Search results

  1. Brother Jonathan

    BMC Alamo chapel Facade.

    11 years later... Scott, can you share how filled in the back of the BMC Alamo façade?
  2. Brother Jonathan

    Expeditionary Force British Line Infantry Command

    This is one of the Expeditionary Force sets I've been waiting for the most eagerly (this and the 1812 frontiersmen). I've been trying to put together good British color parties even longer than X-Force itself has been around.
  3. Brother Jonathan

    Are "RaId on St Francis" range State MilItia figures ok for AWI?

    By time of the 2nd Continental Congress, hadn’t Washington already adopted his blue-and-buff uniform?
  4. Brother Jonathan

    Move Expeditionary Force British Light Infantry.

    Scott, did you fully assemble your X-Force guys before painting? I'm putting together my Royal Marines and noticed that in some of the poses there will be spots that will be tricky to reach with a brush.
  5. Brother Jonathan

    New Releases for March 2019 - The Eighteenth Century Collection

    Already pre-ordered my Rifle officer. Now all I need is ol' Morgan himself. Looks like it's going to be a great figure!
  6. Brother Jonathan

    AWI Dragoons Riding Thunder

    Keep 'em coming! {sm4}
  7. Brother Jonathan

    Moving A 3" Ordnance Rifle Section Into Battery Position

    All the conversions look terrific!
  8. Brother Jonathan

    Moving A 3" Ordnance Rifle Section Into Battery Position

    The Running Up the Gun set was my first Britain’s gun crew. It was very much a gateway purchase! {sm4}
  9. Brother Jonathan

    AIP announces new boxes and set titles with figures that seem to be altered

    I wish I could say I was surprised. I see from the website that the reboxed Confederates include two new poses: "1 standing firing down and 1 kneeling firing down." That seems to be it in terms of new *figures.* I'm all for using figures creatively to cover different eras and armies, but I'd...
  10. Brother Jonathan

    ACW Federal Light Artillery

    If I had looked closer at your photo, Mike, I would have noticed you had the entire crew in the correct positions (not surprisingly).
  11. Brother Jonathan

    ACW Federal Light Artillery

    The pouch is for safely carrying the ammunition up to the gun. I'm not sure if Crewmen 6 & 7 carried one, or just #5.
  12. Brother Jonathan

    LOD British light infantry fix.

    I wish I had purchased more stuff from All the King’s Men while it was still operational.
  13. Brother Jonathan

    New Releases for January 2019 - The Eighteenth Century Collection

    So this is the final version of the loading rifleman?
  14. Brother Jonathan

    LOD British light infantry fix.

    I&R was my first guess. There really is an underdeveloped market for spare parts in 54mm. My plan was to cut out the muskets and re-attach them further in because the shooters have their hands about a hand’s breadth away from the trigger, but I’m not sure how to fix the missing hammer, unless I...
  15. Brother Jonathan

    Britains Swoppets

  16. Brother Jonathan

    Photos of Expeditionary Force Romans

    How do you sign up for the Expeditionary Force newsletter?
  17. Brother Jonathan

    54 BRT 02-C Highland Infantry Centre Coy.

    I really hope the Highland command set includes two flag poles so I can have two ensigns. I'll be interested to hear from the first collectors to get the set. Can't wait for American riflemen and British command!
  18. Brother Jonathan

    African American Union troops

    Exceptional work, Rupert!
  19. Brother Jonathan

    African American Union troops

    You can also double your A Call to Arms USCT poses if you get one of their Iron Brigade sets and do some head swaps. I also plan on converting some Conte figures using African American heads I bought from All the King’s Men. Too bed Ken has closed up shop—it would probably be hard to track down...
  20. Brother Jonathan

    Accurate AWI British Infantry