Search results

  1. Praetorian

    Authorized Dealers

    Hi Guys, Re GJB22’s request for more info on becoming an official K&C dealer. It takes a lot of money… a lot of time… a whole lot of dedication and these days, a complete business plan on exactly how you will operate… where you will operate and who you plan to sell to. K&C already has...
  2. Praetorian

    Future FOB

    Hi Guys, In answer to Ray’s (NMROCKS) request for small releases to accompany less popular series here’s the problem... ‘Onesies and Twosies’ or even the occasional lone set still distracts away from and occupies valuable factory production capacity. These days first priority must always go to...
  3. Praetorian

    Future FOB

    Hi Guys, It’s always good to get favourable reaction to any series and I know Andy particularly likes it for the FoB ‘Fall of France’ and ‘Dunkirk’ releases as they are among his favourties. Now, as for upcoming ones I do know there are some more British and a little French in the works for...
  4. Praetorian

    K&C Crusaders and Saracens

    Hi Guys, Fear not, this series is one of K&C’s most sought after and has been a huge success. IT WILL NOT BE ABANDONED! In fact Andy just approved the sculpts of a whole new batch of Crusaders & Saracens for release later in the year. Set your minds at ease. Happy Collecting!
  5. Praetorian

    New Warbirds

    And finally the 'Hawker Hurricane'... The last picture in this set shows an older K&C Hurricane next to the new version. There are only a few of these new aircraft left in stock; please send an email to for further information. Happy Collecting!
  6. Praetorian

    New Warbirds

    Next is the 'Supermarine Spitfire Mk. 9'...
  7. Praetorian

    New Warbirds

    Hi Guys, I thought you might like to see our latest batch of warbirds. First up is the P-51D Mustang 'Big Beautiful Doll' (figure is shown only for scale)
  8. Praetorian

    Any of you guys Alamo collectors

    Hi Guys, A big thank you to those who like this series and have posted on it. It’s one of our favourites too… of course we are biased more than a bit. What with having Kings X and being a native of San Antonio myself. The Alamo looms large in our collective imaginations. Allow me to praise...
  9. Praetorian


    Hi Guys, Much as I sympathize with any collector’s frustration I also think this particular argument is more than a wee bit unfair. To go on and on about all of K&C’s World War One and Two releases and fail to see the other side of the picture… and it’s a big one… is just plain unreasonable...
  10. Praetorian

    More Background Info...

    Hi Guys, Just spoke to Andy this morning on the following subjects to get his input. The Upcoming ‘88 Over the years K&C has produced several different 88’s… each one unique in its own way. At Chicago a couple of years ago he bought one of ‘Metal Shed’s’ fantastic hand-made 88’s mounted on...
  11. Praetorian

    Future and Forthcoming Warbirds

    Hi Guys, Just to clarify, the only Warbirds we currently have available are the Westland Whirlwind VHE, the F6F Hellcat (Minsi III Model), one B-25, and the final Helldiver (Bunker Hill Version). There are several more planes in the works… but that’s a post for another day! To purchase any of...
  12. Praetorian


    and the Central command group.
  13. Praetorian


    The Right and Left Flanks...
  14. Praetorian


    Hi Guys, We over here at K&C were inspired by King’s Man and the impressive diorama of Revolutionary War British Redcoats he put together. So we decided to try our hand at doing something similar with our new Hessians! The right flank is marching forward while the left flank is preparing to...
  15. Praetorian

    Broken Bridge Diorama

    one more
  16. Praetorian

    Broken Bridge Diorama

    another one
  17. Praetorian

    Broken Bridge Diorama

    Hi Guys, Here are a few pics of Gordon's latest diorama. Enjoy! Happy Collecting!
  18. Praetorian

    Dead... dying... wounded... captured!

    Hi Guys, One of the reasons King & Country does not produce so many of these is that they do not sell in the same quantities as other sets and figures sell in. That being said, all of us here appreciate the extra realism they do bring to any battlefield scenario and we will continue to...
  19. Praetorian

    Praetorian’s Portfolio

    Last one!
  20. Praetorian

    Praetorian’s Portfolio

    one other...