Britains 2006 catalog (2 Viewers)

Jazzeum, you're too funny. I have no problem with your's and others on this board's enthusiasm for K&C. I have no problem with K&C being 60mm. I don't really care what the hell anybody collects. When I first discovered this board I was happy to see so many posts about toy soldiers. But when I read through the K&C posts, I found a lot of the posts were filled with bashing of other companies products and what other people collect. I thought it was strange.
Britains collectors were excited about seeing pictures from the new catalogue.When the post was put up, right away a K&C collector had to chime in that it all sucked because it didn't match K&C. That's crazy. You guys started the whole theme that if it's not K&C it's crap. I'll collect anything if I like the way it looks , traditional or Matte style. I was even thinking of getting some K&C Napoleonics but you guys on this board have totally turned me off to K&C.
If you look on our board you will see we have had open discussions about all companies........mostly K&C....and we have always discussed what we like what we dislike and what we as individuals would think would be better in our eyes.....that is what a forum is would be mighty boring if we all sat here said we liked everything and agreed, this board is open to anyones views.Nobody said Britains sucks, if you choose to read into things or not buy K&C thats your choice as for me I will continue to purchase quality products whether it be Britains K&C or whatever. Brad has done nothing different here than anyone else has. Obviously, my speach didn't work and if it continues I really hope someone takes all the content out of this thread except for the 2006 catelog which is excellent I might add (Thankyou Shannon). If we continue to fight like this nobody will even bother coming onto the forum who needs the agravation. I have asked Shannon to take my reply off the thread which has caused so many problems...I hope she does so it can set many at ease......:)


Don't forget boys these are all toys!!!! I've only been collecting for the past year and during the year I have had to endure death and sickness in my family as we all have.... I have found that during these low points in my life how fast I loose interrest in any hobby. I love collecting figures but I think we need to be reminded that there are far more important things than arguing over toys.
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In looking back at this whole thread what I see is a lot of people enthusiastic about the new catalgoue (and, as an aside, I can't wait myself to see their whole WW II offerings) and one person, Wellington, who just wished that their stuff could fit in with his K & C Napoleonics. Nonetheless, he thought that what he saw was very nice. BTW, Digger has the same concern about mixing 54 and 60, just from a reverse point of view. Richard Walker handled it quite nicely I thought. I also think it's fairly obvious that none of us believe that if it's not K & C its crap. I think what people want is quality and whoever gives that, we'll buy it. If it doesn't measure up, we're not afraid to say so. I'm sorry if you don't give K & C Napoleonics a chance but I think you're overstating what K & C collectors think about other companies' products.
Except for a few of the later "heated" posts, I think this was a rather good interesting and innocent debate. I think it would be wrong to delete the content. This just goes to show that collectors are very passionate and devoted to their collections and how strong the hobby is. A manufacturer of any limited edition collectible would be in trouble if their collectors didn't feel this way about their product. If anyone thought my posts were implying any bad remarks towards another collector or manufacturer's quality then you misunderstood me. You will find that I like and welcome a little bit of skirmishing with the "arch-rival" team, but all meant in good fun and hopefully taste (thus all the smilies in my posts) and I hope everyone takes it that way. It's simply a size and time period that probably keeps me from buying K&C. I just figure it wouldn't be historically correct to have Field Marshall Rommel leading the 4th Alabama in a bayonet charge or a winter camo German Tiger rumbling through my Gettysburg diorama, no matter what flag it's flying!:eek:

I like that there are a few manufacturers that supply 54mm ACW figures. Though I mainly collect Britains, I have several Conte and Forward March as well. Why? Because I go after what fits into my diorama. A good example is that we all know that battles produce casualties and most companies even though they do have wounded casualties, don't have figures showing actual fatalities. I like realism, so I plan to include a few "dead" soldiers in my battle dioramas. Britains didn't have any but Conte did, problem solved. I want to put together a camp scene. Conte doesn't have any, Britains has produced 2 different. Then along comes Forward March with the gory hospital set, oh God, I have to have that!! For me, it's all boils down to being as accurate as possible and the added benefit of being able to choose and mix from several different companies to achieve the CW display I desire.

If Britains wants to expand their market and also make 60mm then that's great as long as they continue to make 54mm for us "ol people.

