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  1. samuel08

    Favorite album/CD

    Now don't get me wrong they each have a couple of good songs, but other than that, they are in my opinion just plain annoying. Like you said "too poppy" and I too can't see what all the fuss is about. I know that I may not be old enough to really appreciate their music, but I do enjoy...
  2. samuel08

    Favorite album/CD

    I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one that feels this way about the Beatles & Stones...etc. I'm with you on the 80's alternative, good stuff there. Beth
  3. samuel08

    Favorite album/CD

    Well Harry, you sure have one heck of a list there and most of them are good albums. I like a wide variety of music so it's hard to pick a favorite. We have such a wide assortment of music in our collection of about 350 cd's, anything from country to rock 'n' roll to jazz and some classical...
  4. samuel08

    Which batch of Civil War releases is your favorite?

    I have to agree with most of you, I like the confederates best! Beth
  5. samuel08

    Intresting ancestors involved in history

    Well, I don't have a story to tell like you did, but I can tell you that I have 2 ancestors that signed the Declaration of Independence and that Robert E. Lee is my 7th cousin. I've always thought that was pretty interesting. My son thinks it really cool about Robert E. Lee because he's really...
  6. samuel08

    Treefrog Forum Reaches 1000 Members!

    Jeff, I'm debating on which to start collecting now. I was thinking about the K&C Revolutionary or the Crusades. I haven't decided yet, but right now we have some K&C WWII and K&C Civil War. Beth
  7. samuel08

    Treefrog Forum Reaches 1000 Members!

    Hello everyone, A t-shirt sounds like a good idea to me. Beth
  8. samuel08

    Thanks for the welcome! The glossies are nice, but I think I will stick with what I have for...

    Thanks for the welcome! The glossies are nice, but I think I will stick with what I have for now. I am thinking about collecting the Revolutionary or the Crusades, but I'm not sure yet. It's a hard decision.
  9. samuel08

    Treefrog Forum Reaches 1000 Members!

    Thanks everyone for the warm welcome to the forum, but I do hate to burst your bubble, I'm not a guy :). I am one of the only females on this site I believe except for Shannon. I have gotten a kick out of reading all of your posts over the last year almost and decided it was time to join...