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  1. Scott

    AIP announces new boxes and set titles with figures that seem to be altered

    I'm guessing.... Mexican Revolution. Spanish 1898 troops in white and tan plastic. Japanese in white and tan Russo-Turkish War. Union troops in green plastic and Zouaves. Alamo. Confederates in brown and tan and Napoleonic French. Sorry ;)
  2. Scott

    LOD British light infantry fix.

    I had a few left from when I had some made about 30 years ago . They are copies of I&R parts.
  3. Scott

    LOD British light infantry fix.

    Included in the bag for LOD's British Regular Infantry are two poses with light infantry coats and the correct tin canteens. The flaw is that the musket lacks a hammer on the flintlock. This flaw appears to be common throughout the series with the firing poses. I fixed these figures with pewter...
  4. Scott

    More Ex-Force War of 1812 Militia.

    I painted a second set of American Militia. My only comment on Ex-Force's Americans is that many have mustaches which were not in fashion and the inclusion of African featured heads which might work for an all black New Orleans unit. In both cases I painted them as white and painted over the...
  5. Scott

    Painted X-Force British Light Infantry

    The X-Force figures have some issues with the coatee lace not mating the cuffs. There are no buttons on the cuffs and there are lace patterns all around the cuff which is incorrect. Unless you are painting them as a Guards regiment you don't need the plate on the knapsack and cartridge box. I...
  6. Scott

    LOD American Revolution sets

    I saw the four different bags today at The Hobby Bunker. Some British Light Inf. poses were missing the shoulder wings and some British Battalion poses appeared to have the wings. Lights should have much shorter coat tails. I don't recognize any version of the American knapsack. Generally good...
  7. Scott

    Expeditionary Force Napoleonic British Cavalry

    Two sets of the Grey's would be nice.
  8. Scott

    Expeditionary Force British Grenadiers and Light Infantry

    The light infantry set is great for Brits in the American War of 1812 because of the stovepipe shako.
  9. Scott

    "New" AIP Napoleonic Cavalry Sets

    I have been using AIP's Crimean War lancers as French for some time.
  10. Scott

    BMC Rough Rider reissue

  11. Scott

    BMC Rough Rider reissue

    I thought that photo looked familiar
  12. Scott

    Expeditionary Force Napoleonic French Artillery set

    Oh NO! Useless bucket guy! Replace with handspikes . Nice two gun set!
  13. Scott

    Technolog figures.

    I bought these two sets from a Russian source on eBay. Russians 1879 and Amazons. Only about 3.50 USD per set. Nice 54mm scale and a bit chunky and stylized. Minimum flash and ejector pin marks. The whole series of Technolog figures of historical and fantasy figures looks good for 54mm war gaming.
  14. Scott

    Expeditionary Force War of 1812 Militia.

    Here are the figures assembled. They look a bit more like city or town militia than back woods. Good for New England , Canada, or New Orleans. You might even use them for the Alamo. The men appear to have smooth bore Brown Besses but are equipped with rifle bags and power horned rather than...
  15. Scott

    Expeditionary Force War of 1812 Militia.

    These just arrived from China. It took awhile to get here but worth the wait. Free shipping and Mr. Lam's great customer service should be noted. Here is the set un boxed.
  16. Scott

    Franco-Prussian War French 54mm

    AIP Prussian conversions.
  17. Scott

    Franco-Prussian War French 54mm

    Timpo and AIP conversions.