COVID the 3rd (10 Viewers)

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Woke up today to hear that from 6pm today Brisbane will be in 3 day lockdown. Non essential businesses must be closed and must wear masks if go outside home. Can go out for food shopping and exercise. Only two visitors in a home but not sure how that counts as essential. No visitors to hospitals and care homes.

This is due to a quarantine hotel cleaner catching the UK version of the virus and being out and about with it for 4 days before detected.

This is the first time my business had to close due to the virus. I did close for a day over Easter weekend but that was because the Government was advising people not to travel over that weekend as opposed to this time it is a mandatory lockdown.

The country is also seriously going to reduce the amount of incoming international travellers as three recent outbreaks in three states have been linked to international travellers. A tough call as there are still many Aussies stuck overseas who want to come back.
Woke up today to hear that from 6pm today Brisbane will be in 3 day lockdown. Non essential businesses must be closed and must wear masks if go outside home. Can go out for food shopping and exercise. Only two visitors in a home but not sure how that counts as essential. No visitors to hospitals and care homes.

This is due to a quarantine hotel cleaner catching the UK version of the virus and being out and about with it for 4 days before detected.

This is the first time my business had to close due to the virus. I did close for a day over Easter weekend but that was because the Government was advising people not to travel over that weekend as opposed to this time it is a mandatory lockdown.

The country is also seriously going to reduce the amount of incoming international travellers as three recent outbreaks in three states have been linked to international travellers. A tough call as there are still many Aussies stuck overseas who want to come back.

Its ironic that Air NZ only resumed direct flights to Brisbane yesterday for the first time in months. This has allowed many Aussie's and Kiwi's to return home.

Another lockdown is highly likely over here now too with several cases of the new UK strain arriving late last week via ex-pat Kiwi's returning from the UK.

Thankfully all are required to complete the mandatory 14x day isolation period in one of our quarantine facilities, however its only a matter of time before we see community transmission.

Arrived in Honolulu last night and as we got off the plane the COVID workers were there diligently checking QR codes and double making sure that ALL negative paper work was in order. Before we exited the aircraft the captain came on and said there was a delay because the Army National Guard will be meeting every plane in bound to do temperature checks in addition to QR codes. However, we were allowed to depart before they came. I don't know what caused the deployment of the National Guard, but I found it interesting.

Nonetheless, our driver picked us up from the airport and told us that usually they receive about 2 million visitors a month. Lately it is only been about 14K a month. In fact, as we were driving to the Hotel the city was a ghost town. Which he said is so unusual and crazy. This morning I have only seen a few cars on the road and a bus or two. He told us we are in luck because there is literally no one here and we probably never see Honolulu so empty ever again. While I was sitting outside on the balcony last night I noticed that there was a sporadic light on in a room at various hotels around me. Which tells me occupancy is low as the rest of some of these massive hotels are completely dark. It was ominously creepy.

Its kinda of surreal, but the extra effort of traveling to Seattle to get the proper tests and then heading to Hawaii has paid off. I will say though that some of the passengers on the flight to Hawaii were a little to impatient for me and kinda rude to the pretty stewardess. I mean, I don't get out much but I had to tell one guy to "standby and relax for a sec" while I got the wife out of her seat with her bag when we were departing. He was literally trying to bully his way past me and I had to gut check him with some Texas kindness. Anyway, real world problems I guess.

I am sorry to hear about everything that is going on with the shutdowns again and the mayhem that happened at the Capital. I am NOT going to get political here, but I am just really, really sad to see this happening in my country that I love. I would be just as abhorred if it happened to another country, but when it is in my own backyard I just want to pull my hair out. I wish I had the power to sprinkle a magic dust of love, peace and an end to this pandemic.


John from Texas
Yep John, you're going to see what Hawaii was like 50-years ago. The downside is restaurants and bars are more restrictive due to a rise in Covid cases. It will get even more restrictive in the coming weeks. Weather-wise its the best time to visit with moderate heat and cooler evenings. Every island in Hawaii is geographically different, as odd as that seems. Reach out if you need advice. Enjoy your trip.

as this vaccine is being produced for...paid for...and allocated by the federal government...
I'm struggling to understand why there isn't a standard official same list of criteria for all states on getting preferred early vaccines...
Brad said NJ was not allowing diabetes patients early access too...

and Jason...

Type 1 being excluded in early access to vaccines mystifies me also...
I always thought Type 1 was the more serious of the two...
Type 1 is excluded here as well.

Zach and Mike,


Get the freaking vaccines going for chrisssakess!

We finally get the juice and now its a tit for tat selection on who gets what? Jimmy Christmas this is pitiful. When I was kid semi's should up in the hood and delivered "not for re-sale" cheese faster and quicker than this vaccine.

