Search results

  1. Digger

    Mad enough to SPIT!!!

    I have been checking with other suppliers and one thing became apparently clear. A lot depends on how the item is packaged whether or not it survives a trip across the country. The dealers I checked today all use form fitted foam that encases the model tightly just like the soldiers we get...
  2. Digger

    Mad enough to SPIT!!!

    I had a bad experience, well 2 bad experiences, in the past month with products from a company called ScaleCraft. They advertize museum quality mahogany aircraft and they usually run in the $150-$200++ range. Within the last month I ordered 2 of their aircraft (on seperate ocassions), an A-37B...
  3. Digger

    What is your favorite BBA set?

    My vote had to go to "Jes' make sure he's dead!"!! Being a gravedigger by trade, I get all excited when I see dead people!!!:eek:
  4. Digger

    Christmas Lists

    Well, I may be making the big switch this winter. After years of collecting Britains ACW figures I made out my Xmas list and when I looked at it... the whole list contained K&C WWII !!! Oh no, this may be trouble. Where do I start?:) From the looks of my list, I pretty much stuck with the...
  5. Digger

    WWII vehicle images

    Thanks for the help. I managed to find what I was looking for on my own.
  6. Digger

    WWII vehicle images

    I have been contracted to do some WWII aircraft Pen & Inks. Some of my plans are to depict aircraft sitting on the flightline being serviced by the various equipment that would have been used (loaders, fuel trucks, etc.). So far I have had trouble finding good clear images of such...
  7. Digger

    Who Cares About 1/30 Scale?

    Wow, that's great news. I was always a Britains fan from the beginning. I'll have to check them out again! Hopefully they will have more GI figures to choose from than K&C. What does K&C have against American GI's anyway?:)
  8. Digger

    Who Cares About 1/30 Scale?

    I have collected strictly 54mm ACW figures for the last 3 years. In that time I have added many Britains, Conte, and Forward March sets to my collection. But, I have come to the stage in my collecting that I must STOP and move on to something new. A big burn-out you might say. I have always...
  9. Digger

    What new ACW figures would you like?

    Something completely new! How about a naval set? Maybe the battle scarred deck of an ironclad complete with crew members after a battle resting and tending to wounded.
  10. Digger

    Would you be a collector today if ....

    No glossy here. Matte + realism is what got me interested in these 54mm figures. If I hadn't dicovered Britain's, I'd be a little richer but I wouldn't have a collection either. Thanks Wm Britain.
  11. Digger

    A Patriotic Red Skelton

    Check out this Live broadcast of a long ago red Skelton segment. A good patriotic message that makes you feel good and makes you think. Thanks Mr. Skelton!!
  12. Digger

    Britains 2006 catalog

    Except for a few of the later "heated" posts, I think this was a rather good interesting and innocent debate. I think it would be wrong to delete the content. This just goes to show that collectors are very passionate and devoted to their collections and how strong the hobby is. A...
  13. Digger

    Britains 2006 catalog

    Like I said, I will gladly join you when K&C reduces to 54mm and then only if they start making ACW figures. It wouldn't make any sense to now start buying 60mm after thousands of dollars spent and hundreds of 54mm CW figures. What is this talk of a WWII anyway?? This is Feb. 2, 1864 to be...
  14. Digger

    Britains 2006 catalog

    Wellington. Pistols at 20 paces, tomorrow at dawn!!:D
  15. Digger

    Britains 2006 catalog

    Geesh you K&C people, come down off the pedistal already! From your original post, it is obvious that you truly feel that Britains should just abandon their loyal collectors and go chase after K&C fanatics? What you must understand is that there other fanatics other than just the K&C followers...
  16. Digger

    MTSC question

    Just showing some frustration. I had a paragraph at first but edited it to simply :( :confused: :mad: I hate backorders, I hate long waits!! I wish stores would list if an item(s) are on backorder on their websites. Sure would save a lot of waiting and delay to my diorama's progress...
  17. Digger

    MTSC question

    :( :confused: :mad:
  18. Digger

    How much does investing guide your purchasing decisions?

    For fun and nothing else. This is why I buy Britains and not K&C. They look good in a diorama and I don't have to remortgage the house to get them. I have been bitten way too many times by the 'ol unstable collectibles market. When I was into lighthouses I too would buy only the best...
  19. Digger

    What Do You Collect?

    So far I collect only ACW figures from Britains, Conte and Forward March. I hope I can stay with them for I fear a switch to K&C would be too expensive of an adventure for me.
  20. Digger

    MTSC question

    Received the confirmation it had been filtered to my bulk folder (added to my favorites so that won't happen again). All's well. Can't wait to see the products, they will be great for my ACW dioramas. Thanks everyone for the quick replies and Thanks Rick.