Search results

  1. Sgtkillroy1944

    Gettysburg the history channel!

    Did you folks catchit and if so how do you think the history channel did. in my personal opinion i thought it was excellent!
  2. Sgtkillroy1944

    Repainted Panther.........

    Wow ver nice detail great Job ^&grin
  3. Sgtkillroy1944

    Rome 43 a.d. New releases!

    Can't wait to get some of these guys they look great!
  4. Sgtkillroy1944

    I think a American Revolution section would Be great for CS

    What do you folks think redcoats and patriots from CS i think that would be great! I loved King and countrys older revolution figures so much i believe a section on the revolution from the Collectors Showcase!
  5. Sgtkillroy1944

    Helllo maple leaf have you yet got the shipping for the Lah buildings? take Care,SGTKILLROY1944

    Helllo maple leaf have you yet got the shipping for the Lah buildings? take Care,SGTKILLROY1944
  6. Sgtkillroy1944

    New to honor bound any opinion compared to K and C

    well thanks for your imput folks and louis wow quite impressive 3000 thousand! King and country figures i hope to for my collection to grow!
  7. Sgtkillroy1944

    New to honor bound any opinion compared to K and C

    Here are some questions i have for you honor bound collectors in comparision with the figures produced by K and C 1: Detail 2: Quality 3: Cast 4: and overall comparision to K and C ( will they compliment eachother if used in the same display) :salute:::salute::
  8. Sgtkillroy1944

    Collect figures or build dioramas?

    well folks i think all just switch off and alternate displays and try to make some more space!
  9. Sgtkillroy1944

    i Await too see what the History channel put together for the battle of gettysburg

    Watch the history channel battle of gettysburg memorial day may 30th also AMC memorial day War movies Weekend here i come!
  10. Sgtkillroy1944

    Opinion on Figarti minatures (compared to King and country)

    as a loyal king and country collector i have been wanting to venture out into some different companies and would like to know what you figarti collectors think about these minatures Quality? Detail? Expression? Worth the money? In Comparison with king and country? ^&confuse
  11. Sgtkillroy1944

    Collect figures or build dioramas?

    Okay ive come into a few bumbs now that my collection has grown,the question being should i oppt out the dioramas and just collect figures or should i allternate a diorama^&confuse? what do you folks think?
  12. Sgtkillroy1944

    Whats so great about first legion and whys so expensive???

    Well folks it seems that by your guys personal suggestion i will be in the near future getting some of theses figures as that i really have'nt heard any negative feedback about first legions troops,and for the topic of expense i suggest now that the quality is priceless Thank you fellow...
  13. Sgtkillroy1944

    Whats so great about first legion and whys so expensive???

    Okay so ive been looking over some of first legions soldiers and i mainly collect king and coutry and was pondering getting a few first legion guys,but don't understand how they could be so expensive(50+ per figure) do you folks think they top king and country? and would you suggest them?how is...
  14. Sgtkillroy1944

    UPDATED! K&C Retired Items For Sale! AR/BR/RTA/CW & NA

    how many bro48s do you have and how many bro40s?
  15. Sgtkillroy1944

    How about some WWII Russians

    WW2 russsians would be great for cs
  16. Sgtkillroy1944

    Some JagdTiger pictures . . .

    wow great figures and tank!
  17. Sgtkillroy1944

    King & Country For Sale

    Hello do you have some picures of helping a buddy an jes make sure hes dead
  18. Sgtkillroy1944

    "The Eagle, 1812"

    wow really neat those 72 scale