I am bringing
a Conte Busting the Bocage Playset
I have detail painted all of the Foam Terrain pieces
K&C Iwo Jima Marines
I have a room Saturday and a
Table for Sunday
usually near TSSD's section
See you in Irvine
Your set-up looks excellent.
What size space does it occupy ?
I have only about 100 ACW, mostly Wm Britains.
My intention is to make a large scene.
However, I do not know how much room it will need.
Buying additional figures is not on my list.
Thank you
I recently received a box of 28mm metal WW2 figures.
Since it contains some duplicates, I would like to make some conversions.
What tool is best to make cuts separating torsos and other parts ?
Thank you
Greetings from San Diego
The posts about Vietnam figures has put me to hunt
for Items to make conversions for that place.
The upcoming West Coaster will be an opportunity
to obtain some items.
Any information and suggestions will be appreciated.
This Christmas, I received a Conte WW2 Play Set, Busting the Bocage.
It is a good looking set, as I see it on the living room rug.
What Toy Soldier stuff did you receive or
you wanted but did not receive ?
Happy New Year !!
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