COVID the 3rd (5 Viewers)

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I note a heart attack was involved. Under the CDC guidelines it counts as Covid. My view is he more likely died with it than from it. Just like the two people in Colorado where bullets were involved and Coroner said because they had Covid cause of death had to be written up as Covid and not the murder suicide that really caused it.

Extract from post I made two days ago and comments are from a MN Dr :

“I have other examples where COVID isn’t the underlying cause of death, where we havea fall. Another example is we have afreshwater drowning. We have dementia. We have a stroke and multiorgan failure,” Franson said in the video.

Jensen pointed out that he gained attention back in April when he criticized the Minnesota Department of Health for following federal guides on recording coronavirus deaths.

“I sort of got myself in hot water way back in April when I made the comment that I was, as a physician, being encouraged to do death certificates differently with COVID-19 than with other disease entities,” Jensen said.
She added that in one case, a person who was ejected from a car was “counted as a COVID death” because the virus was in his system.

“For 17 years, the CDC document that guides us as physicians to do death certificates has stood, but this year, we were told, through the Department of Health and the CDC, that the rules were changing if COVID-19 was involved.”

“If it’s COVID-19, we’re told now it doesn’t matter if it was actually the diagnosis that caused death. If someone had it, they died of it,” he said.

The causes of death IMHO are distorted by the counting method. Obviously in the cases of older people, who I recall on average have at least 2 comorbidities, it is more likely to be a contributing factor. However I suspect if somebody looked at under 60's you would find plenty of examples as mentioned above where clearly it was not related to the death

We have been very fortunate in my Australian state with few cases and only 6 cases who were mainly from cruise ships and elderly. Then a few months after the main cases a death of a 32 year old miner in a small town was claimed to be Covid. The town was inland and quite far from any previous known cases. This caused a bit of a panic and affected the funeral arrangements. However the first stories mentioned he had been off work for about 6 months and nobody including the press seemed to think this was important. The case was subsequently said to be a false diagnosis. It took Health Dept 2 days to tell the family and friends there was nothing to worry about regarding Covid. I am not even sure if they did finally tell us what he died from.

I just left a job where one of my clients was the American Heart Association and we helped their researchers with a lot of different types research computing. They are very concerned with COVID because of its connections with heart problems.

People who get COVID are having more heart problems, escalation in their existing conditions and suffering long term damage. This is what COVID is doing to them. We thought it was harder on the lungs and respiratory system, but now know it hits the cardiovascular system much harder.

So, people who get COVID are dying from heart attacks either much earlier or may never have had them without COVID. The heart attack is the result, but COVID is the trigger.
Hope in the New Year everyone! (Have to leave the word “happy” out at this stage)

Here’s some more very good video and article links on the Covid-19 issue.

I have posted this link before but I just wanted to highlight that 52,627 doctors, scientists and other medical professionals worldwide have signed a petition on this site (Great Barrington Declaration) and they all agree that we should be doing things differently to what many Governments and states are currently doing worldwide, ie no lockdowns ect. These people are well respected, are highly credentialed and many have years, if not decades of experience in the medical profession. They are not conspiracy theorists, but experts in their chosen fields that have either seen or proven the science on the Covid-19 related issues that health bureaucrats, Medical Associations/Boards etc, Governments and other medical professionals are ignoring for whatever reason.

Medical experts worldwide speaking out against the Covid-19 vaccines

Facemasks that are going to pollute our oceans and are already causing huge issues to our marine wildlife.

Doctor shows dangerous plastic nano particles inside a certain type of maské-shows-uk-s-covid-response-was-rife-with-corruption-and-cronyism/

Corruption in the UK during the Covid-19 response

Melatonin may be a Covid-19 treatment although further studies need to be done

WHO changing it’s position on lockdowns


A letter from Australian Doctors to the Premier of Victoria on Covid-19 related policies

A whistleblower nurse talking about the issues in a New York hospital in treating people with Covid-19 symptoms

Tennessee Nurse gets Bells Palsy after getting the Covid-19 vaccine. I already posted this vid link before but here it is again via youtube

Talking about PCR testing for Covid-19

There have been a few and very few cases of Bell’s palsy from the vaccine. In the Moderna trials, there were 4 out of 30,000 who had Bell’s palsy and 4 out of 43,000 in the Pfizer trials. Two of the cases in the Moderna trials resolved themselves. The FDA indicated that there wasn’t enough data to show whether the cases were tied to the vaccine.

This is the reason why I skip over Tom’s posts and would have again had Michael not mentioned it. They’re not reliable sources of information.
I just left a job where one of my clients was the American Heart Association and we helped their researchers with a lot of different types research computing. They are very concerned with COVID because of its connections with heart problems.