John from Texas
there's a big push on tv today with officials promising to distribute the vaccine faster...
apparently people are pleading for faster help...
there's a big push on tv today with officials promising to distribute the vaccine faster...
apparently people are pleading for faster help...


When my number is due for the vaccine they can put the Moderna in the right arm, the Pfizer one in the left and any other company vaccines in one or both cheeks. I don't care.

Yeah, I don't want to see "so and so got the vaccine today" on TV. I want to see on the news that the ENTIRE population is vaccinated. I want to see tent stations, mobile clinics in every neighborhood, drive up vaccines, etc. I am really impatient on this one because all of us have waited patiently for this to happen and for the vaccines to come to fruition.

Anyway, that's how I am feeling right now. I'm getting a drunk tonight...mask and all.

John from Texas

what I was really trying to say is that the new public opinion on the slow roll out of the vaccine...
has gotten someone's attention that can expedite the availability...
as they claim they are now making a bigger effort than ever to get it to the public than they were before...

you gotta admit...
as many people that are dying everyday...
should be motivation enough...
shouldn't need anymore incentive than that...

Call it Warp Speed II or whatever...
have those labs working 24/7 everyday...
bring in more help...
create more machines...
throw more money at them...

whatever it takes...
get it done asap!!!
I am not about to get on a soap box when it comes to discussing Type 1 vs. Type 2 diabetes.

In Bexar County (where I live) Type 2 diabetics are in the phase 1 category and therefore they can receive the vaccine immediately. I am a Type 1 diabetic as defined by the American Medical Association thus I cannot yet get vaccinated.

Bexar County does not require any proof when it comes to qualifying for receiving the vaccine based on pre-existing conditions. I could lie and simply say I am a diabetic.

I simply cannot do that.
And you won't Panzer, because your a stand up guy. But, this is a bad beat and I don't like it at all. Like I said this tit for tat crap has got to go.

I saw a lady today NOT get her car rental today at Budget unless she had here Hawaii State mandated COVID test results. Hawaii is strict as hell when it comes to COVID. I don't blame them as this is an island.

Even though we are here visiting and yes its a relaxed atmosphere we still practice all the rules to keep the Covid out. Just found out today one of my neighbors has it and wasn't doing well. He is on the upswing now and starting to feel better thank God.

We are almost there, but **** it is moving too darn slow.

John from Texas
Ok this may come as a shock to some and with apologies to USA / UK guys who have been doing it much tougher than we here in Brisbane.

Our first complete lockdown started at 6pm Friday and is supposed to end 6pm Monday. Today Sunday I went for a quick trip to the supermarket which is allowed. Can honestly say first time I have worn a mask whilst driving and in the supermarket and a few stores next to it 100% compliance with mask wearing.

The lockdown affects 2.4m people and I guessing the economic impact would run into high millions in lost business and income for some. Those 2.4m people have been banned from travelling to some other states. The cause of the lockdown is one case detected in a hotel worker who got the UK version of the virus. Apparently that version is 70/80% more catchable than the normal version but no more harmful. We have not been told if the hotel worker is in hospital or ICU. We do know a lot of her contacts have been tested with no positives so far.

Having to wear masks whilst in your own car is a farce. No problem with it when get out to walk into shops. It is farcical rules like that gets normal people against the rules as simply does not make sense.

There have been no new cases been reported but there is talk lockdown could be extended. Vaccinations are due to start in Oz next month but still I am reading that lockdowns may be necessary after that.

Lucky the lockdown was not a week earlier. My daughter and her fiancee have been living in Sydney for the past year and three planned visits had to be cancelled due to border restrictions. The last was a big gathering planned for Christmas. However no border restriction for me and my wife to go into her state and meet them south of the border. So we went there to see them. Greater Sydney at that time was considered a blackspot and they were unable to travel to others states. They had been tested before they left Sydney which was 8 days before we met them. However despite having to get a border pass to come back into my state there is no question about whether we would be meeting anybody from Greater Sydney.

To those who have endured far more serious lockdowns you might be interested to know a lockdown here can be caused by one community case.
Ok this may come as a shock to some and with apologies to USA / UK guys who have been doing it much tougher than we here in Brisbane.

Our first complete lockdown started at 6pm Friday and is supposed to end 6pm Monday. Today Sunday I went for a quick trip to the supermarket which is allowed. Can honestly say first time I have worn a mask whilst driving and in the supermarket and a few stores next to it 100% compliance with mask wearing.

The lockdown affects 2.4m people and I guessing the economic impact would run into high millions in lost business and income for some. Those 2.4m people have been banned from travelling to some other states. The cause of the lockdown is one case detected in a hotel worker who got the UK version of the virus. Apparently that version is 70/80% more catchable than the normal version but no more harmful. We have not been told if the hotel worker is in hospital or ICU. We do know a lot of her contacts have been tested with no positives so far.

