Just spotted this (2 Viewers)

I have no real need for the shirt but this looks like fun.

I'm not sure where Portsmouth fits in with the Neville family but the most famous Neville that I know of in British history are the Nevilles that acquired Warwick Castle, from my ancestors I might add :) and were involved in the War of the Roses.

Hey, for all I know it could be a new range of famous Soccer, whoops, Football players at SENIOR level. Now let me think, who likes football around here :)
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In for a penny, in or a pound. I guess Crimean War, launched with Charge of the Light Brigade. Our's is not to reason why, our's is just to do and die. The idiocy of the leadership (Raglan, Lucan, Cardigan), Captain Lewis Nolan's desperate attempt to turn the charge to the right object momments before he was struck by a shell and killed, the courage of the Troopers who accomplished the impossible, the magnificent regiments involved (4th Light Dragoons, 8th Hussars, 11th Hussars, 13th Light Dragoons and 17th Lancers) and the little known heroic actions of the Chasseurs D'Afrique, who charged the guns on the side of the valley, took them in a textbook light cavalry maneuver, and permitted the remnants of the Light Brigade to escape. These all add up to one popular series in Great Britain. Not to mention the fact that Andy has been telling the story about Frontline's efforts on this subject inspiring him at every show and symposium for years. I would like my shirt as an XL. Thanks Tony!
Battle of (near) Hastings 1066, Huge change in history for England. This series also falls in line with the Crusaders. I wear a size large please, Thank you

Myself Mike and Bob have been thinking and as this is such a great thread!! we thought we would offer a Limited edition K&C UK launch Polo shirt,to the person who guesses before the 2nd December 2006. This shirt has embroided on the front the range title, launch date. On the back is some very moving wording. We will announce in here the winner as soon as we return from The London Show on the 4th December (thats if nobody from here gets back before us and does a write up).

Conditions are:- The guess not only has to be the correct range but also you have to guess what it is we are launching the range with. This soundsd hard but is Obvious once the range is guessed.

I will give clues as and when i think you guys are going way off!

Re name sake who said anything about Neilson!!!!!! As i mentioned a while back in another thread OUR name sake appears in a lot of UK history at very SENIOR level. The link is also still Portsmouth, but do not get to tied up here!!

Louis is right i will not tell you if you are right or wrong until after the 2nd December. But hey fun guessing do you not think.:D

Tony Neville

Ok so Louise is a Neville AND she is Pompey:


But of course Ernie Neville Lovett was Bishop of Portsmouth:


Then again why would Portsmouth be confined to the UK (I've had people ask me am I Dublin, Ireland? My Dublin, Ohio accent is unkown to me!). Ok, so what about Portsmouth Virginia? US Marines!


My shirt size is medium!!
Don't get to tied up at Portsmouth......

It has to be Napoleonic naval figures and possible ship dioramas celebrating Trafalgar and other period battles. With Royal Marines and character sets such as Nelson, Collingwood and Villeneuve. The ships such as Victory would be (quick maths) about 7ft long and about 6 1/2ft tall (okay pretty fanciful but here's hoping), but more probably they would do scenes such as the deck of Victory during a battle.

Wishful thinking.....probably.

Or Crimean, but Louis has all the regiments in the Light Brigade pretty well tied up. But, it could be the "Thin Red Line" (93rd Regiment) or the Heavy Brigade (Scots Greys and Royal Dragoon Guards). I still hope for the naval varient though.


Napoleonic Black Burnswicker's. It has to be They had a skull and crossbones on top of most of their hats.
I've never seen so much time spent (wasted?) on trying to guess what is going to be announced in three weeks time. Reminds me of kids trying to find out what their mother has hidden away for Christmas.

At any rate, you guys are way off the mark. Tony and Mike have told me in confidence what it is and you'll just have to see:)
I have no idea, so i,ll go with a long shot.
Winston Churchill and the 21 st lancers at the battle
of omdurman in the sudan wars.
Napoleonic Black Burnswicker's. It has to be They had a skull and crossbones on top of most of their hats.

I hope so I,ve been requesting this one for awhile now and they could go with the peninsular war or waterloo!!!:cool: Nassua Grenadiers would be great Too!!! and could also be used for both campaigns. I believe that britains has plans on doing some Nassau troops for there new waterloo range.:cool:
I think the crimean war would be great also and is another one that I had suggested to britains on there post of what would you like us to make.
Mmmm well a few more clues here to work on. As Neilson is not the "name sake" bit it seems; then I withtract my guess at Nelson's Navy.

It has to be The War of the Roses.

Reason is the monument is "The Mary Rose", (nothing to do with the War of the Roses of course but just the word ROSE) - Henry VIII's flag ship sunk off Portsmouth in the Solvent. The remains of the ship are now displayed in the dockyard there.

Also the name sake would therefore be Richard Neville, 16th Earl of Warwick and 6th Earl of Salisbury (22 November 1428 – April 14, 1471), also known as "Warwick the Kingmaker". Warwick was the richest man in England outside of the Royal Family, and he used his wealth and power to help depose the "Lancastrian" King Henry VI in favour of the "Yorkist" King Edward IV, and later to restore Henry VI to the throne.

That's my guess!
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RALPH, 2nd baron of Raby, 4th Lord of Neville (1291-1367), fought at the battle of Neville's Cross in 1346;

JOHN, 3rd baron Neville of Raby (1328-1388), admiral of the King's fleet, made a Knight of Gater in 1369;

RALPH, 4th baron Neville of Raby (1364-1425), created 1st Earl of Westmorland in 1397, made a Knight of Gater in 1402, father of Cecily Neville (1415-1495), mother of kings Edward IV and Richard III;

Weren't they at a senior level?


The Hundred Years' War 1337-1453.


The 07/07/1346, Edward III assembled a fleet of near one thousand ships in the harbour of Portsmouth in view to take Paris. The 12 of july, the english army landed in Normandy and the 26 of august the battle of Crécy took place.

This battle is one of the more significant in the history of middle ages as for the first time ever, the infantery defeated the chivalry.


On december 2, K&C UK will launch a new range about the Hundred Years' War and their first release will be figures in respect of the battle of Crécy.

XL my polo shirt please.


Raby castle the home of Ralph Neville is only up the road from where we are here............Neville's Cross is just round the corner!

Some very interesting subject matter! chosen by you guys!!!

Hello did not the ships loaded with men and horses not leave for the Crimean from Portsmouth....I had a school trip there once, I like Nelson very much.
Ben Choi
I would like to see War of the Roses due to its Durham connections, also the Crimean is a huge area to look at.
It would be great to see Crimean range covering the winter battles as well. Not enough of the Napoleonic or Crimean covered in winter. K&C UK could make this as good as the Batle of the Bulge range.

I was just on the King and Country website :eek: and I clicked on their news section at the same time the special preview flash picture came up:eek: , and I can confirm it is a skull :eek: with two bones through it!:eek:
No offense but I think that's already been established. Not a great news flash there :rolleyes:
Not at all. Far from it. However, I thought the point had been established when this thread first started, that's all.

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