People who get COVID are having more heart problems, escalation in their existing conditions and suffering long term damage. This is what COVID is doing to them. We thought it was harder on the lungs and respiratory system, but now know it hits the cardiovascular system much harder.

So, people who get COVID are dying from heart attacks either much earlier or may never have had them without COVID. The heart attack is the result, but COVID is the trigger.

Considering heart problems are biggest cause of death in USA then I can understand why AHA would be concerned about effects of Covid on heart issues.

I have seen articles indicating heart disease is highest %age of comorbidity associated with Covid. However spent a few minutes trying to find US heart death stats for 2020 and could not find them (including on CDC). Perhaps you can help ? In particular I would be interested to know if heart deaths lower in 2020 than 2019 as if they are then is it because some are counted as Covid.

I have seen a number of references to increased funding for hospitals if patient diagnosed with Covid. A Fox News article from May indicated it is 20% more funding from Fed funds.

As you can probably tell I am highly sceptical of statistics. My issue is that we only seem to hear about the Covid stats and that is the figure that leaders are judged by. The situation in USA is more complicated as there are so many cases and states. In one our our states they had about 820 deaths of which about 700 were in aged care homes. Only 42 / 820 have been aged under 70. The majority were above normal average age of death (ie. over 80). Not surprising that those in aged care more vulnerable considering age and comorbidities. I have not seen any comparitive stats but I think a closer look at deaths in those homes might reveal those homes with most Covid deaths have less deaths from cancer and heart issues compared with previous years (ie. due to dying with Covid compared to of Covid. An analysis of those aged care deaths would be interesting to say the least.
Generally speaking and this is not an argument one way or the other, but as I have posted before, all of the statistics we are seeing regarding death rates, infection, etc is collated from multiple sources with obvious differences in reporting. As a math guy, have a problem with that. I am skeptical and believe we will never get a true picture until this is long past us and proper audits are done (if they ever are or are reported widely). I am NOT saying that COVID is not causing death and tragedy as it certainly is ,but I am also not one to jump on the wagon here and say every time you walk out of the house you are facing certain death (if you believe the numbers).

I think an agreeable fact is that COVID is high dangerous to people who have pre existing conditions known or unknown and that makes sense. Anytime you have a health issue and an aggravating factor is introduced, if not caught or treatable, it leads to major health issues. I think an recent example is the young 41 year old congressman who (I guess this is correct as still not a full health report out) died of a heart attack potentially brought on by him contracting COVID. This is a fact that I believe will pan out.

SO back to statistics, how are they reporting in each and every State, facility, morgue? The answer, you really don't know and what else you don't know is how the methodology varies, in other words, how much? Is it really off by 10's of percentage points or off by immaterial amounts? The answer is I don't know and not sure anyone else does.

At the end of the day, I don't have any certainty about the exact amount of people who actually died from COVID. However, I do have certainty that it is not a small number and the disease is dangerous especially to anyone with any kind of health factor.

I also do have certainty about the unpredictable nature of the virus which is why IMO you have to be very careful and calculating about your interactions until immunity or vaccination is established en masse. That said and I will say this again since it is relative to the forum - the toy soldier shows I have attended gave me no more pause than going to a large grocery store. In some ways due to low attendance, they may even be safer than going out for groceries. This is where I go off the rails slightly, I believe that more thought should be put into which events are dangerous and which are not. The blanket shut down mentality is where common sense starts to lose.

I do believe that close quarter interaction of small restaurants and bars should be put on indefinite hold until the vaccine takes hold. When you are that close with people, bad chance if anyone is infected, that said, as always to each his own in their comfort and beliefs, I am just not going to argue to tell someone what to do.
Happy New Year my fellow Gents, Ladies, Distinguished Visitors, Royals, Veterans, Esquires, Collectors, Regular Joe's, Janes and Juans,

I would be remiss not to wish you all well in this upcoming 2021, less a few of our brothers and sisters who have passed naturally or via the Covid. So, without further adieu here is a blast from the past of my last post (and I quote myself):

"July 2, 2020

56,012 infections reported...a NEW record on this day 2 July 2020."

Today, this very day here are the numbers in the US:

352,000 plus or minus some souls.

So, in 6 months we have lost a little under 300 thousand souls in the US and 1.4 million world wide. Sadly, the US has the highest death toll in the World.


It ain't over.

The good news there are vaccines coming out and with out reading the past posts debating who should get them first, I know here on this forum the consensus would be front line workers and those with health conditions.

Since, I last peeped my head out in the forum the following things have happened to John from Texas:

The wife licked breast cancer, but that too is not over because we are on track for 5 years worth of screening.

Daughter #1 was gifted my previous Tundra for a job well done running our shop for a year with out break. That was her bonus.

