Search results

  1. P

    DSG Argentina

    DSG Argentina is now finally selling Metal Bases for their Britains Deetail reissues: I will have to get some for my own: Instead off using new Original Britains.
  2. P

    WW2 Marines - Pacific

    Sorry, I looked it up, and what a great Plane it is:
  3. P

    WW2 Marines - Pacific

    What a Machine Gun WOWWWWW. I was a Machine Gunner my self in the Danish Army using a MG-3 7.62mm, , and won a Silver Medal with it:cool: But the Stinger looks mean.
  4. P

    disappointed with blondi

    I agree that the model of Blondi does not look good. Even though I am not a K&C collecter myself (YET), I do always follow your guys discussions, and also in this case I find the subject very interresting, especially because I have a German Shepherd (1:1) myself. I have tried to look around on...
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    Favorite FOV?

    OK Thanks, very nice indeed. I was ones thinking about buying and coverting this lowloader to a WW2 Tanktransporter, but never got around to do it.
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    The Battle of Bulge

    Just seen over Easter: The Battle of Bulge from 1965. And I am confussed, as the Director says after the film in an Interview, that they went through great difficulty's to find the real Tanks to be used in the film. But in my view none of the so called Tiger Tanks in the film, has ever been a...
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    Favorite FOV?

    Hi Firebat Who makes the Tank Transporter in your picture? rgds PanzerIII
  8. P

    German Schwimmwagen

    Have just brought my first FOV model, a German Schwimmwagen #82001 Type 166 Normandy. I brought it on an Online Auction in Denmark for 118 DKR = USD 21.00 including postage. I am really looking forward to receive the model. Up till now I have manly being collecting following Diecast Models...
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    new foxhunting figures

    Nice looking Figures, just hope the market is big enough for this subject, but maybe now when the Fox Hunting is no more allowed in the UK!!!. Rgds
  10. P

    E boat

    On their site it says, the Sea Hunter's Lair is Scale 1:32.
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    The elusive Super Deetail figures

    Just found some pictures to clarify what is what, now I hope I have got it right: #6330 S.A.S #6320 Marine Commandos #6300 Paratropers
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    The elusive Super Deetail figures

    I do also only have the 4 common poses, in all 3 colours Green, Grey & Red: I will offcause also love to have the 3 very rare poses, but will not pay £82.00 each. Who knows, I might be lucky that they pop up in a mix box one day:o Eazy: I do also love Britains Diecast WW2 Vehicles and have...
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    Enemy Combatants?

    Blue Box Toys make a F-4J Phantome 1:32 Regards
  14. P

    1:32 Iraqi Insurgents and other modern "enemies"

    Hi Mark Welcome to the Forum. Steve Weston Plastic Soldiers in UK, sells a set of 4 Afghan Fighters made in Russia £ 5.00 for the Set. You could maybe also use the Original Britains Deetail Arabs, easily avalible on ebay. Regards
  15. P

    Britains Deetail Trailer

    Hi Dave Some of the Britains WW2 does actually have yellow wheels originally, as two of my Britains Landrover's: So it could look like an original colour, but from what set?. It would be nice to find out. Regards
  16. P

    Britains Deetail Trailer

    Have seen this picture of an Britains Trailer in Army Colour. But I have never seen this in any Britains WW2 set or otherwise, have only seen it issued in Farm Sets in either Orange or Yellow. My Question is: does anyboby know if this is an Original Britains issue, or has it been repainted bye...
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    Label the Bottom?

    Whauu Alex, what a great idea. I just tryed to do it in EXCEL and it is very easy and looks great. Thanks for the idea.
  18. P

    Train Scale

    Again thank you to all for your suggestions. Now I have looked further into it, I have found out that Maerklin Maxi, is what I need and want most. If only my funds would allow. But I have seen on Auctions sites, that you can be lucky to pick up some 2nd hand rolling stock for reasonably money. I...
  19. P

    hard to find 21st century question

    What I do is, I judge myself if it is "hard to find" "rare" ect. or not. I have seen on so many Auction site's, not only Ebay, that these expression is used in order to get some good money for whatever they are selling. I always decide before I start bidding, what is my limited, and I do never...
  20. P

    Train Scale

    Thank you all. I have now been looking at Scalelink hom page, and a very interesting product range they have, both figures, vehicles and trains. From their links I also went on to Guagemaster hompage, and what I can gather from the two is that the nearest to scale 1:32 is: Scale O - 16.5 (1:35)...