Just spotted this (4 Viewers)

Are you trying to say I'm........Slow?:eek: Cool thats fine:D

Only in an inoffensive yet sarcastic type of way :)

Btw, I didn't read about any K & C pirate stuff or see any skull and cross bones myself.

Hey, maybe I'm slow as well. Or maybe some people just don't have time to read every freakin post on this forum or search for less than important tidbits of K & C news.
Or maybe some people just don't have time to read every freakin post on this forum or search for less than important tidbits of K & C news.

What???? You don't have time to read every 'freakin' post?

Perhaps things like a job and a family are getting in the way.

I suggest that you drop them immediately to have more time on the Forum :p
Only in an inoffensive yet sarcastic type of way :)

Btw, I didn't read about any K & C pirate stuff or see any skull and cross bones myself.

Hey, maybe I'm slow as well. Or maybe some people just don't have time to read every freakin post on this forum or search for less than important tidbits of K & C news.

Well, if you go to the K & C UK site, it's there and you don't have to read every post in this thread either :) . I certainly haven't. I'd agree with you on the "less important tidbits." It'll be news on December 2. Until then, idle speculation.
It's just that I've been trying to click on something at the exact same time as the skull:eek: but have never been able to:( but:eek: today without realising it I did it by accident:eek:
Someone may have mentioned this, but the skull and crossbones is like one of those subliminal ads, designed to make you buy whatever it is!

WWWWWWWOOOOOOOOOOOOOO LOOOOOK into my eyes you have not got enough K&C your wife is happy for you to buy what you like WWWWWWWWWWOOOOOOOOOOOO:D

we have the toysoldier magazines coming to interveiw us about the UK exclusive range and take pics. So those that miss out on the launch can see it in the up and coming magazines. TSC and TSFM.

Some good guesses and if any Treefroggers get back before me i am sure they will tell you what the range is. I will be doing some Christmas shopping in 'Arrods' as they make the best Christmas puddings on Sunday so will not be able to post until Monday.

HAve a good day and those coming to London seeeeeeeeeee you there.


I fully agree with you Tony,their xmas puddings are suuuuuuuuperb.

Question is, cream or Brandy butter?!

Hey don't you think with an appreciation of fine puddings and of the best toy soldier company in the history of the world ever...i should be on the board of K&C UK?!!


Both!!!:D But i do put both on table as wife likes cream i prefer brandy!

They do a Christmas pud for £50 which has a Gold coin inside!!!

Rob also to get on the board of K&C UK you just have to be able to pack! We have a pie lady who turns up to the unit which is a real problema nd now she is even bringing Christmas cake!!!!!!!
Tony,I can get away with spending a couple of hundred on Saturday,but if i spend fifty quid on a xmas pudd the wife will have my ******** for earings!

I think i will go for the Harrods pudd thats been soaked in spirits for months,it makes for quite a show when you light it!.

If i lived a bit nearer i'd come help you pack,i'll try to lighten your load on the way home by buying some of it on saturday.

Rob, when you see the new M10, you'll forget all about that Christmas pudding and want a second M10!:D And the new Bugle figure sets ain't too shabby either.:eek: Bring lots of that funny money you guys have "over there"!;)

I think your right Fred,when i see that M10 i'll probably forget my budget for the year as well!

Like you Rob £200 is going to be my absolute limit. I'm not entirely sure though what to get. I'd like to have a look at the Figarti Tiger and see if it's as impressive in real life as in the pictures. If I get that though that's going to take up 3/4 of my budget.

My other option is the Kett and the M10 or the Honour Bound winter panther.

Choices Choices.

My wife has told me If I come back with another tank there's going to be trouble! :eek:

And she really means it.

But it is her birthday the next day so I can hopefully worm my way round her with gifts, flowers and a meal out.

anyways Rob and whoever else is going we must meet up for a beer before the evening.

James, as i am going to the show in the morning then going off for the day i may not be at the evening do until it actually starts (have to keep the missus happy you know)So may not be able to grab a drink first but hopefully get to meet you and anyone else who's there inside.I like the Figarti Tiger but as it won't go with my k&c i'll probably leave that one.Its a shame NMA won't have their new tank for sale so i'm thinking its K&C for me this Saturday.As i said before i have a purchase plan spread over the year which allows me to slowy catch up with the releases,but i think it will go to hell in a handbag for that M10.Hope to see you there


Definatly meet for a beer as the room is in the Show area the hotel will need to set it and we need to get our launch stuff out. The room for the evening is on the same side as hall 'B' where we are, and funny enough where th ehotel bar is!!

Dont forget the free bar in evening though so pace yourselves.

Iamagine that James going home with a new tank or two and a little merry!! go down a treat before the birthday.........................if you dare!:D
Hey Rob, I hope you already have the Hummel, if not you can throw that budget right out the window! Oh yeah, and the Winter Panther, the Bergepanther, the Kettenkrad, the Flakpanzer, ......... maybe your wife will settle for a happy meal at MacDonalds.:)

Sadly Fred i don't have the Hummel yet.If i buy all those you just listed i can tell you two things about that meal at Macdonalds.A.It wouldn't be at all "Happy" and B.It would probably be my last!.

You have raised a quandry for me, Hummel or M10? mmmmmm....decisions decisions.Andy doesn't make it easy for us does he.I'll let you know what i decided on the day Fred,but if you never here from me again or you see on the news 'HUSBAND SLAUGHTERED IN LONDON BURGER BAR'...You know what happened!


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