Daughter #2 Took her first Semester at Texas State University and came out this semester with a 4.0.

Son #1 Graduated early from HS in August, entered San Antonio College and he too got a 4.0, accepted to the SAC Honors program and did it all before he was 18. One of the classes he aced with a 97 was Statistics...ugh!

The both of them have applications to The University of Texas at Austin for transfer and now we wait. Our business broke every sales record in 11 years and we can't keep up. Well, we can and hired a new kid to help out. He didn't work out though because...well he just didn't have the stuff. We thought he did...interview went well and gave him a shot. But, when the women in the shop can out stock got some "man" problems. Anyway, the search for a new candidate is on.

My back yard project is taking shape and I will post pictures soon, maybe in Spring when some of my plants are blooming. I poured 10 pallets of crete this year by hand and though I am happy with the result, I know another 10 pallets are looming this upcoming Spring/Summer.

The wife's dad got Covid and is in hospice in California and on his last days. The wife's mother is on her last days too with dementia and we visited a few weeks ago in Seattle to say our final good byes to her.

Daughter #1's grandpa has Covid in California and checked himself out of the hospital with it. He said he wants to die at home.

We have been fortunate that none of us has been infected HOWEVER COMMA, we travel to Hawaii mañana and are flying to Seattle to get one of the only State of Hawaii Covid "trusted partners" test who will give a result in 24 hours. That test is REQUIRED by Hawaii for entry. This whole trip has been somewhat of a pain in the ***, but honestly my friends this is the "Karen licked Cancer vacation trip". If anyone in our bubble tests positive we will have to road trip home from Seattle. The stakes are high, reservations are made, drinks are on ice in Waikiki waiting for me, but if anyone tests will be a long drive home. Trust me this is a nightmare scenario, but if all is well and everyone test negative we are Hawaii bound. Plus, the wife booked 1st class tickets to and from Hawaii for us and honestly I can't wait.

I know and expect y'all to give me flack for traveling, but man we cancelled three trips this year (one to Japan) and we are taking every precaution you can think of to travel safely. On our Seattle trip I got seated next to the biggest "emotional support" dog in the history of flight and he took up all my leg room. I was pissed, but I found out that my family in the next row over was seated to another "emotional support" dog whose owner had the gall put down pee-pee pads on the floor fuselage which preventing them from setting their bags and jackets underneath their seats. I complained to AA and found out that the DOT is banning "emotional support" dogs on all airlines...thank god. Don't get me wrong, I love dogs and have two labs. One of which was trained by a ex K9 handler for the Seals, and yes I own the PTSD t-shirt via the VA. BUT, my dogs stay home man and thats, that. Anyway, flew double masked, safety glasses, bathed in sanitizer and snuck the Crown Royal on board for a mid flight schnocker.

Anyway, my friends I apologize for being out of pocket for a spell and not participating in the mish mash. The latter half the year proved to be challenging in more ways than one. Plus, you can imagine uncertainty the wifes health playing out daily really pulled a stress number on the family. But, hey I'm still around and I look forward to great New Year and seeing and talking to my old friends here on the forum.

My Best,

John from Texas

PS: All the Trump signs were stolen in my hood this past election. My sign wasn't as it read "TACOS AND QUESO 2020" which I got from Torchy's Taco's as a gift for being a good customer.
Great to hear from ya John, sounds like you've had a hell of a few months mate.

That's magic news about your wife and kids.

Sorry to hear about the in-laws though.

2021 is shaping up to be another challenging year I think for everyone.

Take care.

Cheers Toddy

Terrific news about your wife and kids! Wishing you best of luck in Hawaii!:salute::


Good to hear from you and glad all is well! Enjoy Hawaii, sounds like y'all need it on many fronts! Sorry about the in-laws, but glad about the immediates - great news all around.

I know what you mean about cancellations, just cancelled a Florida trip myself due to SWest selling middle seats and flying by myself. Very disappointing.

All the best

good to hear from you...
both good news and bad news...
congrats on your girls...wife included...
and good luck on the elder family members...
Mike, Louis, TD and Toddy,

Thanks for the well wishes fellas! I really appreciate it.


There's a cold one waiting for us to drink. No, there are more than just one. I will be heading out your way regardless of TTSS for a concrete recon trip this year. Ill keep you posted.


May be back in NY this Spring...I'll keep you posted. But a DC, NJ, Philly, NY trip is on the wife's mind and the kids are stoked. She wants to rent one of those super lux RV's and do the trip. I guess I will be driving. She better pack a cooler full of Fajitas.


The Airline are acting so silly now a days. Alaska Airlines booked us on a flight, cancelled us and asked us to join another. TRANSLATION: They packed two flights into one, dogs, pee-pee pads and all. My consolation prize was Zip lock bag with a bottle of water, Belveta cookies and a wet nap. Thank god I had Crown with me.


