COVID the 3rd (3 Viewers)

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Some people are taking it seriously and some not. For example, I read a story about a couple who hosted a Thanksgiving dinner of 30 people. The couple are now dead. There was also a story about a Massachusetts GOP official who attended a White House Hannukah celebration. Many, including him, were not wearing masks. He contracted it and nearly had to go on a ventilator. His family got it from him. All survived fortunately. Then we have all of those people traveling for Christmas. On one level I feel bad for these people. There is something in law called “assumption of the risk,” where you are held responsible for your own actions if you knew the risk and knowingly took the actions anyway. There are a lot of people in this category and on this level I don’t feel bad for them at all. Who I feel bad for are the health care workers who have to take care of these people.

Newly elected, 41 year old GOP Congressman just died from it.
Newly elected, 41 year old GOP Congressman just died from it.

Not that this makes a difference, he still died, but apparently he had a heart attack (cardiac arrest) and a pre existing (maybe unknown the full story is not out there yet) heart condition that was triggered or aggravated by COVID19. Sad tragedy nonetheless, but it is crazy when you think about it, here is a 41 year old guy (pre existing or not, it was not apparent) who dies 10 days later and you have Chuck Grassley at age 87 who tests positive, confirmed positive and never had any symptoms. Just nuts.
Dawn Wells apparently died from COVID complications. She always came across as a very nice person. Hate to admit it but I watched a ton of Gilligan's Island episodes growing up. Not a show that aged well but an iconic part of TV history. Loved those sitcom laugh tracks.
Dawn Wells apparently died from COVID complications. She always came across as a very nice person. Hate to admit it but I watched a ton of Gilligan's Island episodes growing up. Not a show that aged well but an iconic part of TV history. Loved those sitcom laugh tracks.

pretty slapstick humor...
but I watched it too...
had a crush on both girls...^&grin
Newly elected, 41 year old GOP Congressman just died from it.

I note a heart attack was involved. Under the CDC guidelines it counts as Covid. My view is he more likely died with it than from it. Just like the two people in Colorado where bullets were involved and Coroner said because they had Covid cause of death had to be written up as Covid and not the murder suicide that really caused it.

Extract from post I made two days ago and comments are from a MN Dr :

“I have other examples where COVID isn’t the underlying cause of death, where we havea fall. Another example is we have afreshwater drowning. We have dementia. We have a stroke and multiorgan failure,” Franson said in the video.

Jensen pointed out that he gained attention back in April when he criticized the Minnesota Department of Health for following federal guides on recording coronavirus deaths.

“I sort of got myself in hot water way back in April when I made the comment that I was, as a physician, being encouraged to do death certificates differently with COVID-19 than with other disease entities,” Jensen said.
She added that in one case, a person who was ejected from a car was “counted as a COVID death” because the virus was in his system.

“For 17 years, the CDC document that guides us as physicians to do death certificates has stood, but this year, we were told, through the Department of Health and the CDC, that the rules were changing if COVID-19 was involved.”

“If it’s COVID-19, we’re told now it doesn’t matter if it was actually the diagnosis that caused death. If someone had it, they died of it,” he said.

The causes of death IMHO are distorted by the counting method. Obviously in the cases of older people, who I recall on average have at least 2 comorbidities, it is more likely to be a contributing factor. However I suspect if somebody looked at under 60's you would find plenty of examples as mentioned above where clearly it was not related to the death

We have been very fortunate in my Australian state with few cases and only 6 cases who were mainly from cruise ships and elderly. Then a few months after the main cases a death of a 32 year old miner in a small town was claimed to be Covid. The town was inland and quite far from any previous known cases. This caused a bit of a panic and affected the funeral arrangements. However the first stories mentioned he had been off work for about 6 months and nobody including the press seemed to think this was important. The case was subsequently said to be a false diagnosis. It took Health Dept 2 days to tell the family and friends there was nothing to worry about regarding Covid. I am not even sure if they did finally tell us what he died from.
Dawn Wells apparently died from COVID complications. She always came across as a very nice person. Hate to admit it but I watched a ton of Gilligan's Island episodes growing up. Not a show that aged well but an iconic part of TV history. Loved those sitcom laugh tracks.

Well that sucks.

Man do I hate 2020 with the fire of 10,000 suns.
Dawn Wells apparently died from COVID complications. She always came across as a very nice person. Hate to admit it but I watched a ton of Gilligan's Island episodes growing up. Not a show that aged well but an iconic part of TV history. Loved those sitcom laugh tracks.

Time is not always kind to stars of shows that we watched as kids. In our minds we think they will look the same and be alive forever but they are not. Perhaps that’s a reflection on us.

