Just spotted this (1 Viewer)

Methinks, Rob, that you may have solved the riddle of the K&C, UK secret line! Or maybe the Nevilles really were pirates!


Some people say that the way dad trades in Old K&C he is a pirate!!! (i just made Mike cough on his Biscuit!!!LOL :D )

Rob you sure it was a skull and cross bones you saw???

Well it sure looks like it mate,but i'm happy to be wrong(cos i didn't want Pirates)Hey how about you slow it right down then i'll know for sure!!!


we have the next launch flash ready to go on once we have done the offcial launch it looks cool as do the master paints which i saw last week!!

If i slow it down it takes the fun out of it.

Yeah i am only kidding mate,actually i am really looking forward to the 2nd and don't want to find out before then cos it should be a very nice evening.See you at the show

Whew, I,m glad it,s not pirates also, what a waste of effort if that were the case.
I hope you find my Engliish not bad I a first commer to this please do not be angry my English. :eek: I collect East of India but change to splendid fine King and country thre years ago. I live Hong Kong a few years but come from Taiwan where my factory is making christmas trees. very very good business.
I like very much pirates and understand from my frend in china that some sample of pirates and a big big ship were made I can not find on the king county site ;)
thankyou you very much.
Welcome aboard Ben,

Your friend is correct. A few years ago Andy Neilson of K&C bought the rights to produce some pirate characters from a book or movie (I don't remember which), and he had prototype figures as well as a wonderful wood pirate ship, based on a model of Sir Francis Drake's ship the Golden Hind, produced. I begged Andy to put the ship and figures into production, and when he wouldn't, tried desperately to purchase the prototypes, without success. But I am fairly sure this is not what the new K&C, UK series will be.


also i have Germans i like germans as well as pirates i not now the english name but they had some germans who had the pirate sign on them......this might be the sign. sorry my english:(
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I think you mean the SS. K&C makes both Waffen SS (the fighting kind in camouflage uniforms) and Liebstandarten Adolf Hitler (the parade kind in black uniforms).
高有是任何一个在他们的这个论坛之外从收集国王和国家的台湾或中国? I want to see if there are other collectors of fine King and country from China. Ben
这是这不是海盗的羞辱, 这能是 ss 并且第17 Lancers 如同他们全都使用头骨和十字架并且去骨第17 lancers 会是意想不到的。
if no pirates or ss what about the Lancers that Mr Rob mention?
Ben Choi
Welcome to the forum Ben,hope you enjoy.Looking forward to the new UK series whatever it is.I think i'll stop guessing now as i must be testing Tony's patience!.Not long until the show/evening in London now,can hardly wait.

Rob / Guys

Not testing my patience at all i cannot wait to show it off, Andy and teh K&C team have done a sturling job.

Just thinking the Neville family roots are from Portsmouth so maybe we are pirates!! or at least there is a naval connection.

Welcome to the forum, Ben. There's a lot of good people here and it's a great source of information, have fun, that's what it's all about.:D

Just thinking the Neville family roots are from Portsmouth so maybe we are pirates!! or at least there is a naval connection.

Just thought of something not likely to be right, but when he said he may have a naval connection I got to thinking and I seem to rember on some royal navy officer insignias and such there is a crown with a cannon and sword under it. It looks a little like the skull and cross bones, I have not had a long time to look at the image on the K&C UK website but it was just a thought.
I popped by the K&C UK warehouse today on the way home They have made the warhouse storage huge and that delivery they got in on Monday was massive. When you see it all together like that made me glad that i only collect WWII and the Crusaders. If you took one of everything it would be a nightmare.

Tony was really buzzed by the Pictures from Andy of their new range. I guess i have not joined their 'inersanctum' yet as he nearly bursting to tell me but stayed strong. I may have to get him down the pub to find out!!

He could'nt even show me the Polo shirts for the launch because he said they have writing on the back as well. I will go for it mostlikly as it is a start of a range and i can get it from number one like the Crusaders.


Jake (Monty)

Looking forward to the range even though i dont know what it is.

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