Just spotted this (3 Viewers)

monty will you be in london for the show? I will be meeting Tony and Bob in london and then going to see them at their HQ .
Hope I see you to monty.
I think with all the build up we've had plus the show in the morning the 2nd December will be a great day in London.Can't wait to see the new range,talk to Andy,Tony and Mike and hang with other K&C fanatics.Have to say i have been going to these shows in London for many years now.And still when i first walk in (normally about 7.30am!)the KC tables look stunning.So much quality product spread out in front of you is amazing.The presentation that Mike,Tony and all the family puts on is so good it makes it physically diffficult to walk away.(even with the wife dragging me)I also think that however much i see their product online its not nearly as good as seeing it laid out like that.Even more so now Tony has started producing such excellant dio's.I find that often my buying strategy goes straight out the window when i see it all like that,i can only imagine what will happen to my strategy when i lay eyes on that M10!.

Throw in Jennifer Aniston and a large Pasta dinner and its a perfect day!


Monty (Jake) will not be there as his wife has him under control and he has to go to the Opera!!! Just like my brother under the thumb!

We call it in the UK Ben (who wears the trousers!!!) UK men like to think they are in control but trust me we are not!:D

Ben if you are coming to the evening event do you need special dietry requirments.

Rob I have some new bases for December and a huge one for the Crusaders it is a cliff front with a castle at the top. Looks awesome
Hello Tony I saw your brother Bob today in China we are both looking much towards the show. Ask him about the christmas tree I gave him from my factory.
Is the new line Victorian Navy I think you started this before?
With much regards
I believe the Waffen SS or Gestapo wore skull and crossbones also. Just a guess thou. After all I am ACW guy so can't be held accountable for my actions.

Not german military as this would be a little bit too political, the main guys that wore this emblem were the LAH.


In Portsmouth there is a memorial with a name sake that will give it away!!

Which memorial is the key!!!:D


Give it up guys, the Nevilles are never going to tell us what the release is, even if we guess correctly. I would be willing to bet that we have already guessed correctly, and that they are just keeping it close to the vest. I still suspect that it is one of the following three options:

(1) World War I (although as this would be very popular everywhere, especially France and Germany, I doubt they would do this as a UK exclusive);

(2) Zulu War (this would be perfect, and for my money is the most likely (especially as Andy did this subject twice before in 1988 and 1994-1995), except no skull and crossbones tie in);

(3) Crimean War (its a very popular subject, Andy has always envied Frontline's coverage of the Charge of the Light Brigade, and as Rob pointed out, the 17th Lancers had a skull & cross-bones cap badge).

We'll just have to wait & see.
The 17th Lancers were involved in the Zulu War of 1879. Their charge at Ulundi turned the Zulu retreat into a rout. So their Death or Glory regimental badge would still keep them in the running for this upcoming surprise.

You are absolutely correct. I was only thinking about the usual toy soldier subject matter for the Zulu War, Isandlawana and Roarke's Drift, and hadn't even considered that Ulundi might be the subject. As I recall, both Trophy and Imperial have done sets of 17th Lancers from the Zulu war, so it is indeed still in the running.
My guess is the following: The Royal Marines.

Created October 28, 1664. Part of all the conflicts. K&C can produces figures of them during the 1st and 2nd Opium Wars, Crimean War, Boxer Rebellion, WWI, WWII, Korean War, Suez Crisis, Malouines War, Afghanistan and Iraq (and also during XVII and XVIII centuries).

A good diversity for all the tastes and the opportunity to produce "local" figures that may interest a majority of collectors of UK and a signifiant quatity worldwide (and some distribution contrats in the museums in Portsmouth, especially the Royal Marines Museum).

What am I winning? :)

Oh sure, that’s just what we addicts need: ANOTHER SERIES. ;)

Another series of wonderfully sculpted figures to collect when we haven’t even had a chance to catch-up with the Crusaders!!!!! :rolleyes: And not only did Andy produce the Crusader series, he made 42 of them available in the first two months.:cool:

(Schizophrenic an’t I, ask for new stuff, get it and then complain).:D

A bit of wild speculation here, there is the memorial with the WW I Vickers gunner, which would seem like a potential obvious choice, considering the demand for this era, the Royal Marine Memorial, along with the Naval Memorial.

But, there is also the HMS Victoria Memorial.
Could this be a link to a Victoria Cross series?

Just had another thought with regards to Portsmouth and the skull and crossbone clue (or is it a clever decepetion?).

What about the X and HT Craft - Mini subs / human torpedoes. That would be something a little different.
My guess I have to say is a royal navy or marine series because in portsmouth there are royal navy memorials and isn't there a royal navy dock there, but I am not sure.

Portsmouth is the home of the Royal Navy, and is a town steeped in history. The ships on display include the Mary Rose, HMS Victory and HMS Warrior (1860s). The town has a major Royal Marines Museum as well as a large D-Day Museum. The HMS Victoria memorial is dedicated to the sinking of HMS Victoria in 1893 off the coast of the Lebanon by HMS Camperdown (accidental ramming), one of the few survivors being John Jellicoe, who would rise to become CinC Home Fleet in WWI. This was also the place that Henry VIII saw his flagship, the Mary Rose capsize.

So to sum up, the new range could be

Royal Marines:- I would assume a dedicated period of time as the history of the RMs doesn't fit in with what K&C have done in the past. Possibly WWII (unlikely), Victorian (possibly) or Napoleonic (possible).

Napoleonic Sailors:- Would just love to see a range on this.

DDay:- Could cover absolutely anything.

Tudor - Mary Rose - Pikeman, Swordsmen, Cannon and all that

So in other words absolutely any period from the origins of Portsmouth, so........ I give up.



In Portsmouth there is a memorial with a name sake that will give it away!!

Which memorial is the key!!!:D



Guy's I think this is the interpretation of the clue.

"In Portsmouth there is a memorial with a name sake that will give it away!!"

Nelson / Neilson are almost the same hence the cryptic "name sake".

It has to be Nelson's Navy .. after all it will go jolly well with the current Napoleonic range.

Myself Mike and Bob have been thinking and as this is such a great thread!! we thought we would offer a Limited edition K&C UK launch Polo shirt,to the person who guesses before the 2nd December 2006. This shirt has embroided on the front the range title, launch date. On the back is some very moving wording. We will announce in here the winner as soon as we return from The London Show on the 4th December (thats if nobody from here gets back before us and does a write up).

Conditions are:- The guess not only has to be the correct range but also you have to guess what it is we are launching the range with. This soundsd hard but is Obvious once the range is guessed.

I will give clues as and when i think you guys are going way off!

Re name sake who said anything about Neilson!!!!!! As i mentioned a while back in another thread OUR name sake appears in a lot of UK history at very SENIOR level. The link is also still Portsmouth, but do not get to tied up here!!

Louis is right i will not tell you if you are right or wrong until after the 2nd December. But hey fun guessing do you not think.:D

Tony Neville

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