Ok Wellington. I'll admit that I'm a blind "Ol fart, so let's make it Bazookas at 10 paces!!
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wellington said:
thats silly on Britains part...don't you think.......;) If they thought about it they could have captured all the K&C collectors at the same time...I think K&C size is the wave of the can they compete with quality if they remain the same size...I thought the whole reason for changing Britains was to improve quality??? I'm not saying they aren't nice but isn't it hard to compete with K&C if they are painting on a much smaller scale.....Sorry for the attitude just disappointed, I wanted to collect Britains Napoleonics if they do them but won't be now if I can't mix them with my K&C!!!!!
I can't really edit Wellington's post without making the responses make no sense, but I think I can sum up Wellington's thoughts on the subject. As my mother always used to say, "I know you think you understand what you thought I said, but I'm not sure you
realize that what you heard is not what I meant!"

As far as the forum being skewed toward King & Country I think I need to remind people that at this forum's inception the people who joined first were mostly K&C collectors, so naturally they were lauding K&C's praises. It was a long time before Britains collectors got on board (Dave Namiot excepted).
Now we have a lot more collectors on board who collect a wide variety of figures and lines and the forum is much more balanced. Let's not make this a K&C collector vs. nonK&C collector forum--I enjoy a lively debate but not arguing and fighting.
To sum up:
Wellington LIKED what he saw in the new Britains catalog, he was disappointed they did not fit with his current collection.
Jazzeum thinks K&C is the top of the line in his opinion so he primarily collects K&C BUT he also collects other lines as well including 54mm.
Yes, there are plenty of companies and types of soldiers to choose from and somebody somewhere loves each one the best. Britains have a long history, beginning in 1893 and of course there is a great interest in old Britains. It would be great if people discussed old Britains more on the forum It would be very interesting.
Now, with all that in mind, basta! Enough! Let's get back to talking soldiers in a way that is mindful and respectful of many opinions and have fun with it.
Toy soldiers=fun
Arguing and fighting about which are best on toy soldier forum=not fun:)
I collect Britains and K & C amongst other makers. Britains and K & C are different enough not to conflict and therefore it's pointless to argue - comes down to personal opinion in the end - like most choices.

I get around the size issue by displaying them on different shelves - it's that simple guys :)
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Just for the record folks - W. Britain is not offended - we love to read the spirited discussion - appreciate the different view points and ideas. Also like that some W. Britain folks are coming in with great ideas and responses. Keeps this hobby vibrant.

So, to Shannon's point - lets talk soldiers - what about these new figures? Starting in April you'll see the new sets start to come out- and in person they are very nice pieces with subtle shading and highlighting and even very light drybrushing of dust and wear on the leather equipment. Some painting differences that many would miss but I suspect the folks on this forum would appreciate. They will be available in limited quanitities initially - 300-500 sets in the US - if they do well we will produce more - again, very limited re-runs but want to walk the fine line between keeping them collectible and not disappointing too many folks.

Some folks have voiced concern over what is not in the catalog - rest assured there is a lot more to come - in the 90 days since we bought the company we have cranked through a lot - but in the next 90-100 days you'll see new WWII, American Revolution and Napoleonic announced - for release later in 2006 ,as well as a couple surprises. And hey - there's still time for a few good sets in late 2006 if anyone has any amazing ideas - as always keep' em coming.


WBritain said:
Just for the record folks - W. Britain is not offended - we love to read the spirited discussion - appreciate the different view points and ideas. Also like that some W. Britain folks are coming in with great ideas and responses. Keeps this hobby vibrant.

So, to Shannon's point - lets talk soldiers - what about these new figures? Starting in April you'll see the new sets start to come out- and in person they are very nice pieces with subtle shading and highlighting and even very light drybrushing of dust and wear on the leather equipment. Some painting differences that many would miss but I suspect the folks on this forum would appreciate. They will be available in limited quanitities initially - 300-500 sets in the US - if they do well we will produce more - again, very limited re-runs but want to walk the fine line between keeping them collectible and not disappointing too many folks.

Some folks have voiced concern over what is not in the catalog - rest assured there is a lot more to come - in the 90 days since we bought the company we have cranked through a lot - but in the next 90-100 days you'll see new WWII, American Revolution and Napoleonic announced - for release later in 2006 ,as well as a couple surprises. And hey - there's still time for a few good sets in late 2006 if anyone has any amazing ideas - as always keep' em coming.



Richard, great to hear from you again. I very much look forward to your new WWII production. I wish the best success with your plans at Britains.

