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  1. T

    Historical Accuracy

    Brett, As Damian has said 'everyone to his own'.I personally like the accuracy bit and if others don't give a hoot,that is upto them.To answer your question......At Gettysburg the bulk of Lee's army wore new Richmond Depot uniforms (the rest wore State issues).No rags,no patches.Only...
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    Historical Accuracy

    You make reference to K & C's 'Antietam' Confederates.It is precisely because of sets such as these that I posted my initial comment.If you check through my post you will notice that I mention that all the photos taken at Antietam,which depict hundreds of Southern dead,never show rags or...
  3. T

    Historical Accuracy

    The Confederate quartermaster depot system established early in the war provided its troops with plain,robust uniforms for the duration of the conflict.The Richmond depot in Virginia supplied The Army of Northern Virginia,the Columbus depot in Georgia supplied the Army of Tennessee and the...
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    Historical Accuracy

    I see that the ghastly word 'Accuracy' has reared its ugly head again.And so soon after the recent skirmish on the K & C forum! My own personal viewpoint is simple....if I pay hundreds of pounds to certain leading manufacturers I demand absolute accuracy,not items with authenticity levels on par...
  5. T

    Check out NEW Bulge stuff!

    Out of the hundreds of positives you chose a negative.A trifle selective don't you think?I am not a man to 'go with the flow'.If something's wrong I say so.How else can we gain full accuracy in this hobby.I bought the K & C King Tiger and I'm very pleased with it.And yes I do collect toy...
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    Check out NEW Bulge stuff!

    So this forum is exclusively for positive comments eh? Jeff
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    Check out NEW Bulge stuff!

    That refuses to reveal his sources?Anybody hiding his sources will always be open to question? Powerful stuff but,I'm afraid,wrong.'Waffen SS Panzer Units in Normandy' is packed with sources.The present multi-volume series that I am working on has all the source info contained in the last...
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    Check out NEW Bulge stuff!

    So you can'y offer any evidence to the contrary then? I thought not. Jeff
  9. T

    Check out NEW Bulge stuff!

    fmethorst, Congratulations on your fine research.To find a negative comment on a forum among thousands of positives must have taken an age! Jeff
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    Check out NEW Bulge stuff!

    Rob They are far more detailed and extensively researched. Jeff
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    Check out NEW Bulge stuff!

    With regards to the quality of K & C products I have no gripe.They are superbly sculpted and painted.It is the sloppy and somewhat generic research that often irritates me.Steering away from the Bulge for a moment,take the Confedrates.Beautiful figures,badly researched.If the designers at K &...
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    Check out NEW Bulge stuff!

    Forlonhoper said The Germans,in WW2, kept the most intricate,up to date records throughout the conflict (Meldung).Every day Divisional sub units forwarded data to Div HQs.Div HQs forwarded this to Corps.They,in turn to Army, etc etc.These records were highly accurate,detailing...
  13. T

    Check out NEW Bulge stuff!

    Nice talking to you.I'm off to bed now as it's nearly midnight over here. Jeff
  14. T

    Late war German armour (IN GERMANY)

    Luftwaffe Flak units were never issued flakpanzers.They were only ever allocated to the HQ Coys of Panzer units(Along with flakwagens).Luftwaffe units recieved towed pieces and flakwagens (7/1s 7/2s etc).Sorry got to go now.It's 23.35 in England. Jeff
  15. T

    Check out NEW Bulge stuff!

    The 'little idiosyncrasies' I was referring to regard the way that the two and three tone camo schemes were applied,not what colours were used.Documents show clearly that grey was not used in 44/45.Freiburg documentation show exactly how many litres of paint were delivered to each factory,right...
  16. T

    Late war German armour (IN GERMANY)

    I have the Orbat Chart in front of me which clearly shows 4 x 37mm Mobelwagens.The only other flak guns in the Panzer Regt.were 3 x sdkfz 7/1 serving with the HQ Coy of the 2nd Bn. Jeff
  17. T

    Check out NEW Bulge stuff!

    Obviously I was referring to vehicle types with regards to the Meldung.Many contemporary publications,such as the excellent 'Duel in the Mist', give detailed data on late war camo,especially the different 'factory applied' camo schemes.It seems each factory had their own little idiosyncrasies. Jeff
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    Check out NEW Bulge stuff!

    I know with absolute certainty exactly what the Germans had as regards to armoured vehicles,softskins,weapons etc.Each Division and Divisional sub-unit forwarded highly detailed strength documents (Meldung) to higher HQ every month of the war.These documents are still in existence in the...
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    Late war German armour (IN GERMANY)

    The Panzer Lehr's flak 38t weren't there in the Battle of the Bulge as they had been lost in Normandy.It had recieved 4 x Mobelagen flakpanzers as replacements for the Ardennes.
  20. T

    Check out NEW Bulge stuff!

    Phantom Warrior... Have to disagree on this one.The jagdpanzers issued to the attacking Panzer Divisions in the Ardennes were factory fresh and delivered 'en masse'.Divisions such as 1SS 2SS 9SS 12SS Lehr 9th and 116 all recieved 21 new vehicles in the late Autumn/early Winter period.Regarding...