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  1. Middleguard

    What unit does this Reamsa belong to?

    Now I see it. The jacket is worn open with another braided jacket underneath. Thanks for the pictures. Is there a reason for the different braiding on the pants leg? Are these the only marine figures in plastic? Nice paint job. It will give me something to follow and help in more research.
  2. Middleguard

    What unit does this Reamsa belong to?

    Yeah, I thought Marines too but a quick check through my library showed nothing like it. Since it is Reamsa maybe it is supposed to be something put together by French troops in Spain. I know a little about the details of the campaign. A lot of cavalry units became dismounted due to lack of...
  3. Middleguard

    mix of makers carabiners

    With there being no solid set of carabiners I have taken all the different guys and added to them a few makeshift conversions. A Call To Arms guys flanking a Jean Hoeffler bugler Reamsa and A Call To Arms escorting a converted Marx ACW falling horse and rider A Call to Arms and Reamsa...
  4. Middleguard

    What unit does this Reamsa belong to?

    Can someone tell me where this guy belongs. As best I can tell he is French light infantry. I have never found a picture or description of infantry wearing a dolman and pelisse. He wears a sword and has shako cords and the cuff says light infantry but the jacket baffles me. What do you guys do...
  5. Middleguard

    Persian from X force

    Nice work. They have quite the line of quality figures at Xforce. I enjoyed the pictures and the link.
  6. Middleguard

    Napoleonic Marine of the Guard

    Outstanding work! Do you keep all your finished figures or do you work on a commission basis? Looks like something one would see in a museum.
  7. Middleguard

    9th hussars line elite and trumpeter

    Thanks for the link Mike. I did not know about this site. My conversion skills are weak but my imagination is strong. I just changed some heads between the Hat line wurtembergers and the grenadiers. I found the right glue finally and it has made quite a difference. Now I am stoked to try a few...
  8. Middleguard

    9th hussars line elite and trumpeter

    Thanks. This was back when I tried conversion only by paint. These elites could have easily have had their sword arm moved and head turned. I have plenty more unpainted ones to try it on. Also now that I know about green stuff I may try horse furniture with it. AIP made some very good French...
  9. Middleguard

    9th hussars line elite and trumpeter

    I based some cavalry today. The line guys are Italeri, the trumpeter is Dulcop and the elites are Timpo british hussars. This is what we are forced to use as no one is making 1/32 Napoleonics these days. Anyone have info on any new Nappy sets?
  10. Middleguard

    Small Sampling of French Army

    The size does kind of stand out when placed in a showcase setting but the painting is so fantastic you don't focus on the size. Once they get into combat everyone ducks to the same level and are all the same height. Looking forward to more of your work.
  11. Middleguard

    giant outside napoleonic battle

    I wasn't very happy with the village but time was the biggest factor deciding what I could do. I wanted to show reinforcements coming through town and wasn't sure how I was going to pull it off before I set up the village. Then it was too late to change it. Ticks, huh? No bugs here yet as it has...
  12. Middleguard

    giant outside napoleonic battle

    I know what you mean about the fire ants. I was stationed at Ft. McClellan in 94-95. Found out about the ants the first time I cut the grass. So what I have here is 150 Russians, 363 Austrians, 149 Saxons, 102 Westphalians, 24 Portuguese, 96 Swiss and all of 330 French. This is why I buy toy...
  13. Middleguard

    giant outside napoleonic battle

    I didn't have time to more than 1 scene so this was it. I need an indoor stage so I can use all my figs and leave everything setup to do it right.
  14. Middleguard

    giant outside napoleonic battle

    Used up my whole day outside. Didn't get much done on the Hat Wurtemburgers. Used 1267 guy to make this and only about 5 unpainted. Unfortunately as it was outside the ground is uneven so I could only use my based guys so they would stand up. Also I could not leave it up overnight so it had to...
  15. Middleguard

    Unpainted Napoleonic Village Defense

    Now that's what I'm talkin' bout! Finally got outside today and was doing some recon for a space to lay something on that scale out on. Mind bendingly outstanding. What's the figure count on Blackcat Russians alone? Do the buildings come apart for storage? I assume that is foamboard and very...
  16. Middleguard

    Massive Unpainted Napoleonic Battle

    Truly inspiring. I have got to find more space to do something larger as I have 1300 plus painted guys who really want to make it into some pictures. The building interior is fantastic. And the redoubt looks resilient. A good setup like this is enhanced by having units with enough guys to...
  17. Middleguard

    ClassicToy Soldiers with Cunnyngham Collectibles (and a Conte)

    Always like to see a good firing line. It's really much better when there is such a variety of figures to use that there is very little or no redundancy of the same figure over and over again. Nice painting on them too.
  18. Middleguard

    Just messing around.

    Simple but very effective. Are the tombstones from the Halloween collection? I always check the Halloween and Christmas displays and the Home improvement stores. I got tombstones and a guillotine last year. They cover several different time periods and the figures are in close enough scale in...
  19. Middleguard

    Italeri austrians napoleonic wars 1/32nd (1st set)

    Outstanding dio. What figures did you use to make the Austrian artillery guys? I'm thinking the heads are from some Timpo cavalry, but I can't make out the bodies. The flags look like paper. Is there a maker for those or did you just somehow print them off the computer?