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  1. M

    F6F-5 Hellcat USS Bunker Hill

    any books you'd recommend on the topic? thanks!
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    Two of the Emperor's finest

    I'm assembling FL's France's 18th Line Infantry units on my desk; do you see any reason why the mounted figure wouldn't look good behind them? I'm thinking he'd make a nice addition, since everyone else is on foot.
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    Two of the Emperor's finest

    what is that top figure? when did he come out?
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    Why not give FL more shelf-space?

    do you think toy soldier shops are catering to the collector? or are they trying to grab new first-time collectors to come in off the street? the shop i saw was in an incredibly expensive neighborhood, i was amazed there was enough business to keep it open. for comparison, a few doors down...
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    Why not give FL more shelf-space?

    I had the pleasure of visiting a toy-soldier shop for the first time this weekend. I was surprised that out of the entire store there were only a handful of FL figures. It seemed to be about 90% K&C, and then rest TG or Jon Jenkins. I could count on my fingers the number of FL figures I saw...
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    BB030 German King Tiger Tank - SS Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler

    Hey Katana, do you ever post pics or links to your collection? I guessing it's pretty impressive!
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    AG066-068 Persian War Elephant and Persian Warriors!

    Are the blankets seriously painted free hand? Does anyone know the process of how these are produced? They look gorgeous.
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    The Second World War German Armour Previewed at MFCA 2018

    do you know the story behind the plates on the sides of the tank? what drove them to try that out? why didn't that catch on? no worries if you're not sure, i just have a hunch you're well-informed on the topic
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    BB007 German Tiger I, 3rd Co 301st Heavy Panzer Battalion

    Ah! Thank you! I knew someone here would be able to tell me about it
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    BB007 German Tiger I, 3rd Co 301st Heavy Panzer Battalion

    Can anyone here tell me why Tiger armor has all those horizontal parallel lines all over it? It must serve some function...
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    How do JJD's Great War figures compare with FL's?

    OMG thank you so much that's perfect!!! You even picked two of my Poilus, you could not have been more helpful! :)
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    New Releases for February 2018 - The Conquest of America

    What did he use for guidance on the clothing design?
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    February New Releases

    There's another forum that deals with toy soldier collecting?!? I'd imagined that this was the only one... What are the other sites?
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    How do JJD's Great War figures compare with FL's?

    That's good to hear! Do you know why JJD doesn't do troops engaged in combat? I'm obsessed with JJD's vehicles, they are so cool looking...
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    How do JJD's Great War figures compare with FL's?

    I just discovered JJD figures and I'm really impressed with the huge variety of figures that his Great War line has. Can anyone share their thoughts on how the figures compare with FL figures when viewing from about 1-2 feet? I've looked at the photos, and the JJD figures look great.
  16. M

    Advice for someone living in a region with earthquakes?

    Perfect! Thanks katana!
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    Advice for someone living in a region with earthquakes?

    I was in California, but not in San Francisco. Can you say what happened to your figures during the 7.1? I'd love to know. Did they all go sailing off the shelf? Did they get knocked over? From what I understand, the San Andreas is a strike-slip/horizontal fault line, and isn't prone to the...
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    Advice for someone living in a region with earthquakes?

    Move?!? Just because of a little ol' earthquake??? Haha, no, we get earthquakes constantly here, little 4.0's barely get my heart racing... until I started ruminating that my First Legions were gonna slide off my desk and on to the floor! I'll experiment with the putty, thank you for the...
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    Advice for someone living in a region with earthquakes?

    Does anyone here live in a region prone to earthquakes? I have my figures lined up along my desk, and I'm worried that the next earthquake will send them all flying. Does anyone have any advice about the easiest/best way to secure them? I tried double-sided tape, but it didn't work very well...