There are rumors that the kids and the wife want to do a NZ-Australia trip. I told them fine, but there WILL BE toy soldiers and friends down under on the itinerary.

Best to you my friends,

John from Texas

PS: If you hear from me on Thursday that means I am on a road trip from Seattle to San Antonio. IF you don't...I'm sipping a My-Tai on Waikiki beach.

sorry to read about the Covid problems with your relatives but great to know your wife is recovering from cancer. I bet you're looking forward to that trip to Hawaii. I'm travelling interstate soon to see my mother in law in a nursing home, hopefully we'll be able to get back into our state after the visit.
John, great to have you back and better still to hear the good news about your wife's recovery. Congrats to the kids on their accomplishments. Good news to start the yr. :salute:: Chris
Folks that believe in conspiracy theories pulled off by the government should look to the TV interviews of the various state and local officials involved with our elections and vaccine distributions to have those concerns dispelled. What a bunch of incompetents. They couldn't plan and carry out a conspiracy if their life depended upon it. After all this time there is no real plan to distribute the vaccine at the local level? It can be developed and distributed to them but they can't manage to give the shots? Unbelievable. We are doomed if there is ever a crisis more dangerous than the current one. The bureaucracy and incompetence is astounding. And there are no repercussions for failure. No matter how profound. Approval of the vaccines was pointlessly held up for months when there was no doubt they would be approved at a time when 2-3K people were dying each day. Now they have the vaccine but can't figure out how to get it to people.
I'm scheduled to get my first Moderna vaccine shot next Tuesday morning...

I definitely meet the Phase 1B requirements...
over 65+...
have active type 2 diabetes...
was treated for bladder cancer a couple of years ago...
and am anxious to get the shot and get some protection...

from what I understand has happened to some degree...
is that the system is being abused/manipulated in Galveston County by some...

my cousin (67) got his shot yesterday...
and told me he saw a friend of his son's in there with two of his buddies getting shots...
all in the 30-35 year old range...
they chatted in the waiting room and told my cousin they had no underlying medical problems...
they applied for an appointment for the vaccine shots...and were given appointments...
my cousin didn't pursue the conversation as there were a lot of people around them...
don't know how they got their shots before anybody in Phase 1B...
as there is an enormous demand for it here according to the news every night...
but they did...

then he told me a younger buddy (61) of his that he surfs with...
called him bragging that he was on his way to get his shot today...
my cousin asked how the heck he qualified as he isn't even 65...
he replied that he lied on his application saying he had an underlying illness...
the office never checked this and he apparently got his shot...

my cousin's wife is a retired nurse...
she retired 2 years ago...
she worked in the virology department...
she is totally pissed off and wants to report them...
some older people...some sick people...
are losing their spot in line because the outlets are waiting for more vaccines that these people are taking from them...

this ain't right!
my sister is 60...
6 foot tall and in great shape...
tall and slim...
went to the gym religiously until Covid hit...
then purchased a home cardio machine to work out on til Covid passes...

she had been treated for a respiratory issue for several years...
nobody could figure it out...
after seeing several experts for second/third opinions...
they mostly concurred it was caused by some mold or maybe feathered pillows...

she had a mold extraction company come and inspect their house...
they found one small spot under the sink and did a Hazmat style removal...
threw out all the down pillows and bought foam pillows...
after several years...and a series of steroid shots...antibiotics and other medications...
still taking medicine...she has it pretty much under control...

her husband is 55...
6 4"...maybe a few pounds overweight...
but in good shape...
works out and cycles long distance...

her youngest son is 24...I think...
6'7...270 lbs...
in good shape...
lives in NY...
always been an athlete...
the one I mentioned on another thread that pitched for Middlebury College...
big healthy kid...

her oldest son is 26...I think...
6' 6"...used to be a serious power lifter...
huge chest...arms and upper body...
300 and change lbs...

one of the criteria to qualify for the Phase 1B early vaccine is obesity...
you use the BMI (body/mass/index) formula to see if you are considered obese...

all 3 of them meet the qualifications for an early vaccine...
but my sister doesn't yet...

to recap...

she's 60...dealing with a respiratory issue...
her son's are 24-26...her husband 55...
all considered obese by the criteria allowed in the BMI ratio...
they can get the vaccine early...
she has to wait...
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We filled out registration forms tonight and the application asks if you have an underlying question. My wife does but I was surprised they didn’t ask for more details. Perhaps they will. One of her doctors is going to put her on a list so hopefully she will get the vaccination sooner.
maybe you are younger than I thought...
but being 65 years old automatically qualifies you...
you don't need anymore than that...
age is enough...
no underlying illness is necessary...
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