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  1. M

    Website problems?

    Yes it is the forum is now much faster on my cpu.
  2. M

    Looking for Complete List of Britains American Revolution Series

    I have quite a few britains rev. war and I am willing to sell some of them so if you pm me with the sets you want I will see what I can do.
  3. M

    British Napoleonic Gun Crew

    Wellington just wondering if you recived you K&C RHA set, is it nice?? Also if you got any of the addition figures what is your opinion on them. I'm thinking of ordering it this weekend, but I just wanted some feed back on them first.
  4. M

    Just spotted this

    My guess I have to say is a royal navy or marine series because in portsmouth there are royal navy memorials and isn't there a royal navy dock there, but I am not sure.
  5. M

    Just spotted this

    Just thought of something not likely to be right, but when he said he may have a naval connection I got to thinking and I seem to rember on some royal navy officer insignias and such there is a crown with a cannon and sword under it. It looks a little like the skull and cross bones, I have not...
  6. M

    Just spotted this

    ok well if it is not pirates (like many other members) I will be happy
  7. M

    Just spotted this

    well that may have put the mystery to sleep.
  8. M

    Hackensack, NJ show this Sunday

    Nick I think I may have seen you at your table because I rember the bridge by any chance do you have a mustache or was that the guy alongside you??
  9. M

    Hackensack, NJ show this Sunday

    I thought the show was good too, but of course when I went I changed my mind on what figures I was going to get so I decided just to buy some WS sets from K&C that I did not own yet. Overall it was a good show.
  10. M

    Hackensack, NJ show this Sunday

    Brad thanks for the advice I may be like how you were last year and go home with nothing and I relized that I can not go in with to high of expectations if the prices are to high I will definatly resist. Thanks for the advice, Mitch
  11. M

    Hackensack, NJ show this Sunday

    I will be attending as well I'm planing on getting some retired K&C DD sets and maybe some Iwo Jima, after seeing flags of our fathers I thought I would look at them and if they are as nice as they look in the pictures I will be buying some.
  12. M

    Painted LVTs

    thanks for the info I will check those two things out
  13. M

    Painted LVTs

    What kind of airbrush do you use I have been trying to find a good one but, I have to say that I wish it is at a resonable price. My old one broke, I guess sometimes cheapest is not always the best route to go.
  14. M

    Patriot 82nd Airborne

    Do they "mesh" well with the K&C 82nd or can you tell the difference when they are in a diorama.
  15. M

    Sgt. Ewart-Capture of 45ths colors set

    I just looked at my set and did notice that it did say 3 not 45. I find that just a bit weird...
  16. M

    WS041 Panzer II

    thanks for the info I think I'm just going to go with the infanry
  17. M

    K&C Scratch & Dent Sale

    I'll think about it I'm not certain I'm gonna get them but I'm about 60% sure I am. Right now I have a long list of soldiers I plan on getting a little to long
  18. M

    Delhi Durbar

    I would love to see some Northwest Frontier sets as well and the polo match sounds like a very good idea. Dave I may just have to try to get the 15th Ludhiana Sikhs Colour Guard but, I'm not sure because I was just about to order some panzerI's and a few german infantry sets but I think those...
  19. M

    WS041 Panzer II

    Well I planned on going to hackensack but then my mom told me that we had to go visit my brother at school that weekend but, there is still hope because my dad said if we get back in time on sunday we can stop there for a hour or so on the drive home. Maybe I will get lucky I sure hope so
  20. M

    WS041 Panzer II

    That may be a little to much for me but thanks for the help