RIP Mary Anne.
The virus does what it wants to do.

The whole thing hit close to me in this past week. An ex girlfriend who is a paramedic in LA contracted COVID and so did my uncle who lives in San Francisco. Both have mild to semi severe symptoms.

My paramedic ex got it for obvious reasons, my uncle basically isolated himself since March due to pre-existing conditions.

2 absolute ends of the exposure spectrum and they both got the virus.
The virus does what it wants to do.

The whole thing hit close to me in this past week. An ex girlfriend who is a paramedic in LA contracted COVID and so did my uncle who lives in San Francisco. Both have mild to semi severe symptoms.

My paramedic ex got it for obvious reasons, my uncle basically isolated himself since March due to pre-existing conditions.

2 absolute ends of the exposure spectrum and they both got the virus.

Jason, best wishes to both for a full recovery but that is exactly what is so nuts about this virus, much in the same vein about the 41 year old who has a heart attack with COVID and the 87 year old who has zero symptoms.

Just nuts
Approximately 3,700 deaths yesterday in the US. The deadliest day in US history except for the Galveston hurricane. Surpassing the single day totals for DDay, 9/11, Antietam, Gettysburg etc. Amazing. And no end in sight.
The virus does what it wants to do.

The whole thing hit close to me in this past week. An ex girlfriend who is a paramedic in LA contracted COVID and so did my uncle who lives in San Francisco. Both have mild to semi severe symptoms.

My paramedic ex got it for obvious reasons, my uncle basically isolated himself since March due to pre-existing conditions.

2 absolute ends of the exposure spectrum and they both got the virus.

I'm very sorry to hear your uncle and ex have contracted the virus. I pray their symptoms subside quickly and that they both fully recover.
Be well,
This video explains how Covid19 kills people. Although there may be other longer term health complications from contracting the virus, the Doctor explains that most people die from ARDS (Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome), similar to but not the same as Pneumonia which can also be a factor.

The video also explains why Covid19 can affect some people more than others. To find these factors skip to about 18 minutes into the video (you will also avoid a lot of the earlier technical stuff).

Approximately 3,700 deaths yesterday in the US. The deadliest day in US history except for the Galveston hurricane. Surpassing the single day totals for DDay, 9/11, Antietam, Gettysburg etc. Amazing. And no end in sight.

More depressing is that the current administration said that by the end of December (today) 20 million people would be vaccinated and the current number is ONLY 2.7 million!
The states don’t have the funding or resources to distribute efficiently.
i have said from the beginning that A piecemeal approach (state by state, city by city) will not work with this aggressive, fast spreading virus. I know hindsight is 20/20 but I believe our government screwed up and consequently too many died or were sickened needlessly.
The following explains how Covid-19 deaths are recorded and who is more vulnerable:

Link to Australian Bureau of Statistics listing Covid 19 Deaths up to August 31 2020.
Note: Males are more vulnerable to Covid19 due to Low Oestrogen/Estrogen levels. More Female deaths after 80 years because Females usually live longer than Males.

Note: Page 7 - 'Not Covid-19 Death' where death caused by another Disease or an Accident.
Another educational video from Doctor Mike Hansen who works in Intensive Care. Some good safety tips:

Top Ten Things I Learned treating Covid19 patients.

The virus does what it wants to do.

The whole thing hit close to me in this past week. An ex girlfriend who is a paramedic in LA contracted COVID and so did my uncle who lives in San Francisco. Both have mild to semi severe symptoms.

My paramedic ex got it for obvious reasons, my uncle basically isolated himself since March due to pre-existing conditions.

2 absolute ends of the exposure spectrum and they both got the virus.

Good luck to both Jason.
Good luck to both Jason.

I'm very sorry to hear your uncle and ex have contracted the virus. I pray their symptoms subside quickly and that they both fully recover.
Be well,


Best of luck to your loved ones from me too.


Brad, Joe & Louis:

Thank you, they are doing better.

I was very concerned about my uncle as he is older and has some lingering side effects from being exposed to agent orange when he served in Vietnam. But, again he has improved.

As has my paramedic ex. Although despite being on full paid leave until she recovers, she can’t wait to get back out on the front lines. First responders are simply cut from a different cloth.

Brad, Joe & Louis:

Thank you, they are doing better.

I was very concerned about my uncle as he is older and has some lingering side effects from being exposed to agent orange when he served in Vietnam. But, again he has improved.

As has my paramedic ex. Although despite being on full paid leave until she recovers, she can’t wait to get back out on the front lines. First responders are simply cut from a different cloth.


Great news Jason! 2021 is better already!
Thank you for the update.

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