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  1. S

    Leicht Artistry Price list-painting services

    Hey All, I would like to thank you all for your support but I am currently not taking any additional work at this time. I appreciate all the support many of you on this forum have showed me and if things chang I will let you all know. Thanks again Susan
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    Leicht Artistry Price list-painting services

    Hey All, I just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Holidays and to remind anyone if they need work done that I work right up to xmas and just about everyday until then. So if you need anything done, just let me know. Sue
  3. S

    HI everyone, I would like to introduce myself!

    thanks for all the compliments guys, I appreciate it. Showman, I am glad you liked them. Just for anyone's info, my kids are back to college and I have plenty of time for painting if anyone needs anything done. Sue
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    Leicht Artistry Price list-painting services

    Just posted some additional work I just did in the "painting" section, here is the link if you want to look
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    Major Restorations!!

    Here is the horse Before And After This is the remainder of the guys
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    Major Restorations!!

    Hi, I thought I would show you all the job I just did for Mckenna77. The figures are the old Elastolins which were made with saw dust and glue. They arrived here broken and with big chunks of the horses leg, the men's arm/feet etc missing. And the paint was a mess. I am very proud of how they...
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    Navy Color Guard set

    If you want more info about the Quartermaster Corp ones, you can email Carl at I paint for him so if you want anything different, ie different style, let him know and he will forward the info to me.
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    Spamed or not?"

    I don't want to be left out, I got one too, though I did respond back to his message. Hopefully nothing will go wrong with the computer. Since I am in business I didn't want to diss anyone!!! Sue
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    Navy Color Guard set

    Martin Ritchie made one about 15-18 years ago, not sure if he is even still around. I was one of his painters at the time and I actually have one. Also Quartermaster Corp makes one. If you are interested let me know, I am the painter for those also. Sue
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    HI everyone, I would like to introduce myself!

    I just finished this for one of the poster here, that you might like to see Another view
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    Leicht Artistry Price list-painting services

    Here is an example of my work. The pictures came out a little digitally, but you should get the idea. Another view
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    HI everyone, I would like to introduce myself!

    Hey All, I have been getting a lot of inquiries for my prices, Shannon was kind enough to start a new section here on the boards called "Services". My pricelist is now posted there. Still feel free to contact me with any questions. Thanks Susan
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    Leicht Artistry Price list-painting services

    Hi All I have been getting a lot of inquiries about my prices, etc. First thanks to all of you who have asked and I thought I would make it easier for everyone so here is my pricelist, though if you have a specific question please feel free to contact me. Custom Miniature Painting Service...
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    HI everyone, I would like to introduce myself!

    Thanks so much for the compliments, and so you don't worry I have been doing this for 18 years and I doubt I will ever get tired of it. Sue
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    HI everyone, I would like to introduce myself!

    Thanks Dave, Please do keep me in mind. Sue
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    HI everyone, I would like to introduce myself!

    Thanks for the compliments guys. And to those who posted pictures I appreciate it! I am sorry I have gotten on here more often but I will try to correct that. Sue
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    HI everyone, I would like to introduce myself!

    Hey all, Just want to say thank you for all the warm welcomes. It is really appreciated and heart warming... Sue
  18. S

    HI everyone, I would like to introduce myself!

    Hello Everyone, My name is Susan Leicht, and I am a miniatures painter. My company is Leicht Artistry and I have been painting for 18 years. I specialize in toy soldiers, fantasy and train figures. My painting styles include: Gloss, toy soldier, no shading Matte, toy...