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  1. BeaconsAl

    Third new word game

    NGUYEN Dynasty - Ruled Vietnam from 1802 - 1945. [Now come on thats the 2nd Ng I've done in the last 2 pages my brain is going to hurt!]
  2. BeaconsAl

    Third new word game

    TALANA Hill, Battle of 20th October 1899 Boer War
  3. BeaconsAl


    No, I have not. But thanks I'll have a look. Alan
  4. BeaconsAl

    Third new word game

    NGORONGORO Crater Tanzania
  5. BeaconsAl

    New leaflets

    I noticed a couple of weeks ago that K&C members were recieving their November newsletter, price list and those lovely pamphlets. I had to wait a few more days to get mine but never mind. They made up for it today though with a repeat batch of the same stuff! Not that I'm complaining it will...
  6. BeaconsAl


    I'm glad you enjoyed it. I'm very jealous. I only got into their music a couple of years ago but now play it often. It's great when training on my own in my gym! Alan
  7. BeaconsAl

    Third new word game

    ULAN BATOR Mongolian capital.
  8. BeaconsAl


    So how was it? I just found this thread. Metallica and Toy soldiers - Heaven!:)
  9. BeaconsAl

    Third new word game

    Magna Carta
  10. BeaconsAl

    Third new word game

    UMBILICAL cord
  11. BeaconsAl

    Third new word game

    EUGENE - Prince of Savoy [fought with Malborough]
  12. BeaconsAl

    Third new word game

    OUDENADE -[Battle of]...30th June 1708. Malborough beats the French again.
  13. BeaconsAl

    UK Rememberance day today.

    Well said Rob. A good reminder of what it was all about, and of course it continues. I wear my poppy with pride. Alan
  14. BeaconsAl

    Third new word game

    ANGLESEY [The Island on which the below village is situated}.
  15. BeaconsAl

    "The Latest K&C Club Figures"

    These look exellent. [My stepfather, who recently passed away was actually bounced on Slim's knee as a child when his father served with him]. Both these men have remarkable stories to their name. I'm sure many of us will want them. Thanks. Alan
  16. BeaconsAl

    Third new word game

    EAST India Company
  17. BeaconsAl

    Final Member of Hitler's Inner Circle Dies at 96

    I think Darges had the last laugh all 64 years of it! Alan
  18. BeaconsAl


    Yep, good advice. I don't know why it does'nt count on one day of the year over here and elsewhere. Personally, tonight I'm not answering the door and putting the rugby on at high volume, sharing a night in with my mate Mr Shiraz!
  19. BeaconsAl

    Third new word game

    ERIK the Red [notorious Viking explorer]
  20. BeaconsAl

    Third new word game

    NATHANAEL GREENE Revolutionary War General