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  • Reb

    How are things ??

    I recently went on the John Wilkes Booth Escape route through Maryland - quite interesting - did I send you that map ? If not send me your address again - I picked up some more interesting brochures from the Maryland Civil War Trails Assoc.
    Can't keep a good Reb down Harris but like all all the best Confederate officers they always looked out for their men. So count on my support even though your just a poor civilian/citizen soldier.
    Reb you went and got yourself promoted! Left us poor enlisted folk and got yourself a commission I see.

    Were those pictures decent enough to pass on for identification? I hope you are able to find your Longstreet and Hood.

    You need to check out the thread called private collection. It is a great ACW collection posted by McKenna
    To start I see its your birthday so of course...happy birthday!

    I'm curious, the figure you have of Jubal Early was a casting from someone else that you painted. Do you know of a company that makes an Early already completed? My painting skills are not quite to that level.
    Morning Bob,
    Hope you had as much fun as planned during your cruise which I've no doubt you had and welcome back. Got a hunch you'd still prefer to be cruising. By the way I took your advise an added Sheldon Hall's book Zulu to my limited collection. Thanks for the heads up on it,
    Hi Bob,
    I'll be back home on Tuesday. Will be posting on the Flashman thread around Wednesday.
    Have some pretty good ideas for Flashy assuming I'm able to get all the new stuff home.
    If you post some of your great images in an album it is actually musch easier for us to access them. I am not sure if you can post the text though.
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