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  1. R

    Why are plastic collectors treated as second class?

    You know guys I love my plastics as most of you so as well. I wish I had the money to buy an enourmouse metal collection, but have found satisfaction in painting my own plastics. I am only a few cannon crews away from having a full 140 piece french 54mm Napoleonic army complete with infantry...
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    Painting Plains Indians-a question.

    I use tanned skin from citadel paints. I also use it on Afrika Corp Germans. I painted a set of Airfix plains indians a year or so ago. I posted on this site. You may could go back and find the old post and look if it would help
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    Napoleonic Poll

    It is my absolute favorite era to collect. It is mostly what I paint and buy. A few years ago I made a decision not to sell any Napoleonic, knight, or gift figure that I had or created. Anything else was fair game. 95% of what I have in Kand C is anpoleonic as well as metal britains, so this...
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    Lamb it in Georgia!

    Well, If you lived out in the sticks like I do in the non atlanta part of GA,there would have been plenty of pature room for it. Great to see you got to a safe place.
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    What to do with Toy Soldiers???? Ideas???

    For our KandC, britains, Tradition and other expensive figures, we diplay them. OUr plastics we spend hours painting, we wargame and display. What are some things treefroggers do with their figures in a creative way? Also, I have racked my brain with ways to create a game that is simple, yet...
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    Visit of a Maginot Line fortification

    Awesome pictures! I would love to go and visit the Maginot Line. Spent 2 days in Paris and that was about it in France.
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    What are the Forum members reading

    3:16 numbers of hope, by Max Lucado, will probably start reading about the Arab Israeli conflict next. Been mostly listening to audio cd classes on American History and the Renaissance. Getting ready to start on eon ww1. Great to listen to while I am painting. They are by the Teaching company.
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    King's Mountain: Death of Maj. Ferguson

    I know this has nothing to do with the pictue you are looking for, but I clicked on this thread to see the picture and to throw in a little pride if I may. My Great x5 or 6 grandfather fought at Kings Mountain. He was a captain in the Militia. his name was Moses Guest and after the battle, he...
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    Good American Commanders

    Gary Gallager who teaches The Civil War at the University of Virginia says that Gettysburg was not the end all for the south. At least, not seen as at the time. The south still had a great chance to win. Specifically at Atlanta in September of 1864. A bloody stalemate there would have at...
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    Good American Commanders

    I just read Grant and Sherman by Jay Wink. Great book. As much as I love my southern Generals and the defense of each, I must admit that I think U.S. Grant and Sherman were two fo the GREATEst Generals to ever put on a uniform. Thought that before I read the book, but the book reinforced it...
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    Good American Commanders

    Let us not forget the reload tactics at Cold Harbor that Grant had to use against Lee. Remember, The two lowest points in Northern Morale were in the Autumn of 1862 and the Summer of 1864. The elections of 1864 may have certainly been different if my Great x4 grandfather and the army of...
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    Good American Commanders

    I agree on the airborne with one addition. I think Curtis Lemay has to be mentioned. His development of bomber techniques was invaluable to American bomber commands in ww2.
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    green army men wars on youtube

    That one was really good. My favorite is one that lasts about 10 minutes and has a naval, air and attack on the tan home base with firecrackers as well. That really takes a lot of set up and work. But, for less than 20 bucks, you can have a great battle with all of that.
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    green army men wars on youtube

    Man you guys nailed it. I am 34 years old and I wish someone would have a green tan battle with firecrackers with me again. I have started painting some up in different uniforms and I love it. I always keep a stash of them in my collection.
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    green army men wars on youtube

    I know many of you gasped at the idea that someone would mention little green emn on a toy soldier site!, but you guys need to check out the green and tan wars that people have made with their own cameras and computer sound effects on youtube. They are hilarious!
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    My Collection

    Those look great! Those Contes sure paint up good don't they
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    Faded paint help

    I accidentally discovered a way the other night. I sprayed my finish on some figures to close. They got a foggy look to them so I crushed some off and went over the areas with a bit mroe paint and they look like they have battle smoke on them
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    All white Free French

    I agree with you in priciple, but at the same time, when are we going to quit constantly beating this horse and truly try to move on. As a teacher, I deal with this from both sides everyday. in the south, I have to remind white students of the atrocities and injustices that people of color and...
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    Real battlefield!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I like the idea. It may take me a little time to think of something though. I have a 54mm french army with cavalry ready to do battle now. No artillery though
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    Real battlefield!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I am in if the rules can be kept simple, realistic, and fun. Would we take pictures and post to keep up with battles. I ahve often thought about using my figures to make mini dioramas and keep up sith progress on a real map