Search results

  1. Middleguard

    Stuff to do with Timpo Nap. cavalry

    A dozen years or so ago I got tired of waiting for new set releases. I had hear about the trick of cutting up guys and replacing parts by melting them together. Thought I would give it a go. Since I had an abundance of Timpo guys that I bought cheap from A to Z hobby as they were going out of...
  2. Middleguard

    USMC Airfix conversions

    That's some nice work. I always like to see the conversions and especially what a paint job will do to familiar figures.
  3. Middleguard

    Blockhaus new releases

    You can almost see the ghosts of the past walking these hallways and stairs. Add a few soldiers for scale presentation and ideas and these will be very hard to resist.
  4. Middleguard

    newbie presentation of some of my work

    That's some fine attention to detail and precision. Please post more like this.
  5. Middleguard

    Mounted Napoleonic French Officers help

    Also just remembered that Café Storme was a hard plastic giveaway if France. There were quite a few figures from the Napoleonic era. I have some that were mounted that look like they could be officers. Try googling Café Storme figures and see what you get.
  6. Middleguard

    Mounted Napoleonic French Officers help

    Jean Hoeffler and Dulcop made mounted officers. This is a Dulcop on a generic horse. He doesn't fit the horse too well and I had to paint on the furniture. But a little green stuff could fix both of those problems. The Jean are more of Germanic armies than French but with some paint they could...
  7. Middleguard

    The Walking Dead - partial Zombie horde

    I was thinking about other possible conversions for these guys. A WWII dio about finding and saving the POWs or the sad discovery of a concentration camp. That episode of Band Of Brothers was in your face with some of the visuals. There are a lot of pictures and tons of footage about those...
  8. Middleguard

    The Walking Dead - partial Zombie horde

    Cool figures. Sweet paintjob. How many poses in the set? There may be some conversion material here for stripped bodies 2 days after a civil war or Napoleonic battle.
  9. Middleguard

    Possible solution for Nap. Austrin artillery

    While awaiting the arrival of the AIP ACW artillery I knocked these guys out for a first look. I replaced a few arms and found a bucket hanging off the front of a Dulcop gun. A little putty and the back of the jacket was closed. Putty also gave this guy an extra crossbelt. Swapping heads out for...
  10. Middleguard

    Normans by Pvblivs

    They look fine by themselves. Can you post a pic with them side by side with other manufacturers for a size comparison. Looks like they would be brilliant painted up.
  11. Middleguard

    mix of makers carabiners

    Thanks for the link and thank you for the pictures. They provide quite the motivation. I was out of work for a while due to a non-work related injury. It gave me time to get back into the hobby. I got more done in 5 weeks than I usually get done in a year. I'm back to work now so my production...
  12. Middleguard

    Mounted French horse artillery? How bout these

    Mounted French horse artillery? Those Timpo British Hussars again. Quite versatile actually. When I have to buy the whole set to get the Wellington figure to use as Saxon cavalry I gotta find some role for the other guys to play. The life guard guy gets his flowing plume clipped and becomes a...
  13. Middleguard

    Possible solution for Nap. Austrin artillery

    I dug out the lone grenzer I have done. I clipped off the plume and scrapped off the shoulder fringe and the rest is paint. I'm on the last 10 guys of 102 Wuttembergers and then I'll try the artillery. Pics of the Wurttys to follow.
  14. Middleguard

    Possible solution for Nap. Austrin artillery

    Thanks Scott, I have bunches of each of those guys. I'm going to order the AIP ACW heavy siege artillery and then make up a bunch of each of the suggestions. I'll try a batch of each type or even come up with a combination of these and see what I like best. I was thinking the wellington head...
  15. Middleguard

    Possible solution for Nap. Austrin artillery

    I have been toying with the idea of taking the Armies In Plastic ACW Union artillery heavy siege gun crew and adding heads from the Timpo Wellington or Blucher for the bicorn hat to make passing Napoleonic Austrian gun crews in overcoats. Has anyone tried this or do you think it would pass the 6...
  16. Middleguard

    BMC mexicans as french

    I like the "in the crowd level" pictures. It seems to give a sense of depth and distance. The little gazebo thing was part of a Christmas decoration I believe. The gun crew is Armies In Plastic horse guys with a Timpo aimer. I took this picture by just sticking the camera inside the housing...
  17. Middleguard

    Call To Arms Normans

    They look like very stalwart fellows. I have a large box of knights and Viking type sitting around somewhere. These guys look to be good filler troops. The poses seem to be useful enough. All in the heat of battle and none of the pointing or standing at attention foolishness.
  18. Middleguard

    giant outside napoleonic battle

    Saxon heavy cavalry.A panoramic view from the Austrian side. Austrian curiasiers, dragoons. hussars, and lancers. French infantry in line supported by Swiss in line backed up by Saxons in column. Saxon artillery to the left.French infantry with Swiss infantry and Saxon infantry protected by...
  19. Middleguard


    It just occurred to me that in order to post on Hat you need a password. They gave some clues and I have a possible idea of what it may be but don't know for sure. If anyone knows what the password is for sure could you share it here so we can all post.
  20. Middleguard


    I haven't heard anything. If we are being optimistic that could mean the door is wide open for any and all suggestions. We could flood the forum with our 1/32 wish lists and see what becomes of it. I would prefer that they expand existing lines than to do 1 set from here and 1 from there and so...