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  1. O

    Critics Corner

    I have the Tunasian Tiger and the earlier Wittmann tank, your wrong the Tunasian Tiger scale is PREFECT, larger and correct for the figures. Just had to chime in.
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    Are you a King & Country purist?

    I let K&C pieces as my core collection, other manufacturers I only add if they add to sets. Like Collectors Showcase 88 gun, I added those as I just couldn't find the K&C 88 around. I am tempted to buy an HB Tiger but its very expenive. K&C is the premiere!
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    Tigers gallery

    The Tiger model of HB is excellent, but I still must say that Andy's new DAK Tiger is really quite a bit of rolling steel for the buck. I bought one from Matt and I added a few customizable touches. But I NEEED a European version, and right now its lookin like Im gonna haveto pony up for one of...
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    Collectors Showcase eBay sales of DAK & ACW

    Hmm and you seem to pop up quite a bit too, lets pop up togethor and have tea sometime:D
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    Collectors Showcase eBay sales of DAK & ACW

    Your concern is very heartfelt, but I think a 99% approval rating on EBAY for the company speaks volumes. While your deep concern is very endearing maybe we've all had enough.
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    Collectors Showcase eBay sales of DAK & ACW

    The items on EBAY are their first release I believe and took a half a year to arrive on EBAY, I bought in September of 07 my 88 guns for full price,
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    Collectors Showcase eBay sales of DAK & ACW

    I too looked up their EBAY rating: 99% satisfaction, so it seems they are doing something right with their customers. I like the fact that I can now add pieces ( DAK ) without paying what were pretty high prices. So there is quite a bit of value there. Fun thread, never a dull moment on Treefrog.
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    Collectors Showcase eBay sales of DAK & ACW

    Panzer 441 posted this message yesterday ( look up his posts ): "I would like to sell my Russian Front Figarti Tiger I Tanks. Each tank is $210." Thats right $210, didn't those tanks retail for $295.00? And your giving these guys a hard time for selling items, you are unbelievable my...
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    Collectors Showcase eBay sales of DAK & ACW

    Re: Ooops I did take a second look on EBAY and while your numbers are low Panzer411 there do seem to be some pretty good deals ongoing on some sweet Showcase sets. Hmm...I do think I'll place a bid ! :D
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    Collectors Showcase eBay sales of DAK & ACW

    Re: PANZER441 need a math course? Nice dream prices on EBAY bub, I guess you'll be shopping for showcase goodies in another dimension, I checked your numbers WRONG! I added their shipping and handling, which admittadly is high and you are off by a mile, Oh by the way what is your point with...
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    Civil War Calvary

    Re: Dumping ya Panzer441, the Showcase is dumping, They're " dumped " 88 sold for 225.00 this last Sunday, I think it goes for 100.00 and change. I know cause I bid on it, I have two but thought I could nab one on auction, this is my 3rd weekend tryin. I saw one go for 190.00 once, I thought...
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    Civil War Calvary

    Ya the guys on foot while good are really basic. I have most of the cavalry its really good, the artillery sets are great. Try either Collectors Showcase themselves: or Matt Murphy at The Hobby Bunker ( I buy from him ). The company just came out with some qouves to...
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    Larger CS Figure's are MUCH more......

    I met Brian at Chicago. He does alot of the sculpting in the computer then outputs them. Past releases were so so, Africa Corp was pretty good ( I have two 88's ), but I must say the Arnhem release coming out in Feb/March looked spectacular really. I was a big fan after I saw those pieces.:D
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    An Early Christmas Present from K&C

    Excellent work and a great presentation in regards to stand and decaling. I just wish I could afford one, guess I'll stick to metal figures for now, alas life is so tough!:-)
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    How Big Is Your AK Collection ?

    Afrika Korp is a fantastic area to collect. I've nabbed most of the KC stuff as of late and added the Collectors Showcase armor and 88mm gun. I find the K&C figures to be superior in this range, but the armor to be lacking ( only realized this after buying the CS MKI ). I guess hand sculpting...
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    Does KC complement CS?

    I am affiliated, by ownership! I have all of the DAK ( two of the 88's ) so when someone says that " they are the worst figures in the industry " it really makes me feel pretty lousy, especially if you folks haven't seen my collection of CS. I've collected K&C for about 1.5 years. I met Brian at...
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    Does KC complement CS?

    I certainly think calling another manufacturers products " the worst in the world " is not worth an infraction even if I don't agree with it: can't we all get along!:-) Cheers! Happy Holidays!
  18. O

    Does KC complement CS?

    I pre-ordered the entire Collectors Showcase Arnhem series due out in February, these are the worst figures on the market? Next to K&C I'd say they were some of the best my friend. I saw them in Chicago, awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love this stuff!:-)
  19. O

    Does KC complement CS?

    My sentiments exactly, but she has her opinions I have mine. I like both my Collectors Showcase and King and Country equally really.