Having to wear masks whilst in your own car is a farce. No problem with it when get out to walk into shops. It is farcical rules like that gets normal people against the rules as simply does not make sense.

There have been no new cases been reported but there is talk lockdown could be extended. Vaccinations are due to start in Oz next month but still I am reading that lockdowns may be necessary after that.

Lucky the lockdown was not a week earlier. My daughter and her fiancee have been living in Sydney for the past year and three planned visits had to be cancelled due to border restrictions. The last was a big gathering planned for Christmas. However no border restriction for me and my wife to go into her state and meet them south of the border. So we went there to see them. Greater Sydney at that time was considered a blackspot and they were unable to travel to others states. They had been tested before they left Sydney which was 8 days before we met them. However despite having to get a border pass to come back into my state there is no question about whether we would be meeting anybody from Greater Sydney.

To those who have endured far more serious lockdowns you might be interested to know a lockdown here can be caused by one community case.

Australia has always been strict on health and safety

The question remains, is it worth it ?

One case and the whole state is lock downed costing a lot of money

Not sure what the answer is
Ok this may come as a shock to some and with apologies to USA / UK guys who have been doing it much tougher than we here in Brisbane.

Our first complete lockdown started at 6pm Friday and is supposed to end 6pm Monday. Today Sunday I went for a quick trip to the supermarket which is allowed. Can honestly say first time I have worn a mask whilst driving and in the supermarket and a few stores next to it 100% compliance with mask wearing.

The lockdown affects 2.4m people and I guessing the economic impact would run into high millions in lost business and income for some. Those 2.4m people have been banned from travelling to some other states. The cause of the lockdown is one case detected in a hotel worker who got the UK version of the virus. Apparently that version is 70/80% more catchable than the normal version but no more harmful. We have not been told if the hotel worker is in hospital or ICU. We do know a lot of her contacts have been tested with no positives so far.

Having to wear masks whilst in your own car is a farce. No problem with it when get out to walk into shops. It is farcical rules like that gets normal people against the rules as simply does not make sense.

There have been no new cases been reported but there is talk lockdown could be extended. Vaccinations are due to start in Oz next month but still I am reading that lockdowns may be necessary after that.

Lucky the lockdown was not a week earlier. My daughter and her fiancee have been living in Sydney for the past year and three planned visits had to be cancelled due to border restrictions. The last was a big gathering planned for Christmas. However no border restriction for me and my wife to go into her state and meet them south of the border. So we went there to see them. Greater Sydney at that time was considered a blackspot and they were unable to travel to others states. They had been tested before they left Sydney which was 8 days before we met them. However despite having to get a border pass to come back into my state there is no question about whether we would be meeting anybody from Greater Sydney.

To those who have endured far more serious lockdowns you might be interested to know a lockdown here can be caused by one community case.

Brett, I fear we won't be far behind you regarding another lockdown given that we already have people infected with the UK strain in several of our managed isolation facilities.

Most businesses here are still recovering from the last 2x lockdowns and a number have publicly stated that another lockdown will see them close for good.
got my first Moderna vaccine shot today...
easy peasy...
checked the shot within 5 minutes...
made me stay there for 15 minutes to monitor any adverse effects...
then left...
no pain or soreness...
UTMB (Universtiy of Texas Medical Branch) gave 186 shots today...
I go back in 4 weeks for my booster...
may sound silly...but I feel I have some peace of mind now...
like a weight is being lifted off my shoulders...
on the first step to putting the last 10 months behind me...
got my first Moderna vaccine shot today...
easy peasy...
checked the shot within 5 minutes...
made me stay there for 15 minutes to monitor any adverse effects...
then left...
no pain or soreness...
UTMB (Universtiy of Texas Medical Branch) gave 186 shots today...
I go back in 4 weeks for my booster...
may sound silly...but I feel I have some peace of mind now...
like a weight is being lifted off my shoulders...
on the first step to putting the last 10 months behind me...

This is sooo awesome Mike! I'm very happy for you! It must feel good to be there...I'm looking forward to it whenever that might be!


That is the best news I have heard all week! I am happy to hear that a friend has been able to take the first steps back to normalcy.
Approximately 4,300 deaths in the US yesterday! Unbelievable. And it is hardly a blip now in the news which is mostly endless reporting on the outfall from the Capitol event. It's interesting how quickly people can adapt to this type of situation. If you had told someone back in January that almost 400K people would be dead and that over 4K were dying every day from the virus, there would have been panic. But now people are going to Walmart and eating out like nothing is going on.
In New York we can now be eligible for the vaccine at 65 and over. I called several of the vaccine locations and the message back was that there were 30,000 plus calls ahead of mine just to make an appointment!
The speed of developing a vaccine was very impressive but the actual distribution of the vaccine has been grossly mishandled.
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