It's gonna be very exciting to follow your storyboard as both this line and your collection grow in the coming years . Best regards & Happy collecting Gebhard
    Hi Mike,
    How are you? I had the pleasure in Aug. (I believe) to have Ken & Erika at our store for an evening of painting and fun. I think he had just been at your home. He said that you had a wonderful collection. He did not know that I know you. Small world, yes? They were in our shop again in Dec. for a weekend presentation. Very fun, If you ever decide to come to Chillicothe Ohio. Please feel free. We have a great store to see, & Ken & Erica will return again.
    I enjoy the MK's that I have got from you over the past year.
    Regards to you & your Family.
    I agree, Mike. It is a wonderful hobby. I started in 2008 with a visit to Jim Hillesteads TS Museum in the Poconos and since then have spent quite some time and funds in this hobby. My starting collecting toy soldiers coincided more or less with First Legion starting their business. That was luck, as I really like their figures. As a consequence, I am spread a little thin over several ranges.

    But I noticed from your albums that you also have looked left and right and were not always as focussed on the CivilWar as I always assumed you were.

    I will now be leaving for another business trip, but put an order in for more AWI soldiers which should await my return ....
    Mike, I am honored by your offer to befriend me. You did an absolute outstanding job on the AWI diorama and research - a guiding light for all us novices out there. Thank you again.
    Merry Christmas Mike...enjoy the Holidays...have fun with your family and mail me any leftover food...especially the tenderloin steak sandwiches with the arugula and truffle spread...I have thoroughly enjoyed our conversations in the past...
    Hi Mike, your very kind to drop me a line on my birthday, by the way your civil wars shots are just out of this world good, I'd love have those skills!
    Hi Mike!
    Thank you very much for the B-day wish! I had a great day. Bought the Spitfire!
    Mike, I have noticed once in awhile a figure arrives with a bent this production problems on that series of items or is it just one item for the series that somehow got bent?
    hi mike.i,m collecting now the american revolution,i have 39 figures of the continental washington and his staff arrived 1 month ago.ken told me that there wil be flagbearers next year,musicans and militia.did you see the sculptures of them too?can you tell me about how many americans arriving next year,or is it a secret until next year?
    Thanks Mike.
    Enjoyed part 2 of Kens visit. Great pics and great threads.
    Was a pity RW couldnt make, and Ken couldnt have stayed longer. Weve all had great time reading about.
    Hi Mike!
    Long time - no see! I can see, you have gone SOHK! ;-)) - But great pics! If i didn´t put my main interest on Crusader, SOHK is a great line to collect. But i´ll stick to my crusaders, LAH and the 2 planes. BTW have you seen my new albums? My work during the long and cold winter. Keep in touch!
    All the best
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