Will you be at the Westcoaster in Irvine, CA in March 2006? If so, when, and will you have an open room for us to come visit you at the hotel?


I'm wondering if you could give us a sneak preview of your World War II sets. I'm particularly wondering if you have any 8th Army sets planned, something that might go well with the forthcoming Figarti Honey.
This thread has been a very interesting read. First off, thanks to Shannon for posting the catalog pages. Believe me, there has been much anticipation regarding the upcoming Britains line.

A thought came to me as I read this thread and a few others: I think part of the K&C/size debate has to do with what time period(s) people collect. I primarily collect American Civil War (ACW), and I've noticed that other ACW collectors really don't see the larger size figures as something desirable. This is largely due to the fact that there are so many extensive ranges available in 54mm. Britains, Frontline, Forward March, Conte, and Troiani are 54mm, as are the upcoming ONWTC line. To me (and I venture to guess, other ACW collectors), 54mm is the standard.

This is not to say that there is anything wrong with 60mm. For the record, I do have some K&C Rev War figures -- on a different shelf than my Britains and Conte Rev War (as OzDigger suggests). I just think that it is a hard sell to convince ACW collectors with a large selection of 54 mm figures available that a new size -- not currently manufactured by anyone -- is the wave of the future.

I don't mean to add more fuel to the fire. I just want to point out that what might be true for one segment of the hobby may not hold for another segment.

With that said, I like what I see of the Shenandoah series. When will these be available?

Hi Guys,

I do love it when I am distracted by my collection or a question on another line and things go wild. I almost feel like I missed out when I read some of the posts from the past few days. You guys are sure a wild bunch! :D

Anyway, I have a question, are any of you folks Britains Collectors Club members? I was wondering any of you had received your club figure for the year? What do you think of it?

Hope you all have a great evening

As I said earlier it's pointless trying to convince another collector to change their theme or scale as every collector has a different viewpoint.

For example I have an extensive collection of diecast military vehicles in a variety of scales, but mainly WWII based. I recall many years ago when I started collecting I asked a guy why he'd bother to collect buses, his response was "because I like them" (of course he'd recently moved to Australia from England so that may explain a lot :) ).

Anyway, at the time silly me thought that everyone collected military and it took me a few years to realise 'military' diecast collectors are very much in the minority.

Shannon, Btw I've noticed the edit button on this forum expires rather quickly, on other forums that I'm on the edit button doesn't expire, so if someone subsequently thinks they have got carried away and said the wrong thing they can change their post(s) - in hindsight everyone has 20/20 vision :)
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Not to prolong this discussion from what it was supposed to be and get myself clubbed by mom (Shannon):) but I think it was probably, in the end, "much ado about nothing" and that we have a laissez faire attitude here, live and let live.
Britains will be at the Westcoaster with a room preview on the Saturday. I hope to have a few WWII there to show and some other interesting figrues.

As far as 8th Army goes - nothing planned yet - but North Africa and Italy are both on the list. So many soldiers, so little time!!!!!

To Dave's question about the club figure - none sent yet - will have a choice of two this year - matte ACW Conferderate officer and gloss British Light Infantry 1795 - once we have a count of what people want they will be made in June and shipped out in August.

W BRITAIN........Just wondering what scale your napoleonics will be in when you start producing them???

The first ones will be in the bulky 54mm (56-58mm) that go with the earlier Napoleonics done by Ken Osen in 1998/1999.
:( Hello Again! I was hoping to see W.Britains go to a 60mm size Scale; instead of going backwards? Now, I hope I don't get Dissapointed anymore? I'm getting too Old for this Playing Head Games! Richard , Please go in the right direction, which is the 60MM Range ONLY! May the Force be with you, and Not against you!
Can anyone please tell me where i can get a Britains 2006 catalogue here in the UK.Thanks

This is a guess but I suspect you may be able to get one from the good people over at The Guards Toy Soldier Centre. Here is the information I have for them:


The Guards Museum
Wellington Barracks
Birdcage Walk
London SW1E 6HQ

020 7976 0850
01897 33690

hours are 10am 4 pm Saturday to Thursday Closed on Fridays

Web address:


This information is about a year old but it will probably be good since the shop has been there for a while. You can also contact the Britains Collectors Club

They are in Wokingham, Berkshire tel:0044 (0) 1189 737080

This is the latest phone number they published for the UK club in January of 06. I hope this information is helpful.

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