Thanks for the info. Even though most of my heritage is German I know very little about the nation. Some day Ill get around to visiting and fixing that.
I did some research and the 2nd and 3rd verses are forbidden to be sung. Neither of them are Nazi-supporting but I guess the German Army has its reasons.
Caught the classic Battle of the Bulge today on AMC and finally saw the end (yeah I was surprised when I saw scenes Id never seen before). But the scene where Hessler is inspecting his new tankers and they start signing is quite impressive.
If I were your parent's, Id leave you here and go to Greece too.
That whole final scene was great. The little kid and Tommy seem to have really good chemistry. I also liked the scene where they were discussing Franco's new girlfriend in the kitchen. I love those scenes from Rescue Me.
Not always. The Roman's were very well supplied but they built a wall instead of going after Scotland. I guess they watched Braveheart the night before ;)
The more I read of Master of War, the more I question how good Grant and Sherman really were. Its a bit hard to throw out years of teaching after reading just one book, but it does make me curious.
That would be great. Hes one of my favorites. My worry with the winter clothing is that some collectors may be put off by the inability to use the figures to portray various battles. But it wouldnt matter to me, Ill get whatever comes out.
That speech was given by Kennedy when George Marshall passed away in October of 1959. So it goes without saying that Marshall would fit as an answer to all four.
Marshall more than any other man was indispensable to the US war effort in World War Two. As the head military mind it was his job...
I thought this quote from President John F. Kennedy might fit well in this thread:
"For those to whom much is given; much is required. When at some future date, the high court of history sits in judgment on each of us, recording whether in our brief span of service we fulfilled our...
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