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  1. hotel3alpha

    A Sad Day in American History

    All, I just watched the video of the Capital police officer who was getting crushed. I had seen it before with his lip bleeding. However, this new video shows him crushed between two door with his gas mask on. A traitor...yes a traitor is seen violently smashing him in the face with his left...
  2. hotel3alpha

    A Sad Day in American History

    All, Y'know that cat Jim Jordan? The loudmouth, ex wrestling coach? I saw him in a picture when all hell was breaking loose in the Capital and though I don't really care for the guy, I would be utterly pissed, angry and outraged if anything would have happened to him. Like him or not, he is...
  3. hotel3alpha

    COVID the 3rd

    And you won't Panzer, because your a stand up guy. But, this is a bad beat and I don't like it at all. Like I said this tit for tat crap has got to go. I saw a lady today NOT get her car rental today at Budget unless she had here Hawaii State mandated COVID test results. Hawaii is strict...
  4. hotel3alpha

    A Sad Day in American History

    Well said Mike and the arrest numbers keep getting higher. I mean when you stream yourself busting into the Capital building in Washington DC no less, you should expect a knock on the door from the Feds. Who have buddies who work there. I also find it bizarre that folks love to "live...
  5. hotel3alpha

    A Sad Day in American History

    All, George we have never met, but I consider you a man of honor, truth, wit, humility and wisdom. Whoever that customer may be I hope he reads a little deeper in your posts and then maybe he will realize he is dealing with one of the best of Boston. You crossed no line kind never...
  6. hotel3alpha

    A Sad Day in American History

    All, It is a sad day. People died in our Nations Capital. A cop was killed and four civilians are dead, with more injured and in the hospital. I don't find any of it acceptable. In fact, I reject it. I have rejected all of this nonsense and violence this entire year. I swear this is 2020...
  7. hotel3alpha

    COVID the 3rd

    Mike, When my number is due for the vaccine they can put the Moderna in the right arm, the Pfizer one in the left and any other company vaccines in one or both cheeks. I don't care. Yeah, I don't want to see "so and so got the vaccine today" on TV. I want to see on the news that the ENTIRE...
  8. hotel3alpha

    COVID the 3rd

    Zach and Mike, WHY??????? Get the freaking vaccines going for chrisssakess! We finally get the juice and now its a tit for tat selection on who gets what? Jimmy Christmas this is pitiful. When I was kid semi's should up in the hood and delivered "not for re-sale" cheese faster and quicker...
  9. hotel3alpha

    COVID the 3rd

    All, Arrived in Honolulu last night and as we got off the plane the COVID workers were there diligently checking QR codes and double making sure that ALL negative paper work was in order. Before we exited the aircraft the captain came on and said there was a delay because the Army National...
  10. hotel3alpha

    Happy Birthday Louis

    Louis, Happy Birthday my friend. Mine was the 3rd and I refused presents from the family this year. But, got some cool stuff anyway. The best present was the wife's home made lasagna and Daughter #1 made me a German Chocolate cake. They know this Army marches on its stomach. But, I didn't...
  11. hotel3alpha

    COVID the 3rd

    Louis, So, we went to this COVID testing place first thing this morning that was in a under building garage. The staff was in the boiler room and came out with the test kids. We swabbed ten swirls in each nostril and we were off. All day we have been waiting around to wait for our results...
  12. hotel3alpha

    COVID the 3rd

    All, These stories y'all are talking about regarding getting the vaccine is MADNESS. I'm speechless at the incompetence and the abuse. John from Texas
  13. hotel3alpha

    COVID the 3rd

    Mike, Louis, TD and Toddy, Thanks for the well wishes fellas! I really appreciate it. Mike, There's a cold one waiting for us to drink. No, there are more than just one. I will be heading out your way regardless of TTSS for a concrete recon trip this year. Ill keep you posted. Louis, May...
  14. hotel3alpha

    Any Cool Christmas Gifts?

    All, I got Bose headphones that are noise cancelling. They are the BOMB. John from Texas
  15. hotel3alpha

    COVID the 3rd

    Happy New Year my fellow Gents, Ladies, Distinguished Visitors, Royals, Veterans, Esquires, Collectors, Regular Joe's, Janes and Juans, I would be remiss not to wish you all well in this upcoming 2021, less a few of our brothers and sisters who have passed naturally or via the Covid. So...
  16. hotel3alpha


    All, My grandfather was stationed on Tinian where the Enola *** launched. I wish he was alive so I could hear him tell the story of that day. John from Texas
  17. hotel3alpha


    Terp, What were the names of the movies? John from Texas
  18. hotel3alpha


    Larry, Not trying to sabotage the thread, but I found that Admiral Yamamoto figure we talked about...oh I don't know...a year ago! Anyway, one of the most humbling moments in my life was visiting the Hiroshima Peace Memorial in Hiroshima. I will never forget it to the day I die. John from Texas
  19. hotel3alpha

    COVID the 3rd

    Thanks Mike, and thanks for the phone calls and well wishes man I appreciate it. Almost out of the woods. John your neighbor
  20. hotel3alpha

    COVID the 3rd

    Paddy, I would like to thank you for sending me a shout out for my brief absence. I thank you. The rest of you scalawags should take note. Anyway, busy with the wifes surgery last week and fortunately it was the 2 hour surgery not the 5 hour one, whereby if they found the breast cancer in...